It's Okay, I'm Not My Type Either

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"Fugo's stand releases a deadly virus, it attacks like an explosion and disappears like a storm, those infected only have thirty seconds before all of their metabolic functions will shut down and they die as they rot from the inside out." Abbacchio growled, ripping his eyes off the demise of the girl who he knew wouldn't make it. He couldn't stand to watch another teammate die because he wasn't able to do anything. SCF was agape, the first emotion she had probably ever shown, her leg had touched the spores, and it was already starting to burrow into her skin. As if on instinct, (Y/N) jammed her fingers into her stab wound, twisting them until spurts of blood leaked from it. Outside the mirror, her stand copied her actions, the acidic contents of her lava lamp pouring out and eating away at the spores in her leg, leaving nothing but the deformity in the smooth, glassy skin. (Y/N) gasped, crying out in pain as her leg lay limp, bleeding against the warm, mid-day tile. "Soda City Funk's lava lamp... Is acidic, and eats away at all life forms except the stand itself! Ow, mother fucker...!"

Fugo gasped, he hadn't taken into consideration that her own stand was out there, and because of that miscalculation, (Y/N) ended up hurt. There was no way she would be able to walk with that. Another crow landed with a splat behind him, steam rising out of the fallen corpse, oozing a creeping, yellow paste that devoured the carcass. Fugo's virus was one that killed in seconds, if her little trick hadn't worked, she would be dead now, organs reduced to mush. Her skin still sizzled in pain, fire and chill twisting her leg into spasms at the eaten skin, revealing bright red patches of muscle and tendon.  Her stand had reflected this, molten globs of glass creating a deformity on her thigh high boot, the golden lacings dangling limply to the side. She didn't seem too affected by the sizable molten divot in her calf, floating limply in the sunlights for disinfection. Giorno noted that when empty, her stand was partially see-through, like a glass vase tinted shades of pink, even if his main focus was on the stand that Abbacchio was currently explaining. Purple Haze drooled on his leg, the defined splatter alerting the stand, who began to furiously wipe himself clean. "It always looks pissed off, but it's apparently really high-strung, and really cares about being clean. I guess you could say that's the stand's idiosyncrasy."

They watched as the leg sparked in the sunlight, Purple Haze letting out a few pleased whines, catching the attention of Soda City Funk, who lazily floated over to check out what was up. She, as a bitch, pointed towards the puddle of spit that had spread to his arm instead, which he tried to rub off with the other arm, only succeeding in transferring the spit to both wrists. Distressed, he went to lick the grime off, only to be interrupted by SCF, who understood that was a terrible idea and gently heated her palms to effectively wipe the grime off both of his wrists and then the drool around his mouth. "There you go."

"His stand doesn't seem too intelligent... Should (Y/N)'s really be that close?"

"No. Fugo's stand is a reflection of his violent side, He really might attack her." Abbacchio grumbled, unsure of how to signal her stand away from the danger. Even after almost dying to it, she still continues to stand beside it? How idiotic. His eyes widened as the checkered purple stand lunged forward towards the fragile stand. Even if in this condition, made for escape, she made no move to leave, letting the stand embrace her like a child would their mother, clinging to her waist and cooing at the pink stand. The behavior no doubt shocked the two, who blinked in confusion as Purple Haze, now docile, received many headpats and good boy compliments, all in english, so it wasn't as if they could really understand what she was saying. "Fugo must not be able to see Purple Haze right now, he would never let it do that."

Giorno glanced at the deformation on her leg caused by the stand. She was able to stop it once, but would she be able to stop it again? (Y/N) gripped the base of her knee, hissing in pain as Illuso cast steady glances at the crows and then her. She snapped her gaze upwards at the boy slouched beside her, who signaled towards the mirror. She understood enough, her stand slipping from the confines of Purple haze's arms and floating over towards the two of them. They were a little confused before the crazed stand attacked once more, this time towards the mirror, a puff of violet smoke bursting through the broken capsule along with glittering shards of glass that rained down against the paved stone. (Y/N) and Fugo were still in contact, at least enough to guide (Y/N)'s stand away when he attacked. "I knew it... Fugo's unable to control it. It just attacked some random spot again."

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