Sorry But Being Sexy And Bitter Is My Default Setting

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"(Y/N), can you stop shaking your leg?" Narancia grumbled, having dealt with her being a bundle of nerves for a minute too long. Bruno was going to be fine, so he didn't understand her worry. Or... maybe she was just hungry?

"Mh, sorry." (Y/N) nodded, forcing her leg to sit still, moving to bite her fingernail instead. This wasn't working, so she joined Giorno on the island to watch the cats scamper around and eat at their well earned breakfast.

"(Y/N), be careful. The boss said to stay off the island." Abbacchio warned, the favoritism was obvious, seeing as he lectured Giorno for stepping on the island, only to warn her when she sat down to watch the cats play.

"Mhmm..." In an effort to lure one of the kitties over so she could pet them, (Y/N) lay on her back and checked her charmed backpack for something to play with. Ah, a laser, perhaps?

"(Y/N)! You have my chocolates, right? I gave them to you to hold in your backpack." Originally, he hid them in the turtle, but she smelled the chocolate the second he tried to sneak it in, so he traded a sweet for safekeeping. "Can I have them back? I'm hungry."

"Okay, the maroon box, right?" She pulled the much larger box from her little backpack, handing it to the raven haired boy with a grin, opening her mouth to wait for her payment, beside her, Narancia groaned and stuffed one of the morsels into her open maw, turning to eat the rest for himself as (Y/N) savored the sweet treat. "Thank you~"

"Hey, you had chocolates this entire time?" Mista stood, eying the sweet treats that Narancia had began to shovel into his mouth. Eyes as wide as a fish, he perked up.

"Nyo." Through stuffed cheeks, Narancia firmly denied the existence of his sweet stash, hiding the box behind his back, as if that would have done much.

"Damn it, Narancia! Who do you think you are, trying to eat all the chocolates yourself?" Mista reached over, stitching the box to get himself a chocolate. Fugo and Abbacchio watched with unnamused expressions as the box was passed hand to hand, the two of them arguing over the sweets. "How come (Y/N) got one and not me?"

"Give them back! I bought them with my own money, so give them back! I can choose who I want to give them too, and (Y/N) held them for me!" Narancia leaned over Mista's shoulder, trying to snag his box back.

"(Y/N)! Tell him to share!"

"Who, me?" She sighed, watching the cats chase after the shiny red dot. "Don't feel like it... I had to carry the backpack the entire time anyway..."

"There's nothing IN your backpack!" Truly, that bag was quite the enigma, but it was actually just her little dragon charm given to her by the pizza delivery man. Not that the others would ever figure it out. "C'mon, there's only three left!"

"Narancia, I swear..." Fugo watched the scene unfold, not that there was much else to watch other than (Y/N) trying not to scream when the kitty sniffed her outstretched hand. Giorno was doing something on the computer, and to be honest, it was kind of sketchy, but no one said anything.

"What a greedy little shit." Abbacchio grumbled.

"We've all been waiting for these, and we're hungry!" 

"Narancia, just share already, you're gonna scare the kitty away." (Y/N) sighed, leaning to look over at whatever Giorno was looking at online, but his eyes weren't even open. "Giogio, something wrong? Is Bruno okay?"

"The ladybug brooch is moving from the top of the tower. I can feel it." On the screen, a green and black map of the church floor, the staircase was right beside the elevator that ascended to the top of the tower,  but it looked to go downstairs to a lower level. "It's heading to the chanel house below to try to cross through there.  Bucciarati must've put the brooch somewhere on the boss's clothes."

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