Not To Quote Britney Spears But You're Toxic

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"I know they tried to kill you guys, but why does everyone look so tense?" It's not a stupid question when they also partook in the failed murder attempts. In all honesty, it wasn't exactly from just that either. They weren't sure why, but they knew their feelings toward La Squadra, and they would stand by them.

"It's nothing. This is just our first meeting with a subordinate, seeing as we are the higher ups now." Bruno explained, and respect for him increased. Even in this tense environment, he could keep his mind on work! That was untrue. He was as salty as the sea he grew up beside. "We are demanding respect, and you should to. You are higher than them, after all."

"How could I ask that of them? Even Giorno hasn't forced us to call us boss, so there's no need for them to be formal with me. I don't care either way." (Y/N) shrugged, waiting by the door like a loyal puppy. She understood the need for respect and all that, but she didn't want it for her. It just made everything stuffy in her eyes. "And besides, we all agreed I don't want a tittle. I'm fine with just delivering stuff or spying."

"Then we will." Bruno bit his cheek to hide his annoyance. Not towards her, of course not. He understands how close she held her friends to her chest. But he didn't understand the emotion pricking at his conciousness. "When will they arrive? The food is already here."

"They're be here soon!" (Y/N) grinned, her metaphorical tail wagging as she eagerly awaited their arrival. She really didn't act her age, but that was how everyone preferred it. In a job with nothing but misery, she always managed to smile. "In a few minutes, with how Ghia drives."

Just as she closed her mouth, the squeal of tires caught the groups attention, watching as one after one exit the car and walked up towards the large mansion, whistling their impressions. Unconciously glaring at the older men, they flinched as the door flung open, watching as (Y/N) tackled the closest one in a hug. Yea. They didn't like them.

"Oh god ow fuck, Girly, let go, my rib's still healing man..." Formaggio chuckled, scrubbing her hair a tad as he tried to smile through the pain. She was always lowkey sadistic, and he knew she hugged him first on purpose. "You fucked me up pretty good, I didn't expect that."

Melone tackled her side. He didn't get to see her, nor get the chance to apologize for turning her to minced meat. "(Y/NNNNNN)..... I'm sorry, I didn't think you were in their group... forgive me.... Step on me if it makes you feel-"

"(Y/N)! Get inside! It's gonna rain bullets soon!" Mista shouted, not caring that the sun was out and the sky was more clear than glass. It would rain bullets on all of them if that wacko didn't let go of her.

"Yea yea, give me a second!" She waved it off, and Trish had to fight the gun out of his hands. Look, She hasn't seen her friends in a long time, ever since they were out to search for the boss. Let her greet them all first. "Anyway, we have some takeout. We still need to discuss the information and all of that."

"Of course. We need to meet the new boss. Is it Bruno Bucciarati?" They followed her inside, glancing around the room of six others, all looking rather unwelcoming. Not that they cared. After two years of those disgusting stares, they were practically immune. At least (Y/N) smiled at them. That was all they needed.

"No, it's-"

"Me." Giorno stood up, extending a hand to Risotto for a hand shake. Right now, they were on equal terms, they would discuss things calmly over a large lunch enough to feed all of them and some. Seated on opposite sides of the table, the silence was filled with discussions and light hearted commentary here and there. It was mostly Giorno and Risotto talking after all, along with Bruno shushing the others.

"Narancia, is that all you're going to eat?" (Y/N) bit into her food, pointing at the pile of rabbit food on his plate. "At least get some pasta in there or something, you always eat rabbit food."

"Hey, I like my rabbit food!" He pulled his plate towards himself, scooping another bite into his mouth. "It's good, don't make fun of me."

"Narancia. You need to eat more meat." Abbacchio clicked his tongue, waving his fork at him. "You're too thin."

"Meat, huh...?" Narancia hummed, his eyes trailing down to (Y/N)'s chest. Abbacchio's glare was enough to shift his gaze to his plate, coughing softly as his cheeks glowed. La Squadra tried not to glare, but they already decided. They didn't like them.

Lunch continued with a little more passive aggressive talk than expected, but if you were busy focusing on something else, you wouldn't have noticed. (Y/N), for example, was busy eating the food everyone kept shoving onto her plate. How big do they think her stomach is? "Mista no, please, I can't eat another bite."

"Should I feed you then?"

"That's the same thing..." She sighed, standing up to take her dish to the sink and go lay down on the couch. Giorno and the others were still discussing all the Capos and the various people that were considered suspicious. It's a miracle Diavolo's gang lasted this long, with all the tension building up inside, it should have collapsed into a bloodbath years ago. He really didn't care about his gang, did he? They had quite a few problems to fix.

Firstly, the drug trade. The narcotics team was small but powerful, they would prove to be a difficult fight.

Secondly, they need to increase their power as quick as they can. He has a few ideas, but it would take a few more moments before they could enact them.

And even then, these two problems were grossly oversimplified. It's like saying 'there's a nuclear bomb coming towards us.' You have to worry about who sent it and where it is going, how many it can kill, how many it can save, if you can fix the problem after the fact and so many other pieces with it. "Then we have reached an agreement."

"We have." Risotto signed the papers, sealing their deal. "Then we'll take our leave."

"Aw, already?" (Y/N) sat up, watching them pack their things and get ready to depart. "But we didn't get to catch up..."

"Hey, you can visit us next time, how about that?" Prosciutto gave her a soft smile, watching her hug Pesci before they left. "We'll see you soon. Come visit us more."

Trish hugged her from behind, her feet ground into the floors to prevent her from taking a step forward. She was not going to lose to THEM. No matter how scary they looked...

"I will I will!" She waved goodbye, shutting the door and turning to face the others, clearly hurt that she was choosing the other team over them. "What?"


Hnnng I swear I'm still alive-

Okay like I wrote this as a tool to procrastinate but now I procrastinate on writing this I think that says something

Also holy shit we are actually gonna reach triple digits in five chapters-

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