I Sexually Identify As A Mistake

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"The one in that body right now is the kid that I encountered. The kid and Diavolo have the same body, but their minds are separate! At times, people's minds can be scarred and split due to a traumatic experience during childhood. As they grow older, that split can develop into a separate personality. It starts to appear much more distinctly as they reach adulthood, and one personality will be dominant over the other. That's the multiple personality disorder theory! Listen carefully. What I just said isn't a hypothesis. I've even heard of reports from Germany and England where the individual's physical features change depending on the personality. Requiem's ability tore his soul away from his body. One of them, the kid, ended up in Bucciarati's body, but the other one... And it could be coincidental, but they ended up in someone else's body. That's who Diavolo is! King Crimson attacked from their body!"

The shock ran through the group like wildfire, which it didn't sound possible, it was their only explanation. But it meant the worse, they had no clue where he was now, but they knew he would strike again, and soon.

"I didn't..." Narancia groaned in pain as Giorno warped the poles into him to fill out the holes and lost blood. "I didn't see anyone come in... Were they holding their breath...? No, It's not possible, I didn't see anyone coming here and there's no one here but us right now... No one at all..."

"That doesn't make sense, I can't sense anyone else here either. No heat signatures and not a whisper of another entity." (Y/N) shook her head, shutting her eyes to try and focus again, but it wasn't working, she couldn't find them.

"He could've already left the area. Diavolo is after the arrow, that is why he attacked both Narancia and (Y/N) first, to get rid of our radar and the one that can sniff him out." But it didn't make sense as to why she was still alive. The wound wasn't finished, as if he pulled away at the last second and in his remaining time, targeted Narancia but wasn't able to land a fatal blow, or at least, one that would have granted an instantaneous death. But now they wouldn't be able to tell that he was going after the arrow, That is why he tried to take down Aerosmith.

"This just means you'll have to obtain the arrow's power after all. Either way, if you're going to destroy King Crimson, you need to find the arrow before he does, and get it away from Chariot somehow." Polnareff watched as Giorno worked on healing (Y/N)'s cut, she could still fight, but he doubts that Narancia could join them in his state. Even with Giorno's healing, the body still needed its own time to recover. "It looks like people are starting to wake up in the direction he's headed."

"Find it? We are just going to leave your body there, Bucciarati?" Trish glanced back at the body, still moving despite the bullets.

"I can stay back, my stand isn't the best for fights anyway." Abbacchio grumbled, his brute strength wasn't going to work in her body, so he was basically useless. "I'll watch over Narancia and make sure that bastard doesn't go anywhere. When we deem it safe we'll follow after you."

"I don't think I can move." He groaned, laying on the ground as the others departed on their final battle. But as Trish ran with them, she paused, glancing back behind her. The feeling was fleeting, barely anything, yet it still sent a cold chill down her spine.

"Trish! What are you doing? Stay close!"


While they ran off, Doppio heaved for air, he would not die from these wounds, but he would not fight either. But that's alright. He knows what body his boss is using, and he knows they would win for sure. But... he wished he could see it. "Boss..."


As they ran past confused bystanders and animals just beginning to rise, their target continued to trudge on. Chariot didn't seem to have a destination in mind, nor any emotions. It hasn't even looked up towards them or even the direction it was heading. Bruno tripped the stand, watching as the arrow clattered onto the ground, yet it still didn't recognize him as an enemy. It was slow and even weak, yet it was a fully developed stand, even citizens could see and touch it. Yet there was no information on how to destroy it. 

Giorno hesitated, reaching for the arrow with silent determination, but just as he did, his stand began to rebel, Gold Experience, dragging itself from his limb, yet the moment he pulled away, it disappeared. (Y/N) hummed, tucking a silver strand of hair behind her ear and summoning Soda City Funk. Her hand hovered a few feet above it, watching as the arrow began to rise up into her grasp, but just as with Giorno, SCF turned on her. She was quick to pull away and let the arrow drop once more. Giorno did another test, gently tossing a small rock towards the arrow, only for it to somehow turn on him, Mista caught the small stone before it could hit his head, but how did it...? "It's no use, it's not letting us get close. It's not just our stands, if we try to touch it with something, it'll come flying back at us. This arrow might truly be invincible. The most difficult this becomes, the more I'm convinced that it has some kind of isolation power that repels everyone."

"Then how can we pick it up...? It's right in front of us, yet we can't even touch it!" Trish grumbled, how could they pick it up?

"Hey, Requiem won't allow Stand users to pick up the arrow. But what is someone who's not a Stand user tried to pick up the arrow? What do you think will happen?" Polnareff questioned, narrowing his eyes. It was a stupid question for the rest of them, there was no use for an answer because they were all stand users, but he was dead. His soul is clinging for dear life to this turtle, he is no longer a stand user. So with all his strength, he lifted the arrow off the ground with the turtle's mouth. "I'm no longer a stand user, so I was able to touch it!"

Their victory was short-lived as Requiem turned to them, smooth black plastic reflecting light as it launched off the ground and sprinted toward Polnareff. "Mista! Hurry up and pierce your Stand with this arrow!"

"Giorno! (Y/N)! Stop Requiem!" But he was too far away, how could Giorno? And (Y/N) couldn't do anything, Stands had no heat! Mista whipped his gun and pulled the trigger, but instead of that nice blast, there was a click, the cylinder breaking apart. (Y/N) blinked, when did she take a step forward? Whatever, this was all happening so fast, and they had other problems to deal with.

"Mr. Polnareff! Let go of it!" Just as his own stand came dangerously close to killing its user, Mista shot Chariot with a Beretta he snagged from some cop. Still, how did his gun just break all of the sudden? His Sex Pistols always did the proper maintnence. Did the boss get close? No, that wasn't possible, no one came close to them! It had to be metal fatigue! Whatever the case, it didn't matter, because Chariot Requiem was standing up again.

"What the hell is this thing's problem? It's heading toward m-me!" He yelped, but Polnareff quickly corrected him. It's heading towards him.

"Even though it has the arrow back..." As Giorno and Mista attacked it again and a limb fell, it continued to push forward. "Requiem intends to finish me because I touched the arrow!"

"Mista! Run!" They warned, and he took off sprinting. While the bullets tried to reload the gun, it would take a while, this wasn't like his revolver, they needed another cartridge! It would take time, time they didn't have at the moment! Jumping up, he grabbed a pole and used his momentum to throw himself out of the path of Chariot.

"I'm throwing it! Catch it, Giorno! I'm gonna throw the turtle to you!" He climbed farther up the pole, aiming the throw just right, but just as he said so, the turtle was gone. Where did he go? "Mr. Polnareff!"

The tortoise fell onto the floor, but Chariot made no move to attack. Why did he stop so suddenly? "Mista, do you remember what I said back at the Colosseum? There's still more to Requiem's ability that I'm not aware of. But I'm starting to understand now. Requiem stopped because the starting time has come."

"The starting time?" they whispered as something began to sprout from Polnareff's body.

"Yes. It's because my body has started to change!" A slimy and grotesque form of a turtle bore out of his shell, eyes yellow and body malformed, it hissed out words of a thoughtless animal. "That's why it stopped trying to kill me! This is Requiem's true motive, now that it's gone berserk. The ability to swap souls meaning the ability that makes them start to change into something else.  The prelude is over, and the actual piece is now starting to play, so it gave up on killing me. The 4.5-billion-year history of this world's creatures is starting to change into something else within a matter of hours. All of it!"

Diavolo understood now. This is what made Requiem so truly frightening. However, thanks to his enemies, he was able to see it. The answer, he was close to figuring out how to get that arrow from Requiem!

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