Wear Heelies To Escape Your Feelies

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(Y/N) spent the rest of the day organizing her room and making it as aesthetically pleasing as possible with her very limited decor. Sadly, it looked the same. All she brought was her clothes and a few photos, but she opted to keep those in her bag instead. Really then, what could she do to lighten up the dreary, sterile room? Some might say minimalism is good, (Y/N) calls bullshit. A cluttered room is best, your room is your state of mind, and chaos is definitely more comforting than nothing. Then again, this was yet another clean slate, hopefully it would be the last, but that chance was way too slim. "Hey, Narcy. What are you up to?"

"There's really nothing to do besides missions, and we don't have any." He whined, making himself comfy on her shitty mattress. He still wasn't too accustomed to everything, all this stand stuff and fighting, but he was okay with it, he was more welcomed here than anywhere else.

"Oh right, you guys do bodyguard work, huh?" (Y/N) sat next to him, crossing her legs out of habit so she could shake her leg. She was never good with staying still, after all. "How's that going for you?"

"I mean, it's pretty cool. My stand is good for like, tracking people? So it really helps." He grinned, pulling his face from the clean covers and glancing at her stance for a split second. He didn't really understand why a man would sit like that, but whatever. "How about you?"

"Me? It's a little bit of gravity manipulation, but not a lot." She's learned that it probably isn't the best to reveal too much about stands. They are personal and secretive and should be kept that way for as long as possible. "Or are you talking about like my job?"

"I was talking about the stand but yea, I wanna know about what you do too." He flashed a toothy grin, flipping over to lay his back against the bed, staring up at the one screw on the ceiling he almost mistook for a spider. Or was it...?

"Ah, well I mean I just go around and gather info, make sure the gambling and stuff is all good and there isn't too much cheating, I'm not much of a fighter, y'know?" She shrugged, twiddling a stray strand off her beanie. "I got sent to collect information once too, but I don't get a lot. Spying is a lot harder since they don't just reveal their plans so easy..."

"Is that a spider?" He pointed at the black dot.

"Nah that's a screw. I checked a few minutes ago." She checked her nails, barren of nail polish. Did she bring her glittery red bottle? Yea, It's somewhere in the top drawer. Her matte white? Probably, hopefully. "So what are the others like?"

"Um... Fugo is pretty nice! He's the one that vouched for me the first time, but he gets mad easy. He's really smart though, I think he mentioned that he went to University. Abbacchio, I don't know a lot about him, actually. He keeps to himself a lot and only listens to Bruno, but he's really strong. Probably stronger than anyone else here. Definitely stronger than anyone else here. I haven't seen either of their stands. And Bruno, he's awesome! You know, he yelled at me not to join the mafia and I didn't know why, but he just didn't want me to get hurt. That's more than anyone has ever done for me." Narancia smiled thoughtfully, reminiscing on that day.

"Oh? Bruno saved me too." She hummed, her stomach churned at the memory of that long night, twisting in disgust of seeing her intestines hanged from hooks above her, dotted with pearls of thick red and writhing like a snake.

"I think he saved all of us at some point." Fugo had been walking past, her room was actually across from his, so of course he was listening in. "That's why if any of us learn you are in any way hindering him, we will dispose of you."

"Cool beans. Speaking of beans I'm hungry, See y'all later, I'm getting McDonalds."

"You are NOT getting McDonalds." Bruno has been summoned in natural mother fashion. "McDonalds is devil's food, just have dinner with us."

"Of course it's devils food, how else am I supposed to sustain myself???" (Y/N) whined, wanting some wimpy fries and a cheeborger.

"With pizza. Everyone come down for dinner." He chimed, leaving the room with only the sway of his hair. The swarm of children followed him like ducklings quietly, exchanging glances between the three of them.

"Last one down is a rotten egg." She whispered, but it seemed the two of them got the hint, Narancia leaping to the front and followed by Fugo, clambering past each other down the narrow staircase. (Y/N), the wonderful little shit she was, took a detour on the side rail, swerving past the both of them with a cackle. "See ya, suckers!"

Fugo launched his shoe at her, successfully nailing her in the temple and throwing her off the railing, crashing down a few stairs before activating her stand, slowing her rapid, violent descent down the stairs, hovering only a few inches above the ground. Abbacchio raised an eyebrow as Narancia jumped, throwing his body on top of the newest member. Honestly, the scream they made was something he would cherish for years to come. "Fugo! Narancia! (Y/N)! What the hell are you doing??"

"I think I need a wheelchair..." (Y/N) wheezed in response to no one, trying not to cry from the pain subjugated to her back, met with only a half assed apology from Narancia, who continued to sit on her. "Holy shit I think I'm parapalegic now..."

Abbacchio lifted Narcy off of her by Bruno's orders, eye glancing down on the girl in disguise. For a guy, they had quite the ass, but he quickly averted his attention to the dinner table where their dinner was being set.

"Fugo." (Y/N) pulled herself up, rubbing her lower back.

"What?" He had walked down the last few steps like a normal person after being scolded by Bruno, a sour frown on his face.

"You're a rotten egg."

"And you're a dead man."


Ah, the best time to mess with shitty newcomers, night. This was a tradition he just had to upkeep. First was locking Narancia in a cramped cupboard for a day, and now? He was going to glue that stupid mask to his eyebrows. His weapon, the small bottle of glue was tucked safely under his belt as he entered the room of the unwanted newcomer. None of the doors had locks, and most of them had to save up to buy their own. Thankfully, they didn't wake at all when he opened the door, at least from his angle. They were snuggled pretty deep under their blanket, so he assumed they were asleep. Making his way over, he slipped out his adhesive. It reacted to heat, so it was perfect for someone who wore a mask all day. He applied three drops to each side, rubbing it over the area with a cotton swab and grinning to himself, eyes shifting over to the (E/C) eye that stared back.


"Motherfuck-" He flinched, almost dropping the open bottle of adhesive. "Jesus fucking Christ how long were you awake?"

"Since you opened the door. You're really loud." She hissed, reaching over to grab the bottle and squinting at the tiny font, while he was more focused on her thin arms. "And what's this?"

"You're a fucking girl?" It clicked. The odd voice, the baggy clothes, it all made sense now. He really didn't expect it. Women usually avoided the mafia out of fear of rape or soemthing like that.

"Did you put fucking glue on my mask?" Her eyes had finally somewhat adjusted to the stupid tiny lettering on the bottle. "Okay, rude bitch. How do I get rid of it?"

"Like I know. Why the hell are you here, huh?"

"Uhh, this is my room. Why else." She propped her body on her elbow, blanket shifting down. She was just wearing a random tee, her charm necklace tracing a distinct line across her neck in the dark. "Can you go now? I'm fucking tired."

He grimaced, realizing that no, he doesn't care. He- SHE, gets off the hook for now, but she still has to deal with the glue on her mask. That'll satisfy his pettiness long enough.

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