Sometimes You Just Gotta Macarena Through The Anxiety

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(Y/N) woke up to the sounds of hushed whispers outside her door. It wouldn't bother her if not for the fact she had been dreaming about Tiramisu. And nothing they said had anything to do with the treat, it was all just "Are you sure she's a girl? I don't believe you!" and "why were you in her room anyways?"

Well, the gig was up, but it wasn't like they had really bad intentions anyway, so why bother hiding it? After throwing on some shorts and fumbling around for her mask, she pulled the door open. Apparently in the dark, he didn't notice that she only had a single eye, but that was fine, throwing open the door to reveal the three perpetrators. "You woke me up and now you owe me a pound of good quality tiramisu and a few inches of your small intestine."

"(Y/N)! Uh...Uh!" Narancia's gaze slowly headed south towards her chest. "H-holy shit! It's a girl!" he cried, backing up from the door as if it was infested in cooties.

"Nice to know that females don't deserve names in this household I guess." She brushed a hand through her hair, pulling it away once meeting a nest of tangles. She honestly didn't really care about being called an 'it', but Narancia quickly squeaked out a soft apology, face red. Fugo hesitated to say something, but kept his mouth shut. He has never really seen a female in his time in the mafia, but he did agree she looked better as a female, even if she just rolled out of bed. Abbacchio said nothing, staring at her mask, and then the two ribbons that fell limply from the edges. She didn't take the glue off.

"So do you need the mask anymore?" Fugo almost wanted to pull the mask off, but he didn't move from his spot, watching her face slowly shift from smug to distressed in a matter of seconds before dashing to her cabinet and digging out a bottle of nail polish remover and diving into a bathroom, much to Abbacchio's delight. Fugo instantly knew what happened, whipping his head over to the taller male but saying nothing and descending the stairs where Bruno waited for his coffee.

"Can you call for everyone to come downstairs and eat breakfast?" He yawned, taking the hot mug and turning to pop some Poptarts into the toaster.

"We're here." Narancia walked in, grabbing a clean glass to pour himself some orange juice. "Dibs on the last oreo Poptart!"

"I ate that last night." The lilac haired man muttered, setting a cup under the coffee machine for some java and ignoring the pained screech the boy gave.

"I feel like we are missing one. Where is (Y/N)?" Bruno looked around, fixing his blue turtleneck and leaning over to check the stairs. "Is she still sleeping?"

"Nah. I'm here." Said girl had army-crawled on the roof behind Abbacchio just to scare him, but all she was given was a faceful of hair when he whipped around, in which she promptly swept from her face so she could continue eating her smores Poptart. Thankfully, the adhesive melted away with some acetone, so she just wore her regular medical patch over her eye. "The Poptarts are done too."

To be honest, they preferred the extra skin. She looked much better without the mask. Narancia gaped, a finger extended towards her. "S-She's hot!"

"You're right, it's kinda chilly in here, I'm gonna get a jacket." She rubbed her arms, trying to generate a little more warmth before returning from whence she came to fetch a jacket, finishing off the last bite of Poptart on her way up before Bruno could scold her for eating upstairs.

"B-bruno! Why's there a girl here?" Narancia didn't expect to see any, this was the Mafia! Weren't girls into other things?

"I told you yesterday. She'll be staying here as a collector and messenger." He downed the rest of his coffee, going to change into his suit and do his hair. "And we all have a mission today, so everyone get ready."

"We're just going to leave her here?" Fugo glanced upstairs, watching her slide down the railings like the cheater she was. Said girl raised her brow at them and tilted her head. She didn't look like she could cause a lot of harm, but how would he be able to tell? He didn't know it but he was correct, she was chaotic and did whatever she wanted. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"No, I'm off to go bring a pizza to Polpo, so go crazy." Bruno, as a person who has worked under Polpo for five years, silently wondered how she would be able to deliver such a large pizza. She might be able to float it, but how would she sneak in something larger than their entire kitchen? Oh well, it wasn't his problem to deal with. "I'll see you all later, maybe."

With the click of her tongue and a playful finger gun to accompany it, she shut the door behind her, floundering her way down to the restaurant with the mask tied to her face. It was actually pretty cozy, black lights dangling from the ceiling and giving a chic ambiance to the rather spacious and fancy restaurant. She definitely felt out of place with her baggy black shirt and Camo shorts, but hey, it's for the style, goddamnit. A waiter stood up, looking her up and down before noticing the small fingernail sized pin on her ear. "The pizza?"

"Yea." She looked around for the takeout box, but they handed her a small jade charm, one meticulously crafted silver dragon wrapped around the gemstone that had been carved into an 'O'. She glanced up at them in confusion for a moment, then down at the charm.

"My stand, 'Exploration' made the charm. It's good for finding... 'lost things' Face the dragon away from you and think of what you're trying to find and you should be able to make it appear, and shove it through the hole to hide it." (Did I watch Coraline for the seventh time? Yes. Yes I did.) "Well. I'll be on my way. Have a good day, ma'am."

"Thanks. You too." She nodded, hesitantly curling her fist closed and leaving the restaurant. She wasn't exactly sure where to put her new charm, it didn't really match her outfit so she decided against another earring, going to string it through her charm necklace. That was a horrible idea, anything placed in the center just disappeared, and she quickly pulled it away. "Right. Can't go through the hole. But it is a pretty small hole..." She reached and pressed it against a large rock, watching in awe as the sides effortlessly sucked into the smaller object almost like a black hole. (Y/N) pressed her eye to the jade, glancing through the hole for the rock. Only a few feet in front of her, the same rock glimmered with a green outline. After pulling the charm down, there sat the same rock in the same place. "Trippy."

With her new.... Thingy, she entered the prison and greeted her friends, going through the motions before entering the same room as she had all those months ago. "Polpo, I got ya pizza." She flicked her new charm into the air and peered through the small hole, looking for the pizza among the black and white background. "Oh my god that's a big ass pizza."

"Ah, thank you, darling. Truly, this hunger of mine is a hefty price to pay..." He ignored her comment, slurping it down like fine wine but more gross. It vaguely reminded her of what happened to the stone she had... "Right, well anything I have to do this week? Or am I just gonna come in every day to do stuff."

"No, I will give you a list of tasks to do so you just need to complete them by the end of the week. Pretty lenient, isn't it?" He grinned, rubbing his stomach that somehow remained unchanged despite the large meal he just consumed. She kind of wished she had that power almost. "For this week... I usually wouldn't have to push this onto you, but I need you to find a man, Rico. He has been wasting too much time at the golf courses and not enough in his Casino. Give him a warning, but... rough him up a little, would you? I need some messages out too, the Boss says we aren't getting enough income, and I don't want to have to go through my own stash, so there will have to be a few budget cuts, but up the costs. For the gambling district, just make sure everything is alright."

"Mhmm. Can do, sir." She waved him off, tucking the charm into her pocket and exiting the prison. "Well, could be worse."

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