If Life Is A Simulation, Please Turn It Off

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"Capo, I located the others. Unfortunately, Ghiacchio didn't make it." Formaggio whispered. He shrunk himself down to stay hidden, and he would soon make the extraction. (Y/N) wasn't a snitching bitch, so they shouldn't exactly know his stand. Even if they were outnumbered, if they played their cards correctly, this should go fine. From what he knows, Fugo is in no condition to use his stand in this area, Giorno's is overpowered as fuck but he could probably(?) prepare for it, and Abbacchio... He wasn't sure what his stand did, or its limitations. At the moment, he was a wild card and had to be disposed of first. "Whenever you are ready."

A paint pellet splattered the tree behind Leone. that 's the signal, or close to it. Unfortunately, the airsoft guns weren't as accurate as real guns, what should have hit their target square in the eggshell, hit the tree he leaned against.

"Fuck, enemy 10 o'clock." Leone instinctively flinched, ducking down to glance at the splatter direction. It was more of an estimate using what rudimentary knowledge of splatter forensics he knew from his Ye ol' cop days, but it was good enough for a quick side glance. Knowing that there were only two people on the enemy team left, he could still outnumber them even if he went alone.  This was obviously an attempt to separate them or at least call their attention away from whatever plan they used to snatch the flag. With his stand, he counts as two people, and he could take on this trap. "I'll go, you two stay and make sure (Y/N) goes nowhere."

"...right." Fugo glanced up at him, before offering his gun. "Do you think you'll need it?"

"..." The platinum blond glanced at Giorno. Did he trust him to shoot the enemy? He was a piece of shit, but the kid had a cool head and could think under pressure. Fugo wasn't able to use his stand in these conditions, or at least he wouldn't allow himself to. "I'll take Giorno's."

"Alright." The youngest already understood the reasoning, and relinquished it without complaint. He could use his stand, and Fugo could use the gun. It made more sense to take his, but what could he be planning with two guns?

Moving to the field where the gunshot came from, Leone split himself into him and his stand in his form. Moody Blues took Giorno's gun to 'aim' and help hide the eyes as the real him hid in the bushes to wait for his target. The line was cast, now all that's left is to wait for the bite.

Speaking of waiting, Formaggio, still about the size of a thumb, was slowly making his way towards (Y/N). Thankfully, she was a little distance away from the other two, resting against a tree trunk as the other two diligently and blindly searched ahead. Idiots! He's on the ground! And in just a little, (Y/N) would soon be small enough to fit in his palm! Try to find them then!

"Ah, (Y/N), stand up. I think there's a bug or something crawling towards you." Giorno could sense a life force moving towards them, but (Y/N), who could read souls, could tell it was just a Formaggio.

"A bug, huh? Well, okay." Yes, she heard about what he did to their cat, and yes, he will pay. Lulu is okay at least. She managed to get out of the bottle. "If you know where it is, hurry and shoot it."

"(Y/N), what the fuck-" And within a minute, Giorno caught the little weasel with his stand and Fugo had him turn back to a larger size so they could shoot him without breaking all his bones again.

"Shouldn't have fucked with my cat, bitch."

Risotto is unknowingly the last one remaining, and as of this moment, he set his sights on Abbacchio. He finds it hard to believe he would come to the open field alone, but so be it. He shouldn't question a win that's being spoonfed to him. Moving his finger to the trigger, he pulls evenly and lands the hit square on the chest. My, was this really so easy? That's... wait. Two well ventilated purple ball gag eyeballs stared up at his location. The timer that stretched from temple to temple rewound, and he watched with horror as the character, the puppet, undid it's movements and his shot. Fuck, this was a trap! Standing to retreat, it was too late, and the tell tale sting in his left pec signified the end of the game.

"Oh hey, Bucci Gang won!" (Y/N) grinned, hearing the call of the blowhorn and immediately ending SCF's floating function to sink into the grass. Trish really didn't do her job that well, mostly because she knew they would murder eachother in there, so she really only paid attention when someone went through the exit. And with the last member of La Squadra, the game was over! Three survivors, including Fugo, Giorno, and Abbacchio! It was kind of fun seeing their defeated faces. She totally would have flipped them off if they weren't still absolutely terrifying.

"Abbacchio got the last guy." Fugo grinned, reaching a hand out to help her stand up and drag her out of her cozy dirt hole. "Well, that was a little fun."

Giorno brushed his hand over the back of her coat, wiping off the leaves and debris that stuck to it as they headed towards the rest of their group. Well, this was a good way to bond with the others, yea? "It's a good change of pace at least."

Abbacchio turned to glance at the trio, lifting Giorno's gun to give to him, but not before pulling the trigger to shoot him in the stomach. What for? Well, no reason in general. There was no animosity in his stare at least. "Finger slipped."

Giorno quietly took his gun back, flipping it around to shoot his assailant back. "Whoops."


Next chapter marks the start of the end, children. Last arc, endings, and a small after chapter when part 6 comes out. It's been a long, hellish, yet fun ride and I have every one of you fuckers to thank for it. If you've managed to read this far or have been with me from the beginning, thank you for sticking with this silly idiot for so long.

I'm setting a date for myself to complete this book. My fanfic will finish at the end of July, and all of you are my witness. (This should probably include endings too... not sure about the part six chapter tho)

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