La Squadra Ending

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She almost didn't notice the twitch of his palm, too occupied with the way the acid swirled and exploded against his forehead like a firework, both of them worldless as the sparkling pink acid ate away at everything. It probably hurt, she's sure it hurt, but he didn't say anything, or perhaps he couldn't. She quickly scoot away from the body that flopped down before her, eyes wide and unable to tear away. The brain already devoured by the voracious acid, the body was next to go, leaving only an empty, bloody and burnt husk of a suit.

She killed someone, she deliberately killed someone. The thought alone was enough to wretch, but she should have at least been thankful that it didn't leave a corpse for her to ogle at. "It's... It's over..."

Giorno was the first to wake up, glancing around the unfamiliar house before realizing that this was his home. Beside him, his friends and comrades seemed to be in the same predicament, waking one by one by the windows of their grandiose home. What was going on? Was something outside? Weird... He couldn't... He couldn't remember. "Is everyone okay?"

"What? Yea... We're all good I think." Mista groaned, his head aching softly, but it was probably because he hit it on the window while going down, rather than something else. Not that he has any clue what a 'something else' could be. "Ow... Shit, I can't believe I smacked my noggin into the glass..."

"Still, why are we all at the windows? Is something happening?" Bruno stood up, assessing the situation to the best of his knowledge. No one seemed to be harmed, however. Was everyone here? Abbacchio, Fugo, Narancia, Mista, Giorno, Trish, and- Yea, everyone was there. "Narancia, check outside, look for anyone around here."

"Yea, I see somebody." He nodded, pointing at the small character a distance away. "they're breathing heavily, like they just got in a fight, but... I dunno, I don't think it was with us, I didn't see anything like bullets or something that came from one of us."

"Is that so?" Fugo furrowed his eyebrows, standing to check outside the window, beside them was a mound of clothes, as if his stand had devoured someone, but that couldn't be him, the stranger was too close to it, the virus would have eaten them too. Even if his stand had evolved, it didn't change. "I don't trust them... Giorno, what do you think we should do?"

"Hey, they're coming this way!" Narancia pointed, and the odd girl looked up, locking eyes with him and grinning. He blushed at the small action, heart palpitating for no real reason. Really, who was this girl? That smile and silly lighthearted wave was... familiar? No, it was comforting. She had a comforting feel.

"Narancia, do you know her or something...?" Abbacchio raised an eyebrow at her friendly behaviour, backing away from the window to go get a drink or something. Whatever was going on, he didn't trust it. The piss colored piss drinker could fix it up.

"Yea... I don't think so." He shook his head, waiting for her to go knock on the door and maybe ask for directions, or for her to offer them girl scout cookies or something, even if she looked a little old for that.

"Heya! It's over!" The stranger leaped up to the second story window and he screamed, falling back into Trish, who didn't care at all for the lack of drama. She was a busy popstar gal, okay? The pinkette threw a glare at the both of them, Narancia quickly apologizing and rolling off, as the other woman... looked a little shocked. "Uh..."

"How the hell did she jump all the way up here? Is she a stand user?!" Bruno unleashed his stand, followed by his many children. "Hey! You! Who the fuck are you?!"

Well, she's unwelcomed, that's for sure. "Yea, are you the one who made us all fall asleep? What did you do to us?"

"I didn't..." She shut her mouth, it was useless to explain. "Do... Do you not know who I am?"

"Are you an enemy? Explain yourself!" As a warning shot, Mista pulled the trigger, but the bullet in that cartridge was already missing! What the fuck was going on?

"No, I'm not, I'm... I'm sorry, I must've mistaken you for someone else..." (Y/N) whispered, stumbling back and out the window. Quickly, she readjusted herself to land on her feet. Their souls, their souls looked the same as Amelia's. Fuzzy and scrambled so badly it would never come undone, and she couldn't take it. No, they forgot her too. Was it everyone again? Would she be back to square one? Was this some punishment from a past life? Was this all her fault? "Haha, I must've... I must've mistaken something."

She had to get out of there. No, she didn't know what would happen. Maybe everything still could have been okay. He didn't know who else knew her, maybe there was still a chance she wasn't forgotten again, maybe there was still a chance that she would have friends, proof of her development and her good times. That's all she needed today, just someone to recognize her, to hold her and tell her that everything is still okay.

She didn't realize how far she travelled, well, having the power to suddenly launch yourself in any certain direction gives you that advantage. Exhausted, she wandered the streets alone, trying desperately to find a way to solve everything, to find a way to be remembered again, to have a place to call home again.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing over here? I thought you were still fuckin it up back at your big ass mansion." A teasing laugh, and hefty slap on the back, she turned back to find Formaggio there, accompanied by the rest of her mafia teachers. "Woah, actually, you're the one that got fucked up, huh? Christ, I know a broken rib when I see one!"

"G-guys..." Her lower lip wobbled, tears finally breaking as she tackled all those that could fit in her arms in a tight hug, bawling loudly into their shirts and making them slightly uncomfortable and all the more confused.

"Hey... It's okay...What happened...?" Pesci was quick to jump on the case, patting her head gently to try and calm her down. Leave it to the man that drinks milk, he's the only one that's help a gal out!

"IfoughtaguyandIwasreallyscaredcauseIhadtodoitmyselfbutIfuckedupreallybadandhefuckedeverythingupagainandeveryoneforgotmeandnowallIhaveisyouguyyyysss!!" she sobbed, squeezing at max four of them as Ghiaccio threw a hissy fit about her snot getting all over him. "And-and-and... I went over here cause I can't go back to them, and I don't wanna, I don't wanna be forgotten again!"

"Christ kid, okay okay okay! Take a deep breath! And blow your nose..." Illuso yanked himself out of the eak hold, pulling out a hankie for her to use, letting her take a moment to blow her nose. "Jeez, how did you even do that? You're fucked up from head to toe. Did you belly flop onto concrete or something?"

"Nooo, I got crushed..." She sniffled, wiping her eyes again and getting some more headpats from Melone, who was practically pouring himself over her injuries, incredibly worried for his little student. "But I can't go back... They don't even recognize me anymore..."

Prosciutto glanced at Risotto, who quickly stepped up to grab her like an American football so she didn't have to walk anymore and take her the way they came. Of course she could come back. What friends would they be if they didn't? The blond hid his smile, turning around to go walk to their home with everyone. There was still a room empty for her after all. "We did say you were always welcome with us. Did you forget that?"

WOah I never wrote an ending before and it shows-

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