I Always Carry A Map So These Bitches Know Exactly Where They Got Me Fucked Up

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"Guys! Look!" Trish seemed to be even more excited than (Y/N), pulling the girl behind her with a bright grin. "Her eye is working now!"

"Heyy! Not bad at all, wingwoman!" Mista admired, leaning forward to look over the features. "A nine out of ten!"

She rolled her eyes, already knowing where this was going. "And why a nine?"

"Because I'm the one you need." He winked, only to be interrupted as Trish snatched her water away and wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s body. "Heyy! That was good though, right? That was good!"

"A nine out of ten!" (Y/N) called as she was dragged away, giving him a thumbs up as he chuckled. "Narcy, lookie! Now you won't be the only one that can't wink!"

"I thought you were good at winking?" He tilted his head. He's adorable, but... but he's so dumb sometimes...

"Narancia..." Trish wasn't sure if he was joking.


"Her other eye was covered."


"I... Narcy, I was blinking the whole time." She explained, unsure whether to laugh or be worried. "I can't wink, man."

"Ohhhhhh" He gasped. "I like you better with two eyes then."

"...Thanks?" She gave him a lopsided grin, dragged off to the next victims. "Bruno! Abba! Guess what?"

"Oh? Is your eye feeling better?" Brunos smiled at her, he's seen her with her eye before. Only once. In the television report before she had it gouged. A missing piece of her face was revealed, it really did change her entire expression. "You look gorgeous."

"Mhmm, but more importantly, remember what you told me?"

"Erm... when...?"

"That I couldn't regrow an eye, well! I hath proved thou wrong!" She grinned triumphantly. "It took a heckin long time! But I have both my eyes back!"

"You're acting like a child. Besides, wasn't the brat the one that fixed it for you?" What a way to talk about your new boss, Abbacchio.

"Shush... details don't maaaterrrr." She pressed a finger over his mouth, Trish nodding along with her antics. "Not in this case, and as a punishment, I ask that you buy me McDonalds."



"(Y/N), Mr. Polnareff is calling for you." Narancia gestured to the turtle, who probably finished using her phone and couldn't shut it. "He says he's done with the phone."

"Mhmm. Okay." She was correct. But what she didn't know is that Polnareff caught his old friend up on recent events, and he was worried. Jotaro knew that what his old nemesis wanted more than anything, was power, so how was his son going to handle this? For the sake of babysitting, he asked Polnareff to keep an eye on the group and study them and their focuses. He had already gained their trust after all, so Polnareff would stay among them until it was the time to meet. "Had a nice talk, Mr. Polnareff?"

"Yes, indeed. I explained my situation, so he will come when he is free on his own time. For now, is it alright if I stay with all of you?" He waved a light blue hand, giving the young girl a cheesy smile.

"I mean, you should probably ask the boss, but I'm pretty sure everyone will say yes, you're a part of the group, and you were really helpful in defeating the boss, so we owe you one." (Y/N) grinned, snapping her phone shut and glancing at the little screen. La Squadra texted her back. "Narcy, can you take the turtle to Giorno? I have to answer a call."

"Kay." He picked up the turtle, marching off with their ghost friend

"Guys..." She mumbled, standing in the corner of the station. They picked up strangely fast, all clamoring to speak through the phone. She didn't wait for them to quiet down. "The boss is dead. I blew him up with the bomb you gave me, and I know you're probably still mad, but... I don't want you guys to be the leaders."

"What do you mean? (Y/N), you hate being in the spotlight, don't tell me you want to be the boss." No. It wasn't her. As much as she loved La Squadra, She knew they wouldn't run the mafia with good intentions. Not that it was supposed to be, but her friends had a dream, and by god she would do anything to help make it come true.

"No, not me. But trust me, I'll make sure you get a big cut of the money, okay? The narcotics team could never." She chuckled a bit. They were right. She had a severe case of stage fright. She would never be the boss, too much responsibility. "In fact, I think we are going to get rid of it entirely! So don't worry."

"... We'll keep in touch." The responsibilities were probably a bit too much for them, so they'll take this chance. "Don't fuck up, I don't want to hear that some weird little nobody took the spot, okay? We won't say a word."

"Thank you." She hummed, saying her goodbyes so she could hop on the train with everyone else. They were finally returning, their job was over, and Trish wouldn't have to be hunted anymore. "Let's go home!"

"Ugh, I'm going to sleep for three days straight, I'm so tired..." Narancia whined, laying down on the seat in the train compartment. "Someone wake me up when we get there."

"Me too." (Y/N) yawned.

"Me three."Mista pulled his hat off, revealing scruffy hair and a few bullets. 

"Me four." Trish stretched her weary arms.

"There isn't enough room for all of you to sleep and for us to sit." Abbacchio pointed at the two rows of seats. Even if they were to lay on the floor, it wouldn't work. Not that they would, the floor wasn't that clean, and although they didn't get the chance to take a decent shower in a while, they wouldn't do that.

"We can take the roof, you three that side, and Mista on the chairs." (Y/N) waved it off, her stand bickering with her for a bit before reluctantly floating her up to the roof and watching her curl up, ready to fall asleep. "Tired..."

"Hey! Don't fall asleep yet! Bring us up!" Narancia chucked his shoe at her, making grabby hands toward the ceiling. He's never fallen asleep under the influence of her stand, but she does it all the time. It's terrifying. They snuck into her room to scare her and she was  floating above her bed like the girl in The Exorcist. Creepy shit. Gently, SCF floated him up along with Trish, letting them get comfy in the gentle weight and rumble. "Woah... It's warmer up here."

"Heat rises, yea." Trish nodded, scooting under (Y/N)'s jacket to sleep peacefully.

"Hey, are we supposed to be floating too?" Giorno mumbled, slowly rising off the ground with the rest of them. (Y/N) made the whole area float, goddamit!

"(Y/N)! This isn't working!"

"Narancia, scoot over! You're taking up so much space!"

And as the hour rolled by, only the girls got a decent sleep.

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