I Should Be A Baseball Pitcher Cause I'm Hella Good At Throwing My Life Away

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"(Y/N),  you don't have to do this, we can find another way." Bruno furrowed his eyebrows, placing a hand on her shoulder with slight hesitance. It was obvious she was troubled by something, but he wouldn't know what the answer could be until she told him. Was it the upcoming mission? Whatever it was, he wanted... he wanted to comfort her, somehow. They weren't given a lot of time to talk, and it wasn't as if he missed her, not when they, along with many others, lived together. He is exposed to her daily antics far too often, but there was a certain part of him that missed their one on one talks in the hospital; when she lit up at the sight of him and would talk for hours about the most random things, just because she didn't want him to leave. Was it rude of him to think of such a thing?

"It's fine, I think everything will be okay." (Y/N) turned to him, a hand placed over his. The pressure from her hand felt like reassurance, but he could tell that it wasn't for him. Underneath that benign smile of hers, one that radiated encouragement, it seems she alone was immune to its effects. He could feel the lightest tremor in her touch, a fear so deeply embedded into her soul, that not even he could yank it out. As if she noticed his suspicions, she pulled his hand away, letting it drop to his side. "Besides, who am I to deny this when it's so easy?"

He couldn't respond. Words that weighed heavy in his chest wouldn't rise. Tasting like bile, he swallowed them thickly. Why was it that she could comfort others so easily, yet couldn't handle being comforted? Why did she hide her pains to herself? "Human Trafficking."

The silence that consumed them was deafening, seeping into the air and swelling into a miasma. He could tell by the blank stare in her eyes that she was waiting for him to continue, but it was obvious that without being provoked to, they would stand there forever. "What about it? It sucks. What else is there to say?"

"Are you sure you... you will have to pose as someone willing to..." He wasn't sure how to phrase it, glancing at her in hopes to find some glimmer or hint in how to act, but all she gave him was an empty stare. "(Y/N), are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course I don't want to. I don't know anyone who would want to buy a person. Although, I consider that a good thing." Again, the way she avoided his questions was effortless, focusing on the point that mattered the least.

"You don't have to." There was always another way, this couldn't be the only solution. He didn't want to force her out to meet the exact people responsible for ruining her life. Well, the chances of it were slim, but not many people were in such a cruel and inhumane business.

"I don't have to do a lot of things, Bruno. But it's better for everyone that I do them." Shaking her head, (Y/N) pivoted on her foot to continue walking. She had to develop her plans, and if she wanted this to work, there would be a few strings she would have to pull. She could do this, no, she had to do this.

But she didn't have to. That was a ridiculous thought. Why did (Y/N) dedicate so much to those around her? Why couldn't she take a moment for herself? Someday, maybe they could repay her for all that she's done for them. If only she would accept it.


Taking a deep breath, She pressed the call button. If she wanted to gain their trust and respect, they would have to be an amazing card to force them to draw their hand. But while this wasn't exactly her own, she had to make the most of her resources. Listening to the dull trill of the phone, she was finally greeted with a familiar voice. "Hello, you have reached the Speedwagon Foundation! How may I assist you today?"

"Hi, can I speak to Dr. Kujo, please?" Finding the need to occupy her hands, (Y/N) settled with twiddling the end of her shirt. There was a big chance that he would deny her request, but that would be fine. It would be a step back to square one, but there wasn't much hope riding on this anyway.

"Dr. Kujo is currently studying something of great importance. It may take a while to contact him. May I request your name and reason for calling?" Over the phone, (Y/N) could hear the clack of keys from a person hard at work.

"Um, it's (Y/N), and the reason... just say I wanted to ask for assistance." She rubbed her temples, unsure of how else to word it. She couldn't exactly outright say, 'hey, tell him that a mafia wants something from him'

"(Y/N)...? Your last name please."

"Seriously? I have to do this again? I don't even know what it's registered as." She groaned. Wow, rejected right at the pearly gates. Is that better or worse than being denied help? "Um... what are the options? It's probably the weirdest one. Like, a keyboard smash looking thingy.


"...Yes." Really? What the heck? What type of name even was that?! "Yes, that's me. It's... it's french." Mr. Polnareff, forgive her.

"Please be patient as we try to contact him." With that, elevator music began to blare from her speaker. Well, at least she got through.

"Still, I think this name tops even Diavolo... should I take a fake name? What would sound good...?" Standing up and faceplanting into her bed, she contemplated a few names she knew. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply. "Hm... (Y/N) Bucciarati."

With cheeks tinged pink, she quickly shooed the thought away, only for her mind to be infected with other ideas. (Y/N) Abbacchio, what about (Y/N) Ghira? That actually has a little bit of a ring to it... (Y/N) Mista? (Y/N) Fugo... Wait a second, were they just all foods? (Y/N) Una, Oooh, that one sounds pretty nice! (Y/N)... Actually, what was Giogio's real name? He once told her his name was Haruno, and she thought it sounded like 'day' in Italian. He did look like 'day' now. But back then, well, he still felt like day. Snapped out of her thoughts by the sudden silence, she noticed that the dial up tone was from the phone being relocated. "Hello? Dr. Kujo?"

"Change your last name already." Well, good day to you too, bitch.

"I don't really have one to start with, y'know..." Jeez, he really didn't have to rub it in. why can't she just not have one? Would it kill them to have a single blank slot? There was her fake school name, (L/N), but... she just didn't want to pretend to be someone she wasn't anymore. "Can't they just not have a last name for me?"

"No, that is why you are changing it to Kujo."




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