I'm Too Thicc To Do Anything Half-Assed

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"Aerosmith!" As had bombarded the plates with bullets, everyone was quick to protect Trish, (Y/N) pressing the turtle over her head to let the girl inside for safety. Abbacchio covered the right and Mista guarded the left, on Bruno's orders. Where is their enemy? "Inside the soup! They were somehow already in it!"

Mista knelt by the broken platter and spilled soup. "Where are they now?"

Surprised, the younger boy pointed at the puddle. He knew it was there, but then, where did it go? There was something like a shark in his soup, he saw it! It ate his spoon, but then where was it now? Did they already lose them? No, something was amiss. Checking the small amount of soup in his spoon, his breath caught in his throat upon witnessing the shark swirling around his spoon. Before he could even speak, it lunged forward, cutting off his tongue and diving into the puddle. "Mnaghk!"

"Narancia! What happened?!" They turned to look at him, he had fallen back, wheezing out words that he couldn't form. In the soup, he watched as the shark emerged from the shallow pubble, munching on his tongue. He couldn't speak to the others, only succeeding in letting out loud shouts as they paid no mind to where he pointed, only the missing muscle in his mouth. When did they attack him?!

Their concerns fell through deaf ears as he watched in horror as the stand had flickered through various bottles, suddenly swimming in a glass of water, then another, and then a wine bottle.  "What's wrong, Narancia, what are you pointing at? Water? You want a sip of water?"

He shook his head violently, trying to divert attention to the stand in the water, but nothing seemed to work. In a desperate attempt, he slit his tongue again, a spurt of blood catching all of their attention. "H-holy shit! Narancia, what the fuck?!"

"Hey! Th-this is bad! Look! Narancia's tongue! It's gone! On top of that, I don't think he's breathing!" Mista shook the twitching body lightly as the gang crowded around, (Y/N) and Abbacchio continuing to keep watch. So far, there didn't seem to be anyone out of the ordinary, so who was doing this?

"I can use Gold Experience to create parts for his tongue, but it'll take time to finish." Giorno knew they didn't have that time, as Mista so delicately put it, he was about to fucking suffocate.  Here. "Mista, do you have a pen?"

"A pen?! Y-Yeah, I have one..." Fishing one out of his boot, he handed the stationary to him, watching ass the boy wound his hand back and (Y/N)'s eyes widened. No, he wouldn't- With a disgusting squelch, he had thrust the pen into Narancia's throat and unscrewed the cap to let him breathe as (Y/N) gagged to herself. After a moment of shock, Mista sighed in relief. "Looks like he's breathing."

"I'll give life to this pen to create parts for his tongue. That way, he can breathe while I create his tongue." Giorno explained, side-eyeing (Y/N)'s very dramatic reaction to it all. She just didn't like neck wounds, too familiar, not a fun time, 0/10 do not recommend.

Across the canal, the two fiances cuddled close, surveying their targets from above. "I see. So that's Giorno Giovanna."

The ring on his left ring finger glimmered in the sun, distorted by the glass in his hand as a shark stand swam in circles. His love sighed, eyes set on the group. "Now I'm starting to understand the information the boss sent us. We're going to have to be the most careful around that newbie kid."

The orange haired male agreed, wrapping an arm over his fiance to draw him closer. "Yeah... I'm a bit surprised he saved Narancia. I thought my Clash would be enough for this job, but apparently, I'm going to need your help eliminating all six of them, Tiziano."

"As the boss's elite guards, we're going to have to defeat him here." reaching up to return the loving gesture, he lowered his voice. "Are you ready, Squalo."

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