For All The People Who Doubted Me, You Were Right

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"I've brought the informant." (Y/N) presented the thin man behind her. In his old fashion clothing and fedora, he looked to be dressed as a gangstar in the late 1940's, he talked like it too, but (Y/N) knew he wasn't like that at all. His soul was much more... calloused and textured than someone with only words to fill them. That could be the only way to describe such a feeling. Glancing at Giogio, she watched as his soft eyes turned cold and calculating, analyzing this man and all he was worth.

Clad in robes of golden silk and the highest quality of fur, (fake fur, he wasn't a heathen), he descended the steps separating them. (Y/N) backed away, pushing Cannolo Murolo forward. "Cannolo Murolo, the informant who continues to be a thorn in my side. Tell me, what do you see in me?"

"Who do I see?" With a rough chuckle and not a hint of fear, he took a step closer. This was a man who believed himself to be close to invincible, who hid behind fifty two shields and didn't have a care of the world he so despised. "I see a man who only acts for his benefit, a man so far gone from the world that words like guilt don't reach him. That's who I see from this child claiming to be the boss."

"Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow, staring down at him through his lashes. As (Y/N) tiptoed back with the others, Giorno took a long, hard look. Taking a step, Giorno opened his mouth. "I see a man who has no use for this world. I see a man who can only live to cure their own boredom. I see a man who can trust no one, not even themself, and hides behind fifty three masks in hopes that no one can see them. I see a man who only sits and watches just for the hell of it. I see a man with no future, only the present. You run from things that aren't there, and hide from something. You know what that is, don't you?"

Cannolo's grin faded, waiting for this answer. This child has eyes as sharp as broken glass, tearing through him layer by layer in order to expose him, to expose his lies and deceit that he had built up for years, all to hide from... 

"Yourself." Giorno brought a slender hand up, taking his chin and digging his nails into the thin flesh. "I will not allow you to run any longer. I will save you from these false truths you are surrounded in. No longer will you be half a man as you portray yourself to be."

Letting go, he watched as the man stumbled back, collapsing onto the floor from the shift in weight. Gripping his chin, he rolled his jaw a few times, running his tongue over the inside of his cheeks and tasting iron.

"If you wish to redeem yourself, then tell me now, and I will give you a mission. It should be easy for you." He turned, walking away with the rest of his team. Their mission was complete for today.

"Giorno, what are you going to make him do?" (Y/N) glanced back at the man. Risotto left long ago, bored by the responsibilities of being Don. "He doesn't really look like a good fighting type, y'know? Are you going to pit him against the Narcotics Team?"

"No, I have another task for him." He hopped into the car with the others, slamming the gas break and booking it. They weren't in a rush, they just liked the jerking feeling of the car.

"Mhmm. Ah! Can you drop me off in the city? I want to do a thing." (Y/N) lifted the basket of muffins into her lap, still warm and toasty and ready for consumption.

"Don't you go out a lot?" Narancia raised an eyebrow. Wasn't it better staying with them? "What do you even do?"

"I have a reputation to keep." (Y/N) grinned, holding her seat as the brakes screeched and she hopped out of the car. It was true, she did have a reputation to keep. For her job and for the sake of her sanity. Yes, there wasn't any need to, seeing as her father thought her dead and whenever people's memory so suddenly disappeared, it was even after priorly seeing them only a few minutes ago. Yet still, nurturing these relationships had become an important part of her life. She would never let them go, these special little people that make her smile and laugh. "Tell me when all the work is done and I'll come back!"

"You're just trying to skip work!" Mista gasped, leaning outside the window as Abbacchio began to roll it up, trying to catch him. It was every child's nightmare, and Mista quickly pulled himself inside.

"I'm just trying not to distract you guys!" She waved goodbye as the car sped off, leaving her behind to fend for herself. She'll make dinner tonight as a peace offering. It's not that she wanted to leave them, but these muffins weren't going to stay warm forever. "Now then, I should get going..."

Sheila E brushed her long, dark hair from her face. She had no reason to be wandering around other than to cure her boredom. The boss rarely gave them any work, even if they were constantly paid an absurd amount every month. It was a pretty cool job, but it left her feeling so bored. Recently, she heard that he had shown his face, and countless other baseless rumours that she didn't bother looking into. She really doubted it. If he was fifteen as he really said, then he would have been twelve when he appointed her the position she bore. Actually, that did make sense. Only a child would allow another child to stand so high. It didn't matter anyway, This wouldn't affect her daily life and turmoil.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the woman who waltzed into her life so unceremoniously only the previous days, had found herself on that short list. "Oh, hey, I know you."

The young fourteen year old glanced up at her, a little surprised that she appeared before her so suddenly. "I have your lipgloss."

"Shit, thanks, I was wondering where it went." (Y/N) grinned, taking it from the younger girl's lilith hands. "Want a muffin? I just baked these. Three hours ago. They're still warm, so it counts."

"I'm good. What do you have muffins for?" She glanced into the basket, and sure enough, warm, puffy muffins, golden brown and dotted with fresh blueberries, she almost regretted refusing such a kind offer from this woman.

"Giving them to some friends." (Y/N) shoved the lip gloss into her pocket for easy access, waiting for the light to turn green to cross the street. "Actually, speaking of friends, what's your name? I never got it."

"You walked away before I could." She remarked, her sass surfacing before quickly shoving it down. "It's Sheila. Sheila E. What's your name?"

"Call me (Y/N). Nice to meet you, Sheila. You have a pretty name." And also very.... Very familiar. Like disturbingly familiar. Where had she heard it before? She knew that hadn't met before, she would have remembered if it was a name to face correlation. No, it was just a single mention of her name and it just hit her. "Oh! I know you! Yes! The Don wants to talk to you!"


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