Trish Ending

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"Sorry, wait... give me a second..." (Y/N) shoved their helping hands away, just needing a moment to breath and regroup. "Who are you guys again?"

The household was in chaos over the new and very pressing issue that presented itself that day. Trish could only watch as the confused girl was hauled from room to room to stare at random spots around the house, being told that these random areas were places that meant something to her, but the bewilderment on her face said enough. One by one they backed off and gave her room to think, leaving only the two girls left to chat. This was their first chance to talk face to face after the loss of her memory, but she couldn't bring herself to speak. What could she have said that hasn't already been screamed in her ear three times over? Her name and her position in the mafia, all the missions she's done, she's probably even sick of hearing then ramble about her previous experiences with the group. It's not like she could remember anything so suddenly. "(Y/N)..."

"Hm? Oh, um... they mentioned another girl, you are Trish?" The (H/C) haired girl forced a smile, extending a hand to shake. Her gaze seemed to beg Trish to play along, (Y/N) was too tired to deal with another person she couldn't remember crying in her face. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yea. Sorry about them, I'm sure you're confused enough, without them stressing you out." She looked away from her, drawing a shaking breath to keep the tears from flowing. Holy shit, she really might cry, but not right now. (Y/N) doesn't need that right now. "I... it's nice to meet you too. Hey, do you wanna go downtown later or something? Just to get some food and buy an outfit or two"

"Later?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, and she let out a low hum. It wasn't as if she had anything to do, or if she did, she most certainly didn't remember what it could be. Her entire plan for the day was probably to stay cooped up in the room away from the others and sleep and maybe cry a bit to let the stress out. "Yea, that sounds nice, will tomorrow work? I really need to sleep..."

"Definitely." Trish flashed her a grin. She wouldn't say that she was probably busy the next day. Her producer could postpone the meeting for one day, and if he couldn't, then she just wouldn't show up. (Y/N)'s been there for her at the worst of times, and now it was her turn. Even if she wouldn't remember anything, she would stand by her side and give her new, happier memories. Not of being bisected, not of being tortured, not of being forgotten, just memories that she wouldn't mind having forever. "Whenever you want, just come to my room. It's right next to yours. I'm down to shop anytime."

"Thank you, Trish." (Y/N) meant it. Right now, she just really needed a break. After all, this was all kind of overwhelming. Mafia? Stands? Literal mansion? Crazy. Just give her a moment to process, she's begging you. According to the don and the don's right hand, she didn't even have to rejoin if she didn't want to. She's in a weird predicament anyway, and an amnesia patient most certainly won't help out their mafia cause."Tomorrow, I promise."

Morning couldn't come soon enough, but even if the dawn's presence was wanted, it seemed as if the night just couldn't part with them. Their minds continued to churn, one bad idea followed by another. What if she never remembered anything? What if she really did forget everything, down to who she was and she left them? It was terrifying, but finally, the day had come, and (Y/N) entered as promised. Thankfully, Trish did have an off day today, so she could spend her time with (Y/N) just shopping. If you were to ask why, out of anything they could have done ever, she chose shopping, it's because shopping with a friend is one of the most fun things ever. She still knows (Y/N)'s tastes and she knows them well, so she surely won't miss an opportunity to flex it.

The day was spent leisurely, talking about the most random things, trying on painfully overpriced clothes and eating whatever caught their attention. It was perfect, as if nothing changed. (Y/N) still couldn't remember how they met, but that was fine. She didn't need to remember to still be (Y/N). "Are you feeling a little better?"

"Still sore as fuck, but yea." (Y/N) grinned at her. She felt comfortable with this girl, despite her memories only stretching a day, she enjoyed every second as if their feelings stretched even longer. Well, technically it did. "I had fun today though. I feel like I didn't get to be a teenager a lot, so this felt really refreshing. Really, thank you Trish."

"It's no problem, not at all." the pinkette smiled sweetly, taking (Y/N)'s hand to lead her to the next shop they could explore together. It was different than the first time (Y/N) held her, when her hold was so warm and comforting. Now Trish was the one leading the way, and (Y/N)'s touch still felt just as right. Giving her palm a little squeeze, she promised to herself to protect that smile. This was (Y/N)'s second chance at life, to live without guilt or trauma, and Trish would do anything in the world to keep her happy.

(Y/N) glanced down at her hand, feeling her heart swell with joy for some unknown reason. She really enjoyed seeing Trish happy. Could they stay like this forever? Clutching her dearest friend's wife thin hand, she vowed to never let go, lest her memories abandon her yet again.

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