Abbacchio Ending

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(Heads up! Mentions of chapter 26 'When life falls apart just kick it under the fridge so no one notices', so if you wanna get a good picture of what's happening, you could take a quick peek at the dialogue over there later!)

(Y/N) rest her arm against the windowsill to prop her head up, staring out the glass at the passing buildings and people. It's weird how little she remembers any of it, if at all. It certainly feels familiar, but not in a way as if she lived there for a long time, a familiar like she's visited before a long time ago. "Abbacchio, you sure this is gonna help me?"

"No, but it's worth a shot, isn't it? You wanted to try remembering, and my stand is the best for that." He glanced over from the driver's seat, a hint of worry residing in his dual colored eyes. He didn't want to force her to remember, not when she's gone through some terrible, horrible shit. Sure, they all have, and he would like to forget his past himself, but that doesn't change what happened. That doesn't change anything. "A lot of memories are inside our old house before we moved, I think there could be something there that's help."

"Mmkay." She nodded, rolling down the window to feel the summery breeze caress her skin. The sky bathed them in a gentle, sunny glow, and the hand she hovered outside to catch the wind was warmed under the afternoon light. "We've been driving for a while, so I just didn't want to waste your time or anything, just in case nothing happens."

"Don't say that." Abbacchio scowled a tad. Well, her personality was still there, including that annoying 'one for all and none for me' mentality. "I do this because I want to. It's not wasting my time, so stop spouting bullshit. And don't you dare apologize for bringing it up, either."

"... Fine." Well, at least he proved he knew her well enough to know her next word. "Then when do we get there?"

"Now, actually." He swerved the car to park in one of the vacant spaces on the street, not exactly caring if it was labelled as parking for fire department or emergency services. It was closest to the building. "Come on, let's go."

"Mhmm." She undid her seatbeat and entered the building with him. It was owned by the mafia, so while it wasn't regularly cared for, it was still pretty decent. Their old home would still be empty, seeing as there hasn't been any new groups added in, and whoever did was sorted into different areas, courtesy of Giorno. Entering the old home, the first thing she noticed was how spacious it ws, but then again, it had to accommodate six people in the past. "Okay, so... let's get started!"

Abbacchio wound his stand up to the very beginning to let her watch herself, although it could only focus on one, she was able to listen to others through its own memory of that time and of the experiences. Most of it didn't seem to have much of an affect on her however. She was pretty content with watching the shenanigans build though. It was more of her watching a shitty show than her trying to remember, really, with his own commentary here and there so she knew what was really going on. "Here you go out with Fugo on your first bodyguard mission. I'm not driving all the way out there though, and I don't really know what went on there, but I know you traumatized Fugo and he made Bruno forbid you from driving. Ever. Still don't know how you managed that."

"Don't ask me." (Y/N) grinned, watching him fast forward to the moment she came back, then walked straight upstairs to the bathroom, only for Abbacchio to quickly skip something till she came out with a freshly patched neck over her battle wound. "Hey, Abba, what was that?"

"Nothing, it was nothing." He grimaced, remembering that conversation all too well. If anything, he would rather not let her hear that out of all of them. "It's just not helpful."

"Well, shouldn't we at least try? C'mon, just play it." (Y/N) waved her hand, pinching her timer clone's cheek. "What, did I shit or something?"

"No, wait-why is that your first question? How would I know if you shit?"

"Cause this is in a bathroom, I was in there for a while, and you obviously feel uncomfortable about it, so was I shitting or what?? And if I was, why DO you know about it? In other words, this is a very roundabout way of saying 'show me the goods or I will label you some weird peeping tom'." She hummed, very happy with her hastily hashed together logic.

"... No, it was just a talk." He explained, not wanting to upset her or be labelled a peeping tom. Reluctantly, he reversed his stand to play it where it should have, waiting outside the door as (Y/N) watched her clone intently, listening to the conversation. He didn't like it, because he could tell she was stressed at that moment, he could feel her heartbeat and breathing rise from agitation, and his words just didn't help. "You were really pissed afterwards."

She watched the stand intently, listening to Abbacchio's words in its memories, how he pressed into something she didn't want to talk about, and (Y/N) felt a pang in her chest. This angered her in some way, it was different than what he showed her, little snippets of happiness and maybe a stupid argument here and there, they were relatable, sure, but they were just moments. It was like watching a horribly directed sitcom, but this, this hit straight to the core, this was a feeling that she understood all too well and yet didn't know at all, and the emotions hit her straight in the gut. She knew he was trying to help, she knew that he pried to find the root of her problems and help talk it out, but it was just uncomfortable. She didn't want to talk about anything that day, and she vividly remembered that memory of why. "Oh."

Abbacchio stood quietly, brain humming in hopes of not having to listen to that one conversation. He knows she said she forgave him, but it still ate at him in the back of his mind. He's rarely ever seen her so defensive about something, that old, old wound that never healed, he didn't want to open it again. "Is it over?"

"Wait." (Y/N) blinked, thinking back on all her experiences. "I think I remember now."

"You do?" He stood straight, looking back on her as she turned to him at the same moment.

"Yea. I definitely do, Leonie." She nodded, biting the inside of her cheek in thought as her clone continued to retrace her steps. "Damn. You were right though, I was pissed."

"That doesn't help." He groaned, looking at himself in the mirror rather than her. He didn't want to see if she was angry again, but his eyes fell on her reflective counterpart, only to see she was looking back. "I... I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have pried that day, I made you uncomfortable, and I shouldn't have tried to force advice on you when you didn't want it."

"Hey, I already forgave you, idiot." (Y/N) grinned. "Buut, you can buy me some tiramisu to pay back what you did to my mask the first day. It can be like a date!"

"... A date, huh?" His lips curled up and his eyes softened. Really, she had no idea what she does to him. "I haven't had one of those in a long time."

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