If Someone Looks Down On You, Trip Them

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"Sir, I can assure you, I am here upon the orders of the Speedwagon foundation." (Y/N) brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, her vision flickering just long enough for her to check him over. And then realize that he still creeps her out. He was nothing like Giorno, there was no heart, no determination, just a greedy bastard. Or... something like that. She didn't like him. With another click of his cane, the man before her rapped the wooden dowel against the ground in thought. "They sent me to purchase a suitable number of people."

"I find that hard to believe, they're way too big for that, aren't they?" (Y/N) glanced over, startled by Antonio's sudden appearance. She didn't understand how they just suddenly appeared and disappeared, not when she could track their souls. It had to be a stand thing, there could be no other explanation. What was its power? Teleportation? But then, what could be the catalyst?

"The bigger they are, the more money to hide their tracks." She leaned back in her seat to glance at him. "You don't really believe they got so large strictly on luck alone, do you?"

"... Well, I suppose you're correct." The boss leaned back in his seat, gazing at the one exposed eye. She stared back, watching his eyebrows crease for a moment, the slightest emotion slipping before disappearing entirely. "But if they have so much money, they certainly wouldn't have to force you to wear a mask."

(Y/N) bit her tongue to prevent herself from any unnecessary movements that might betray her nervousness. Yea, she didn't have to wear the mask since they wouldn't find her in any database,, but it contained the tracker that she didn't get the chance to turn on. It wasn't exactly a problem if she took it off. "No, I wore this on my own accord. What, don't like it?"

"You'd look much more beautiful without it." He chided, urging her to take it off. There was something familiar in her eyes, but he couldn't put a finger on it. Did he know this woman? There was no way to tell until he saw her entire face.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I'd like to keep it on." Wait a minute. If she took it off, then she would get a chance to ping her location! Yes! "But... perhaps if you tell me your name in exchange?"

"My name? Well, I obviously couldn't tell, but you can call me something simple. Hm... GAPS, is fine. Simple and sweet, yea? No need to be so fearful." He smiled at her with that sweet grin that she just couldn't get used to. But a deal was a deal. Why choose the candy? She didn't have a clue. Slipping the mask off, Mr. M's eye's sparked with intrigue. "You...!"

She pressed the button twice as she slipped the mask into her jacket pocket. The microphone cut out, and a certain group flinched. They had all piled into the car to illegally speed to her location, but were they too late? Did something happen to her?

"Why did the transmission cut?!" Narancia leaned forward, whacking the side of the computer as Giorno scrolled up through the subtitled words for any clues. They were given a few minutes of dialogue, but not much of it was usable. "Is she okay? What happened?"

"What was he about to say? Did he recognize her?" Mista was ever optimistic, but even in this situation, it was hard to stay that way. (Y/N)'s surprised them countless times with all the people she's met, they wouldn't be surprised if even this man has met her before. "She'll... She's okay, right? Isn't there any way to check on her?"

"If there was, do you really think we would only be using a shitty dollar store microphone?" Abbacchio spat, feeling a headache begin to grow. Fuck, that fucking idiot gone and got herself in deep shit, and this time, they were too far away to be able to help her.

"Her tracker isn't moving at all. I don't know what happened, the microphone should be working fine..." Giorno grumbled, furiously refreshing the page and checking the connection. "She's still in the same area, go faster."

"Giorno, this car can only go so fast-" Fugo glanced at the speedometer, watching it flicker and bob at the corner of the right, completely in the red. "If I go any faster, I don't think we'll even make it."

"I didn't think she'd actually do it so fast..." Said boss mumbled, both surprised and very vexed that she managed to get kidnapped in mere hours, and by the most dangerous person, no less. How was her luck either so remarkably good or disastrously bad, that she ran into the head honcho on the very first day? They were still a little ways away, but the Speedwagon Foundation was already in motion. "Dammit... just do it."

"Do fucking what I literally cannot push the pedal down anymore-" Fugo hissed, motioning to the clutch which was already on the highest setting. This shitty old car was in no shape to even be going these speeds. "Look, if I go any faster, the damn thing is going to break and we are going to be forced to hitchhike it."

"I told you we should have gotten the sports car!" Mista groaned, stroking the imaginary body of the red convertible. "I bet it could've gone faster..."

"Do you think it'll go faster if the car is lighter?" Narancia hummed, going to unbuckle his seat so he could stand up.

"Standing isn't going to make the car lighter, dumbass!" Fugo screeched at him, swerving the car to weave through the traffic a little harshly. It was worth it to see Narancia being thrown into the side of the wall though. "Told you."

"Asshole! You did that on purpose!" He groaned, rubbing the bump on his head. "I'm gonna tell (Y/N) when we get there!"

"Tell her what, you unbuckled your seat and stood up in a car that's flying down the highway?!" Fugo retorted, glancing back at him through the rear view mirror.

"Both of you stop yelling. Your bickering isn't making this any easier for anyone." Bruno sighed, he was trying to act his age, even if he was five minutes from bursting a vein. The second the transmission cut he knew that the hospital was going to have an aneurysm patient, but he had to trust that she was okay. At this moment, that was all they had.


So I got my second COVID shot recently, and the day after I slept for 15 hours, not straight but damn that little thing took a lot out of me.

I swear I was so delirious I made some blurred photo of ham my background because some dream of mine was about the military and as a soldier I wasn't allowed to eat ham and I had such an intense longing that I -much like a lovestruck middle school couple- woke up and made it my background photo and promptly fell back asleep.

I swear I was so delirious I made some blurred photo of ham my background because some dream of mine was about the military and as a soldier I wasn't allowed to eat ham and I had such an intense longing that I -much like a lovestruck middle school...

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Look at this shit

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