I Take Super Hot Showers To Practice Burning In Hell

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This was bad news, this was very bad news. Polnareff knew what was coming, he knew it all too well. Diavolo was here, and as the child walked past a stone pillar, he appeared. In all his stripper glory.

Diavolo stood before the man that was supposed to be dead from long ago. No matter how much he tore apart the past, it always found a way to tangle around his legs. But this was still quite the surprise. No wonder he couldn't think of anyone who could possibly oppose him, but it didn't matter. What mattered, was what Polnareff was trying to tell Bucciarati and his subordinates!

"Don't you dare set a single foot on those stairs, you hear me?! I'm up here and you're down there!" Polnareff warned, wheeling away a tad to bite off some of the skin on his finger. As the blood dripped down onto his leg, he kept his eyes glued to the man he has hunted for years.

"You're the one below me, Polnareff! As long as you are below in Hell, it doesn't matter what you plan to do with the arrow!" Suddenly, the number of blood dripped had multiplied, and Polnareff attacked, slicing a circle around himself to catch the bastard at any angles. His stand hadn't lost any of its power, not a single drop. "I see you've figured out how to see when time has skipped by counting drops of blood. In just a moment's difference in number... Your timing is genius, too. If I was any closer, I would've been gravely injured."

Shit! Polnareff knew what he had to do. Damnit! He couldn't believe that Diavolo was first to get here. It left him no choice, he had to protect hope at all costs! Summoning his Stand and all his courage, he thrust the arrow into the face of silver chariot, or at least, that is what he intended. He knows that these moments, these crucial moments, have been cut, but the effect will remain the same.

"Impossible! What did you do?! The arrow does more than just draw out Stand Abilities?" Diavolo watched the stand, legless and goopy, scramble away like a cockroach. No, this could be fixed. If he could just kill off the user, everything will fall into its respectful place once more. That was a simple fix. Polnareff was a thorn in his side for too long, but here and now, he would finally perish.

"I-it happened again! It skipped! Time skipped again!" Giorno gasped as they found themselves in an entirely different location yet again.

"Giorno! Look over there! It's (Y/N)!" Trish pointed at the collapsed figure as Mista spoke up.

"Hey, she looks really hurt! Didn't Bucciarati say she damaged her eye in a fight?! How did she get over here?" Mista pointed at the eye forming in Giorno's hand. The (E/C) orb was still developing, but very close to the finished product. Taking the delicate organ, Abbacchio approached her.

"Hey, get up, what fucking happened? We have your eye." He hissed, pulling her to her feet and inserting the missing piece into her face with scary precision. He ignored her whines of pain, swatting her little grubby hands away from touching it as everything reconnected.

"Oh shit, hi Abba, Giogio and everyone, I thought Bruno was with you guys?" As everything was still in the process of healing, she didn't really open her eyes, but odd enough, even without focusing, the outlines of her friends still stood as clear as day. How odd.

"Bruno went to go retrieve you, what are you talking about? How did you even get here?" Mista inquired, if she was missing an eye and her other eye got fucked, didn't that mean she was kind of blind?

"Weird shit, man. I can still see? Kind of?" She waved her hand. "Like it's using my stand but not? And I was using my stand at first, cause it was like my sixth sense..."

"You're making no sense." Abbacchio grumbled as he inserted the eyeball back where it belonged, bloodshot (E/C) eye slowly healing with the rest of her. "Is your shoulder hurt too??"

"Well, it's kind of like how someone can guess how far something is just from the sound, but it isn't hearing, it's heat detection." She explained, her eye still shut from the pain as she explained to the best of her capabilities before throwing the whole conversation out, there were bigger fish to fry. "It's weird and not important, the important thing is that the boss may or may not be here and we may or may not be fucked."

Behind a pillar, Diavolo narrowed his eyes as he squeezed his prize. The arrow he had retrieved and learned the secrets of was safe in his palm, but he still had to ensure no one would ever cross his paths again. Those in question stood a little below him, out of range and too wary to attack. But that wasn't what was important. Behind him, a shadow of a figure crossed, someone he did not know. How could this be?! "What? Who are you?! How long have you been standing there?!"

The figure did not respond, continuing to walk away, but something caught the boss's eye, a stand arrow, embedded into his neck. Surprised, he checked his hands, but his prize was missing, replaced by disappointment and empty hopes.

"Wait! Who are you? Answer me!" He didn't understand, how could this, this thing, take the arrow that was so tight in his grip? How was it possible for it to do such a feat? What was going on? But despite all of this, the Shadowed man continued to walk away. "You! I told you to stop! Show me your face...!"

A wave of sleepiness fell over him, and suddenly, he could no longer stand. But what was that man? A stand? How could that be...? He was on top of the wall where Silver Chariot melted, Could this be the arrow's power...? Collapsing against the wall, he did his best to stay awake, but the tiredness consumed him. Below, everyone began to drop like flies, sleeping soundly despite even the highest of heart rates denying them an ounce of rest. But this sensation was undeniable, like a warm second period classroom with the teacher playing a video for the class. Sleep was inevitable.

And in the silence of the sleeping dawn, only Chariot Requiem's footsteps could be heard.


I got so sleepy writing this actually

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