Mista Ending

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All he needed was a good shot, just a single good shot and it would be over. He knew his limits, he knew that he was just out of range, but he could also see her hair float, he could see the edges of their clothing get caught in the light breeze... gravity was accounted for in the opposite direction, and if that was the case... then maybe he could do it. Yes, he had to at least try, for her.

The gunshot was loud enough to turn heads, but he didn't care who looked, as long as the list of people included that blind bat, and as long as it distracted him long enough so he didn't hurt (Y/N). The bullet traveled straight through his target's left eye, but his relief was short-lived.

Even as the dead man began to disintegrate, (Y/N) didn't get to see her accomplishment, because her body tumbled back as if struck. Shit! Was he too late? Did he not make it in time?? What would happen now???

"(Y/N)!" He launched himself out of the window, landing with a roll and sprinting towards her as fast as he could physically force himself, but she hadn't moved an inch. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck! Why didn't he do better? Why couldn't he just shoot instead of doubting himself? Why didn't he just take the chance given to him- wait a minute.

"Blehhhh." She moaned, face twisted into something a five year old boy would pull during the family photos, her hands curled into two sets of mangled claws, it was obvious that this was her idea of a joke, and he fell for it. He was not the clown, he was the entire circus. But he didn't feel bamboozled in the slightest, he just felt relieved that she was okay enough to be an asshole like always.

"Holy fuck, oh my god I thought something happened to you-" He wheezed, collapsing beside her to catch his breath. Damn, he hasn't run like that in a long while, give him a second to recover.

"Dude, something most definitely happened to me." She groaned in pain, her entire body stiff because if she slipped for even a second, her rib would most definitely start to pierce her lung, and she really doesn't feel like making this day any worse by vomiting blood. "But I mean other than that I think I'm good? Like, a little bit?"

"I dunno, you don't sound good," His eyes lit up, and he quickly made use of the moment to joke around a bit and lighten the mood. "But damn do you look fine~ I'd like to see you so breathless under me next time, huh?"

"As if." She scoffed. Broken rib or not, she will NEVER lose her throne as number one seducer, especially not to her student. Not yet, anyway. But her number of comebacks were very low at the moment, seeing as her mind was occupied by the pain circulating her veins. "I'm totally a top... On top of this world, mind you..."

"Actually you're looking a little pale there... you good?" He squat down, scanning over her body for any bloodstains pouring out of her, but it seemed like it was all internal. Well, she can last long enough for Giorno to walk out there and patch her up. "Giornooo, hurry and fix her up, she's gonna start frothing at the mouth if you don't."

"Oh fuck you..." (Y/N) wheezed, really ready to pass away at the slightest breeze. Thankfully, Giorno heard her pleas well enough to wave his magic wand and bippity boppity boo her pain away, but now she didn't really want to get up. "I'm so tired... somebody drag me inside please..."

"Yea yea, I got you." Mista grinned, lifting her weightless body up and taking her hand to go lead her inside to the others like some useless party balloon. "Hey, why don't we celebrate tonight though?"

"Celebrate? What for?" (Y/N) opened her eyes, turning her head to look at him curiously.

"Well, you probably didn't have a lot to look forward to on this day, what with it being well, the root of all your problems and whatnot, so we wanted to just give you something to look forward to." His grin was lopsided, eagerly awaiting her response. In truth, he just wanted to see her smile again, she was really stressed these last few days, and for good reason too, he just wanted her to have a little break and relax, heaven knows she deserved it. "And maybe Abbacchio wanted the chance to drink his good wine, who knows."

"I wouldn't hold it against him." She grinned, floating her way to the couch and releasing her stand once over the cushions. Landing with a whump, she turned to face the rest of the group that anxiously awaited her answer. "Welp, why the hell not? Let's party!"


"You're gonna be so hungover tomorrow." (Y/N) snickered, drinking her grape juice like the madlad she is. She would have taken up Abbacchio's offer on the wine, but she doesn't like alcohol. Giorno and Trish joined her grape juice club and went to bed early with Narancia snd Fugo, who weren't big wine enthusiasts, but Abbacchio and Mista decided to make bad decisions and did a drinking contest. Obviously, the winner was the alcoholic aunt himself, who retired while he was still in the lead. Bruno instructed her to make sure Mista didn't vomit before going up the steps himself, not without a little wobble though. "Don't throw up on me please."

"M not, 'm not..." Mista mumbled to himself, clinging to her arm for stability as he ascended the stairs with her. Well, he really didn't need to, she could just float him, but she worries that he might actually vomit, like what happened with Illuso a year ago. "If you stay with me I won't..."

"Awfully clingy today, aren't you?" (Y/N) teased, helping him up the last few steps and towards his room. His room was kind of all over the place, there were some movie posters scattered around and taped to the ceiling, car magazines and some discarded clothing here and there, half a bottle of limited edition shrek perfume (his way of controlling his B.O.), and a little thing of snacks. She knows he eats in bed because she napped on that bed before. Lots of crumbs 4/10. "Do you always get like this when you're drunk?"

"No... I'm not drunk." He countered, holding her a little tighter. "Just scared... You scared me... I thought you were gone."

"Hm?" (Y/N) glanced at him. Seems the alcohol was making him spill something. "What do you mean?"

"When you defeated that guy... and you fell over... and I was scared something happened to you. I hate failing. And I guess I hate you getting hurt, and I felt so fucking terrible, because if you got hurt because I didn't trust my own ability... then that would be the worst thing ever." He proclaimed, his face buried into the crook of her neck, but she could feel the cloth soak his tears. "I think I would rather get shot myself than see something bad happen to you..."

(Y/N) laughed, suddenly hoping he wasn't drunk enough to forget this conversation. Bringing a hand over his shoulder, she rubbed his back softly. "... Yea, you know what? We're probably both gonna get shot then, because I would do the same."

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