Someone Has To Be The One To Set A Bad Example, And That Someone Is Me

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"Whoop!" (Y/N) grinned, howling with laughter as she stared up at them all clustered around the window to check if she's okay. Of course she was fine, who did they take her to be? It wasn't as if this was the only time she's been thrown out of a window. "Hey, did you guys get the boss???"

"Can you stop doing that?!" Leone groaned, pulling himself away to go walk down the stairs and contemplate life and how stupid it was. Narcy, however, thought different, taking a few steps to follow him before throwing himself out the window too.

"Geronimo!" His call echoed across the rooftops, not an ounce of fear in his voice as the buildings melded together. Someone else above him screamed, and he assumed it was probably Fugo, but the world came to a still point, SCF clutching him like a baby. "Haha! I got down the fastest!"

"That's cheating!" Mista groaned, before he too went to throw himself out the window like a fucking maniac. Bruno successfully reeled him in, and Fugo rubbed his temples.

"You're an idiot. You're an actual idiot." Fugo's mind hurt from trying to understand the depths of their stupidity. Purple orbs rising only to see Giorno staring longingly out the window. Even if he was pretty mature, the sixteen year old was still a kid, and kid instincts mean doing dumb shit just for the giggles. "Giogio, not you too... don't do it-"

Down he went, a blur of purple and gold freefalling for only a few moments before slowing down, landing in (Y/N)'s empty arms. "Gotcha!"

Totally worth it.

"What the fuck." Abbacchio squinted at the scene, having finally reached the bottom of the stairs because god forbid he go back in that tiny, squeaky elevator that smelled of mold and maybe vomit.

"Leonie! Why didn't you jump too??" She pointed at the top floor, where the sensible adult and young adult dragged the not so sensible adult down to go back in the elevator. He took a moment to look at the tiny window at the top floor one more time, before turning to go start the car and leave them all behind. "Heyyy! Wait up!"

Having been set down, Giorno took the time to express a quick thanks to the foundation for their help in securing the area and dealing with those still inside. There were many people, young and old, but all scared. This was a small step, and they couldn't do anything more to slow the horrible trade that lay beneath their feet, but it was a start.

With their power regained, it was finally time to kick back for a bit and take a moment for themselves. "You know, that felt like a lot longer than a day."

"Yea, no shit. I think I've had enough stress for a whole week." Fugo stretched until there was an audible pop in his spine, opening his eyes to wince at a sudden thought. "Or at least, a few more days."

"No, we don't have any other pressing matters, so we can afford to take a break." Bruno's smile was enough to call angels to the earth, but that was more because no one wanted to work anymore. Tomorrow, they would definitely spend their time wisely and just laze around the house. That is, until (Y/N) got a phone call.

"Hey, idiot." Illuso called through the speakers. Narancia's face scrunched in displeasure, hanging off of her shoulders to flick his knife out.

"Is this that annoying guy again? Why are they calling? Should I stab him?" His message wasn't very threatening to the hitman, who began to loudly cuss out the child.

"Yes, this is the annoying guy again. Sup Lusy, did you need something?" (Y/N) turned off the speakers, raising her shoulder into a shrug to stay on the phone as she tried to cull Narcy's stabby tendencies. Her phone was very dear to her, after all. "Hurry and say it fast before my phone gets cut-"

"We rented out a paintball arena for a few hours tomorrow, wondered if you wanted to join to even out the team." He was cut off by a certain orange child, who heard the words paintball and join. Obviously, paintball was a very fun sport where you got to shoot each other and have almost no consequence, so of course he wanted in. And how does one get into a game of paintball with people that dont like each other?

"Paintball, huh? I'm super good at paintball." He's never played in his life.

"Oh, really?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, looking over him again. "I didn't think you were the type-"

"Oh, if you're so good at it, why don't you join us?" Ghia cut in, more looking forward to shooting some bastards than anything else. "Invite the others too, I'd like to see how they fare."

"Oh! Uh, okay, but I really don't think they will..." After all, they were tired, and tomorrow wasn't enough time for them all to rest up. (Y/N) wanted to go because fuck her body, sleep is just a social construct used to hold people back. She knows this from experience, seeing as even though she was failing spanish, three days of sleep deprivation led her to actually understand what the teacher was saying. But unfortunately, pathetic bastards with sleep schedules needed rest. Covering the receiver, she turned to them. "Do you guys want to go paintballing tomorrow? La squadra invited all of us."

Despite her f]phone not being on speaker, she could still hear Ghiaccio's taunt, and she knew they could hear too. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea, something tells her she'll regret bringing the two together. Just a little nagging at the back of her head.

"Why not?" Mista smirked, fired up at the mere thought of shooting that blue headed bitch again. I mean, he was a gunslinger, it was obvious they would win! "Sounds like fun. I'm in."

"I'm in too!" Narancia grinned, pilling into the backseat with Fugo in tow. "Fugo, you're going too, right?"

"Huh? Why would I?" Paintball was a game that he's never even thought about before, it was sort of a lowbrow game, one that he reminisced to be played by his brothers in the backyard. They would come inside at sundown with purple bruises splattered with blue and green paint splotches smeared with water gun ammo and grass, tracking mud through the halls of their home. It was messy and looked painful, but they looked like they were having fun. "... Sure, why not."

"Whoop! Giogio, you too? Are you going to join us?" (Y/N) grinned, turning to the other blondie with a wild grin. This would be fine! It was shaping up with a fun roster!

"Of course." His grin was less hesitant, as if it was obvious he was coming. Turning to face forward again, he noticed Bruno and Abbacchio shooting glances back at their seats, waiting for her to invite them personally. Of course she would, but he was still a little petty about a few things. "What about you two? Are you coming?"

"... Yea, I'm free." Abbacchio's irritation seeped into his answer, but Bruno didn't seem too bothered at all, nodding to them before focusing on the road once again. Hooray, the boys were all going paintballing!

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