Even With All Those Years In The Closet, You Still Have No Sense Of Fashion

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"Why are you out here? Did something happen?" (Y/N) fret, checking her for wounds. It was a good thing that Trish was safe, but what if Diavolo located her? They weren't prepared yet, they still hadn't figured out the way to defeat the boss!

"Well done, you did excellent work." Diavolo mumbled through the phone. "This is why you are my most trusted and number one subordinate. Don't worry, she may be facing you, but she doesn't see you."

"What do you mean?" Doppio muttered, staring back into the empty eyes of the girl before him. They were shut now, there was no use in them in their condition.

"I don't know how it's possible, but this woman can see souls. One of her eyes was gouged out long ago, and the other one was pierced in her battle with Secco, All she can see right now, Doppio, is the shape of your soul. She can only see the energy of your soul. She can't see guardrails or cars, she can only see the souls of the drivers and the passengers inside." He explained, watching through Doppio's eyes as (Y/N) rubbed her temples a bit. "My daughter's soul and mine have a similar scent. That's what I gave you just now. All this woman sees is the form of my daughter! Get her to lead you to wherever they were seeking."

"Trish... Is something wrong?" (Y/N) mumbled, something felt off, something just didn't feel right about her right now, but she didn't know why.

"Sorry... I'm tired, so I just spaced out a bit." Doppio raised his voice. "But that goodness you're safe..." Fuck, what was her name? Bucciarati said it earlier, right?

"Yea, but, weird question, did... did you see a dude run off? Yay high and had this yee yee ass haircut?" She muttered, remembering it brushing against her face a lot."Like kind of off on one side and long, but not long enough to go in his pineapple hair looking thing..."

"Oh, I saw him rush off somewhere in a hurry." he answered, trying not to think too much about the comment about his hair. "More importantly, we need to meet with the others, we should hurry."

"You're right... help a girl out, can you? Can't really see..." She mumbled, hands brushing against the wall. It was hard focusing everything. The slightest distraction threw it all off, and she was constantly distracted.

"Yes, of course." The wannabe Trish nodded, taking her hand.


"Trish, I know it's small, but when this is all over, and if you chose to leave, I'll help you find a place, I'll pay for the rent and I'll make sure you have all the education you could want... A-and it can be by the beach if you want, and I'll visit you whenever I can, as long as it isn't by plane." (Y/N) coughed a laugh, gripping the shoulders of her friend. "You should have the choice to live how you want, and do whatever you desire."

"Thanks, but more importantly right now, where should we head next?" Doppio hummed, unaffected by the girl's kind gesture.

"Uh... Up the stairs, maybe? Then I can see the others farther..." Could she? Was this like actual sight? Or no? Ugh, it didn't hurt to try.

"Upstairs..." Doppio tilted his head.

"Don't turn your head, Doppio!" The boss warned, his voice only in Doppio's mind. "Keep going as though you haven't noticed anything! There's someone here, upstairs, behind one of the stone pillars. Someone is watching you! It appears as though his goal was to meet with someone. But who could it be? I haven't the slightest idea..."

"Boss, how do you know they are here? And if I don't turn around and look, I won't be able to tell who they are." He whispered, glancing around for any reflective surfacing.

"Look at her necklace, Doppio. He's reflecting in the charms of her necklace." Diavolo's voice was rushed, trying to guide Doppio to catch a glimpse of this man.

"Don't move! Stop right there. Take even a step up those stairs and our deal is off!" The knewman warned. This duo wasn't who he was looking for, he was searching for Bucciarati, but the girl's voice, she was his subordinate, he it. Doppio however, was too busy squinting at the little reflective surfaces of her necklace. The boss was right! There was someone hidden behind one of the pillars!

"My name is (Y/N)! I'm Bruno Bucciarati's subordinate, and we dragged our asses all the way over here because he trusted that you had a way to defeat the boss." She is a little salty, yes. She would rather be able to see normally again, yes.

"I already know that. But before we get to the details, who is that next to you?" The man narrowed his eyes at the boy, skeptical. "There's nothing about them anywhere in my records!"

"Good! There shouldn't be! She isn't in the organization, and she's only been escorted for like, a week! But she is one of us!" (Y/N) stomped her foot, and Doppio smirked. Yes, this was just as Diavolo planned! Perfect!

"Trish? That sounds like a girl's name." He continued to interrogate, they weren't out of the woods yet.

"Sounds like???" (Y/N) glanced at Trish, then at the weird, blobby figure up above. His soul was older, maybe. She couldn't really tell, to be honest. They were indescribable in shape and motion.

"This isn't good, He's going to find us out, Boss!" Doppio whispered, listening to his boss's plan and holding back his dignity. "D-Do you have a problem with me being a girl?!"

"Yea! I dare you to say that again, man! Not cool!" She waved her fist, patting the supposed Trish on the back. "Girl power!"

"I guess I said something I shouldn't have." They dropped the subject. "It's a bit dark in here, so I couldn't see you well. Is she a stand user?"

"Yes, but that doesn't matter! What we want to know is if you are who you say you are! You better not disappoint our team! Who are you?!" She was getting tired of this. They did not just fight through all of that for some catfish fuckin-

"No, not yet! I want to see her stand! Trish! Move slowly. I have no data on you, but if you show me your stand from there, I'll trust you." After a few moments of waiting and panic, the man spoke up again. "Well? What are you waiting for? Hurry and show me from that spot. Move slowly, as if you're lifting up your skirt."

At this point, Doppio wasn't listening anymore, his eyes trained on the arrow in the man's hand. No, it couldn't be...! Diavolo knew who this man was now, he knew exactly who it could be and Polnareff felt the same.

"(Y/N)! The one next to you is-" Polnareff's breath hitched, his sight trained on the slumped over woman all alone. They disappeared! Don't say that... "W-what? (Y/N)! Where did the person next to you go?! Where are they? Where did the one you brought here go?!"

"T-Trish?!" (Y/N) looked around, her view completely empty. Where did she go? She just vanished!

"I'm asking you who the hell that person was next to you!" A soft clatter alerted him, and he glanced down at the shattered binoculars on the floor. He didn't hear it fall, but a piece had already broken off... Giorno, Abbacchio, Mista, and Trish were searching for their informant as Bruno went to go find (Y/N). But while searching, they had suddenly cut to the top of the stairs. Time just skipped. They weren't going to make it, the man waiting at the colosseum just entered the Boss's range!

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