Its Been Fun But I'm Gonna Go Cry Now

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Only a few hours later did she gasp for air, dry heaving and hacking up her nonexistent breakfast. A strand of phlegm hung from her lip as a shaking arm brushed over her neck. There was nothing, not even a scar. Was it all a dream? A throwback to her time on the operation table as a human toy? No, the scent of blood was still there, she could feel the sticky substance coating her chest, a telltale sign that that wasn't a dream. She lay there alone, shivering under the chill gaze of the moon.. "I... I need to... h-head home... I want to go home... " She whispered, her voice hoarse and pained. Of course, home wasn't somewhere she was welcome. As Polpo stated, the way she is right now, she is a ghost, a remnant of the past that roams the streets, no home, no family. That didn't stop her from dragging her body across the roofs, ignoring the dryness of her throat and the ache in her body. After a little she just gave up, forcing the ghost of herself out and pushing off the wall, floating gently over the rooftops, sometimes kicking her leg out to continue against the air resistance.

Finally, she neared her destination, the abandoned dorm room. Her stuff lay untouched, the desk was still a mess, and she could almost hear herself lie and say she would clean it later, an automatic response. Not that she would ever be back. She set the flickering blue flame down on the desk for later. With tired arms, she started to pack away things of value to her. Clothes, a few photos and small mementos, some jewelry her friends got her, and her life savings that she hid in a hollowed out textbook. She ignored the gun, instead opting to just take the pepper spray. With the help of her stand, it almost weighed nothing, even if it was only a few boxes. But where would she go? There was nowhere she could set her spawn point. "Well... I guess I'll just...die."

The bed felt rather cold to her, it could have been that it hadn't been used in ages, but it just felt different. She only got a few hours of sleep that night, her gaze fixed on the lighter that illuminated the room with a soft yellow haze. Dawn would rise soon, so she did her best to set the bed back and make sure any remnants of her were gone. It didn't take too long as the bed was the only thing that needed fixing, carrying her things out under the cover of the dying night, she silently bid goodby to all the friends she made and all the memories that would surely be lost. She found an alley to hide her shit in, moving to set it on the windowsill where no one could reach. "Being a ghost isn't as cool as I thought it would be. I need to haunt someone.

And that is what she did. It took a little to find someone alone. Her target? Some kid with black hair and dead eyes. He looked kinda sad, maybe a little bored, twirling a flower between his fingers. Her eyes rest on his figure behind the corner, using the mirror of the car to watch. And as all reasonable people do with the power to float and the mindset of a chaotic toddler, she started to float small things around him, the cup of tea he was drinking, the chicken alfredo, even a little bit of his hair, which had sat under the morning sun. He hadn't seemed to notice until the tea started to float up in large amber bubbles and she had to suppress her laughter, crumpling down in order to not burst out at his baffled expression. It wasn't until she heard footsteps and suddenly he was looking down at her balled up figure, not very amused. She seemed to forget that mirrors worked both ways. "What are you laughing about?"

Of course, she wasn't planning on being caught in the act. This wasn't Scooby Doo, for gods sake. "Uh... Tax Evasion?"

He raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.

"...Did you know kangaroos regularly find people to kick in the nuts not because they think it's funny but to assert dominance." She spat out.


"Yea, that was a lie. See you, kid." She bolted away, leaving him confused. Did she have a power like him? But why did she try to float his food instead...? Was she so hungry she tried to steal his food?  And what had happened to her eye? Haruno brushed his hand over the ground, coming across a single strand of (H/C) hair. It was well taken care of, smooth and sleek, he turned it into a butterfly, following it as its delicate blue wings led him to its owner. That was, until the butterfly started to go straight up. It shocked him a little, he didn't understand how someone could scale up an entire building in less than a minute, but now he was determined to see that girl again. She was intriguing, to say the least. He couldn't help but want to find her. Maybe that's why he brought out his 'Gold Experience', giving life to a brick and climbing up the sturdy ivy to the top. Of course, there was nothing on the roofs except the calls of seagulls, even the butterfly disappeared. He grimaced, One day he would find that girl again, he knew it.


"You're back?" The woman questioned, reaching forward to pat her down for any hidden items, the lighter burning out of view.

"Yea, how has your day been?" She grinned, it's always nice to start conversations and make friends. That was something her extra extroverted ass was good at, making connections.

"It has been good. You haven't been getting in any trouble, have you?" She crossed her arms, scanning the young girl up and down a few times.

"A few harmless pranks here and there, but nothin much~" (Y/N) shrugged, tossing a playful smile, grabbing the silver lighter behind her back and spinning to walk inside. "Eyy, Polpo, my man."

"Ah, Little (Y/N), how has the day treated you?" He was surprised to see her return. To be honest, he had run through many other candidates and all of them weren't worthy. She didn't seem to be very useful, but if she managed to get a stand, then maybe he could get one of his smaller groups to teach her a bit. "Any troubles with the lighter?"

"Eh. Might want to get that thing exorcized, but other than that it was pretty cool." She rocked on her feet, setting it on the little slot. "So... does that mean I'm like... In a gang? That's pretty dope."

"Well, not exactly. You're still just a girl who happened to get into one, is all. But I'm assuming you have a stand now. Congrats on being a chosen one." He raised a wine bottle, pouring two cups and raising one toward her."

"Nah, I don't like bitter stuff. Thanks though." She hummed, a hand raised in polite refusal as he continued. She was pretty sure she was standing last time too, but nice to know she's being congratulated for the small things.

"You still need to learn the basics of how to fight and or escape, and get some experience with your stand. I have a group I would like you to live with for a little while, just to learn some. When they say you are prepared, I will take you back and you can be my assistant." He drank his wine, letting out a hum of delight before flicking a little pin towards her along with a small note. "Go to this location with your stuff. Tell them I sent you and hand them this envelope. From now on, you are a member of Passione, so you better be ready."

"Yup, will do." She nodded, taking them and hiding the pin in her bun, stuffing the others in the back of her bra. She left with a little wave and Polpo mused on the days he used to be so carefree, watching the young teen exit.

"Hey, what days do you work? I should come over sometime when you are." She smiled at the woman, following orders to get checked.

"No, you shouldn't visit too often, a prison is the last place you should be." The woman shook her head, although a little flattered at the suggestion.

"Mmh... Fine, I'll bring you something next time, how about? You look like a blueberry muffin sort of person!" She flashed one of her signature smiles. Lively and kind, without a hint of malice.

"I'm not supposed to take anything from visitors."

"Sooo.... Mini Blueberry muffins." She snapped her some finger guns as she left, winking (blinking) softly. This is what she was good at. Forming connections with those around her in a web of trust, something to catch her when she falls.

Sometimes you have to put trust in everything but yourself, after all.

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