Just You Wait Until My Therapist Hears Of This

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"Did anyone follow you two?" The man glanced around the car as she just tried to shove him inside. He was being rather difficult for someone who wanted to survive the day. "How can I trust that you are the ones I hired?"

"Because you aren't dead yet and we want to be paid." She muttered under her breath. "Sir with all due respect, we just saw the people wanting to kill you and they tried to kill us, so you might want to hurry up so we can get out of here."

"W-what?!" He wasn't able to ask anything else, (Y/N) shoving him into the backseat and hopping into shotgun, Fugo popping the clutch and lurching them forward down the path. "What do you mean they are after us??"

"It means you might want to keep your head down and stay quiet because if you die we don't get paid, got it? We get you to where you need to go and that's all our contract consists of." Fugo growled, glaring at the client and forcing him into submission, the car silent once again. "We are going to get you to the cabin safely, and then another group deals with you and we escape."

(Y/N) threw a cautionary glance behind them, sighing softly. Were all their missions usually this heart pumping? Doesn't really sound like a good time. "Buckle your seatbelt, Fugo."

"No one is behind us. Why do I need to buckle?" He drove down the mountain to the woodlands, letting her focus on navigating and telling her which way to go even if this entire trail was a single road looping around the mountain.

"Because you are driving." She grabbed the wheel to ghost drive for him, giving him a few seconds to buckle up (Safety first!) and continue on their way. "No one seems to be after us right now, but they could have taken a different route to meet us on the other side, so let's take a shortcut."

"I'm not going to drive down the side of the mountain." He grumbled, reaching to regain control of the wheel. The comment was mostly made as a joke, and should not be taken seriously.

"Actually, you are. Road safety laws prepare to be ignored!!" She swerved and they immediately started to descend the 45 degree steep mountainside, ignoring the screams of both the men in the car as she continued to steer the car to avoid launching themselves into a rock or a tree. "And that's the road we want to take so let's start turning this way and make a big loop... thank god there's no one else on the road."

"Crazy woman! Crazy fucking woman!" The client hollered, clutching anything he could, but they made it down in less than a minute rather than twenty, so who's complaining? Well, everyone but her, Fugo was also screaming at her.

"Oh my god, men." She rolled her eyes, staring at her map. "Turn here and go straight for a few miles, Fugo." She let go of the wheel and he snatched it, cursing that he would never let her touch anything in the drivers side ever, which is totally ridiculous because not only were they alive and okay, they were alive and okay. It made no sense to be so angry when she was correct, they saved a buttload of time and just cut the chances of confrontation in half or more. And he was wearing a seatbelt too, she gave him a warning. Well, a trick, but so be it.

"Fucking hell! That was dangerous! Why the hell did you do that?!" they still drove off, her glancing back at their client still sunk into the back of the car, half out of relief they were alive and half out of fear she might do something else balls-to-the-walls insane again. Fugo didn't understand her incessant need to risk things, roll the die, pull the trigger. What did she gain out of these petty experiences, was she an adrenaline junkie willing to drag others down her doomed path? "What if we flipped over?!"

"Then I would have used my stand and continued. It takes forty-five minutes to go up and to go down this mountain from that point, the road was blocked off at thirty minutes and they could have descended, taken the ten minute drive around the other way, and went up the hill to meet us twenty minutes later on the other end of the road. Staying on this path is a liability, but even if they noticed us, which they probably did because both of you are absolute pussies and the only one with a pair of balls in this fucking car is me, we are at least five minutes ahead of them and can lose them somewhere else." She spat, pulling up the map and drawing out multiple paths with her finger just in case. Fugo shut his trap. He was recruited first for his intellect and his level head, he was the goddamn second in command, it pissed him off that some random girl was not only dissing him, but had a reason to. She was right and he hated it, how could she throw herself into the heart of danger so easily? Did she not care for her own health? Was she willing to throw it all away so easily? He doesn't understand her, she's an enigma, a phenomenon unexplained to him as odd as the bermuda triangle or dark matter.

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