No Matter How Hard I Try I Cant Eggscape The Pain

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Mista stared at his hand in alarm, already, the blood that spurt from his hand had frozen into something of a crude, red icicle. Following suit, was his nostrils and mouth, by the cruel, subzero fate that awaited them all. While (Y/N) and Giorno's lips had already frozen together, he was the only one capable of speaking at the moment. This fate had rendered both of them rather useless, there was nothing that could survive in such cruel conditions after all. Assured of his victory, Ghiacchio began his rant. "You know Paris, France? In English they call it Paris with the s, but everyone else pronounces it without the s, like the French do.  But with Venezia, everyone pronounces it the English way, "Venice". Like The Merchant in Venice and Death in Venice, Why though?! Why isn't it pronounced Death in Venezia? Are you fucking mocking me?! It takes place in Italy, so use the Italian word, Damn it! That shit pisses me off! Bunch of dumbasses!"

Unable to control the car completely, Giorno was forced to continue straight, the sides scraping against the metal blockade before finally swerving to the center of the lanes. "Mista... My Gold Experience needs heat. So sadly, we are both useless right now... all we can do is pick up bullets. In Mista's outstretched hand, they gave him the bullets he had dropped earlier. But this gave them an opportunity, forcing his arm outside of the car, he aimed at the ice block above him and pulled the trigger six times, each one impaling the ice block. Yes, they wouldn't reach the male inside, but that was not his intention. "When you fire bullets, they heat up, don't they? So when I fired the bullets that those two so kindly picked up for me...They create heat! I guess I'll go ahead and shout this for Giorno while I'm at it, Gold Experience!"

Almost instantaneously, the bullets began to expand, breaking through the strong hold he had on the car. Of course, if plant roots could break through even concrete, it would go through ice no problem! Freed from their prison of ice, (Y/N) gasped, pulling her lips apart. "Fuck... Giorno. Speed up while you can. That guy isn't going to give up just because we got him off."

"That bastard is still chasing after us!" Mista screeched, reloading his gun and setting his sight on the figure in the distance. The bullets shattered the glass, but couldn't pierce the thick armor of the stand. How was it that he was able to catch up still?! They were going almost 80! "Go faster, Giorno! He's catching up!"

"I can't! Any faster and the tires will slip and we will lose speed! Even worse, they found out about the station!"

"They haven't found out about where the turtle or Trish is, so depending on how you look at it, there's still a little bit of a bright side there."

"Always the optimist, aren't you, Mista?" (Y/N) grit her teeth, she couldn't do anything in this environment, if it was too cold, there could be nothing she could do!

"Floor it, Giorno!"

"I told you, I can't!"

"Just do as I said, damnit!" He released another barrage of bullets, ordering his two previously decommissioned stands on top of the car for their assistance to lodge the bullets right into Ghiacchio's skates. "I hope you share a hot, passionate kiss with the road. Your face will be well acquainted with it at the speed you're going!"

Up into the air he went, crashing down face first with a loud crack of the stand's helmet. Of course! Sure it could stop small objects, but what about larger ones? He was completely vulnerable to them! This was an interesting development, in the least.

"Good, we managed to lose him, Now get us into the city and straight to the station!" He emptied the shells and replaced them yet again with his endless supply. "Before he can catch up to us, we are going to get our hands on that thing and hide!"

A trail of ice connected the two, drawn by the car itself, the steam from the exhaust was enough for him to latch onto, dragging his body against the floor. "You're not getting away! There's no way you guys are gonna make it to the station!"

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