The Lion, The Witch, And The Audacity Of This Bitch

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Fugo stood up as the car rolled up to the front, relief cooling the fire over his skin as he sprint to the door to greet his idiotic friends. Narancia seemed relatively unharmed, dragging in the bags of groceries and plopping down on the seat, mentally exhausted. He had gone through and followed all her directions on the map, eating away twenty minutes of valuable time before he actually got there. "Idiot! What took so long?! Were you chased? Was anyone following you?"

To his relief, Narancia shook his head, and the newfound commotion attracted the attention of Bruno. He was relieved to see all his teammates there, and for Narancia to make it back in one piece along with the groceries and girlish items. Wait. Fugo, Narancia, Giorno, Abbachio, Mista... Where was (Y/N)? Did she sneak off somewhere? "Has anyone seen (Y/N)?"

"(Y/N)... Narancia! Where did (Y/N) go?! She was with you, wasn't she?" Fugo stood upright once more, snatching the raven haired boy's shirt straps and shaking him. The look he shot back didn't bode well for the girl, and he grit his teeth, awaiting an answer.

"She... She went shopping with me, and we ran into an enemy..." This managed to catch their attention. In only one day, they already had a traitor on their tail? Abbacchio was quick to jump in. They had to leave this place. It was no longer safe. "No! We can't leave (Y/N)! She's still alive, she was holding the enemy back!"

"Of course she isn't dead, that little rat is bulletproof, but one fucking day, Karma is going to bite her in the ass." He growled, glancing at his nails and back at their leader for orders. "And today might be that day."

Fugo scolded Narancia for fucking up, and the boy held his head. He didn't mean for it to happen, he didn't mean for the enemy to find them so easily and for (Y/N) to push him into returning to the gang, really. It wasn't as if he wanted to. As the guy, he should have been the one to stay behind, right?

"I think Narancia and (Y/N) were correct in their judgement. Narancia is able to track people much better than (Y/N) can, and (Y/N)'s stand is helpful in stalling the enemy." Giorno cut in, the rest of the gang's unwavering attention on him. "Now that the Hitman Team is aware of us, if he's a reasonable boss, he will give us a method of escape. I don't think we should leave until we hear from the boss."

"Well look who thinks he's an advisor." Fugo rolled his eyes, arms crossed as he leaned on his side.

"And how do you know that the boss will contact us soon? Or even at all?" Abbacchio tilted the young gangstar's chin up between his fingers, glaring at him with the coldest stare he could muster. "No one cares about your damn hunches-!"

"Bucciarati!" Mista interrupted, the van doors popping open with a metallic clank.  "I think we got a message from the boss!"

He gestured to the lone computer in the center of the vehicle, its screen black with faint green letters, the only purpose was for receiving messages. This was how they communicated with their boss. "Head to Pompeii Archaeological Park. I've hidden a key near the dog mosaic. That key is for a vehicle that'll bring my daughter safely to me."

"A safe vehicle, the hell does that mean?" Abbacchio grumbled.

"Helicopter? A helicopter can't be tracked as easily as a car or a plane!" Narancia added, finger circling above him to mimic a helicopter's blades.

"It should be about fifteen kilometers away, one hour should be enough time. Fugo! Abbacchio! Giorno! You three will head back to Pompeii and get that key! Mista, Naranica, and I will remain here and protect Trish from the hitman team! Retrieve the key, and if it seems safe, contact us. Then we will take Trish and head to cover in that vehicle. I'm counting on you." He exited the van, a gentle smile gracing his features. (Y/N) wasn't here, but he knew she would be okay. It would be better if she sat this one out anyway, wouldn't it? She was never set out for mafia life, he knows she wasn't.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and the caller ID was none other than the devil herself. Flicking his phone open, he pressed it to his ear, a single word tumbling through the phone. 'Brunooooo.' It almost pissed him off how carefree she was. "What the FUCK were you thinking leaving just out of the blue and then sending Narancia home?! Where are you?!"

"I'm uh... Aha, You know what it's okay I can just like walk to the vineyard?" (Y/N) stumbled through the phone, he could imagine her waving her hand in surrender, eyes wide with total and complete innocence as she tried to escape whatever punishment she had in store.

"(Y/N)." His voice was sharp enough to kill and it seemed to completely slaughter her excuses.

"At the car Fugo planted in one of the parking lots... I was gonna use it but I forgot I don't know how to drive..." Her voice was muffled, but he heard it as clear as day. One of these days, he will find a gray hair and he will know exactly who gave it to him. At the ripe old age of twenty too... "Or have the key..."

"Fine. Fugo. On your way to Pompeii, go... Go pick up (Y/N)." He strained, anyone could notice his annoyance, but they piled into the car to go get the idiot. It was on the way anyway, so it shouldn't have any effect on the time it took to complete the job, and extra bodies were always welcome. "She'll be joining you in the hunt for the key."

He nodded, jostling the key a little before twisting it and listening to the rumble of the engine. Giorno took the roadmap, checking for the most direct route as Abbacchio shut the back doors, settling down in one of the seats. The others would use a different car and go somewhere hidden, so their only worry was getting that key. And (Y/N). Her too.

Alone in the parking lot, (Y/N) sneezed. Her fingers drummed against the car's hood, waiting for someone to come pick her up. Out of boredom, she scrolled through her phone contacts. She still had to do that speedwagon thing, but eh. That was too much work. Her finger hovered over La Squadra's groupchat. Silently, she clicked the button, her last message was still on delivered, they probably made a more secure chat, but no way would they just get rid of their phones. Quietly, she typed out a simple message. "You're all idiots."

No, they probably had no intention of answering. Maybe they wouldn't even look at the message, but at least one of them would. She knew that. At least one of them would read it. They would hear her wordless plea. Shutting her (E/C) eye, she inhaled and rolled her neck. The wound in her stomach really fucking hurt, actually. She checked her phone again, just for a distraction from the pain. 'Read 11:14'

Her phone rang from a call, she could tell that it was a burner phone, but she knew who it was from. "You broke two of my ribs and you owe me a goddamn cheese burger."

Formaggio, of course. "Only two? Damn. You got big bones or something?"

"Shut up. The guys don't know I'm alive, mind you. They'd laugh if they learned that you beat me." He groaned, must have gotten too angry in that part. Was he still bitching about that? She really was going for a multishot, and he only had two, so he should be happy.

"Glad you admit it.." So they didn't know she was part of the team then? She would keep that information with a grain of salt, but he was usually correct in these regards. "Bye, hope you heal well. Oh, and do you know who I might see soon?"

Who to look out for, huh? "That dude from the Pantene commercial. He's off right now."

She grit her teeth. Illuso was after them, huh? This might be harder than she hoped... "Okay, Bye."

"Let's watch a football game after this, yea?"

"Yea. Definitely."

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