Eat A Healthy Breakfast So You Can Run From The Cops

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"Why the hell were you trying to hotwire this car?" (Y/N) grumbled, leaning over the dash to check out the hot mess of wires. Mista shrugged, it took a shit ton of effort to do it, so why was she so mad? "This is a 1999 Honda Civic, most notorious for how easily they get stolen. Honestly you could jam in a screwdriver, shake it around a bit, and then boom, engine starts." It wasn't really that easy, but you could still do that theoretically.

"Why the hell do you know this."


"Giorno, you're driving?" Fugo slid into the passenger seat, the turtle in his hands as those inside were deciphering another order. He was a little skeptical, knowing how hard he swerved during that one time. Was he really capable of driving? "Are... are you sure you can?"

"Hey hey hey, I taught him myself, have faith." (Y/N) chided, hand gingerly placed on his shoulder.

"You don't even know how to drive!"

"I've played Mario Kart!"

"Is that why you've always insisted I hit the boxes on the side of the road?"

"Shut it Giorno."


"Melone! Where the fuck is Bucciarati, huh? They aren't here! Are you even listening?! Hello?!" The phone in his hands had wavered, as if the sheer volume had shook it to its very foundations. Quietly, the three of them had been devising a plan to at least get him to calm down and to stop targeting the crew, knowing that one of their own was with them. This task was a difficult one, possibly impossible, and if they took one misstep, then Risotto would know far too soon, and there would be no saving (Y/N) from his wrath. "You fucker! Talk to me!"

"Ghiacchio. I can make an infinite amount of juniors to find Bucciarati, but about the others... " He bit his lip in thought, unsure of how to phrase any of this. How could you tell someone that those they believed to be murdered were actually alive because their lil student saved them but also is against them because she believes in the fucking power of friendship or something?

"Hah?! Spit it out already! Stop wasting our time!"

"They're alive. (Y/N)... (Y/N) saved them." He let Prosciutto take the device from his hands, scanning the train car platform for a worthy mother before being reeled in by Pesci, who was thoroughly disgusted with his actions.

"What the FUCK DO YOU MEAN!"

"It means we are alive. (Y/N) is a part of their team. She is positive that Trish doesn't have a stand, and she says she will protect the girl with all she has, even against us." He sighed. "There is nothing to gain by getting Trish."

"Hah...? Nothing? No... there is something. Risotto managed to find where the boss is leading them next. And once we get there... once we get there! We can take whatever the boss gave them and follow the rest of the orders! We can be rich beyond our wildest dreams! Are you fucking quitting now?! Wimping out you fucking pussies?!" He growled, foot colliding with the crushed dashboard of his sleek red car.  "Shit! Fuck! Fine! I'm going there myself, to the Lion Statue in Venizia!"

"Venizia...? That's five hours away!" they were promptly cut off, the blue headed bastard had hung up already. Fine then. They'll have to call in the others to try and meet up.


Mista wiped away the fog on the window, watching as they sped past the streetlamps illuminating the lonely road. There was only the three of them in the car, as the others had taken a different route. This mission was much too dangerous to take together after all. "No one is tailing us."

"The city is still asleep, we're the only one on the road." Giorno nodded, eyes on the open expanse in front of them. (Y/N) was resting in the front seat, legs propped on the dashboard as she chewed some watermelon gum she found in the car. She snapped it, blowing a decently sized bubble as Giorno skid. She gripped the handle at the top of the car to stabilize herself before resuming her bubble blowing. "I apologize. The tires just slipped a bit."

"On a straight bridge like this?"

"It's a bridge, they are more slippery than just any other regular road." (Y/N) rubbed the glass with her jacket sleeve. Something just didn't feel right, but she wasn't actually sure why.

"Whatever, still! Be more careful!" He grumbled, settling down in the back seat, ready to doze off for a good ten minutes. Just as his eyes were about to shut, something on the window caught his attention. "Mh? What's that thing stuck on the window? It's on the inside, but I didn't notice it when I was looking outside."

(Y/N) hummed, glancing back at him in confusion, snapping her gum with a weird crack. Was this gum old or something? Why was it suddenly so... crunchy? In the backseat, Mista was trying to figure out if a bug or something had entered the car. It was pretty big for a bug... and... kind of fleshy. No, wait...! That shape... It's a finger?! Hesitantly, he pulled his hand forward, eye fixed on his missing digit. Giorno hadn't seem to notice their worry, reaching over to open the car window and even out the temperatures. "Giorno, wait, I have a bad feeling about-"

The slightest crevice in the window was enough to let the frigid air inside the car, flecks of ice peppering their cheeks. "W-What?! What's with this wind...!"

A familiar photo had flown in, sticking to Giorno's cheek. No, wasn't that the photo the boss took? "At first, we were scared frozen... But... With the help of a computer, It wasn't too hard to recreate the ashes next to Pericolo's corpse. You guys are Naive! There's no escaping the hitman team!"

That was Ghiacchio, that was most definitely Ghiacchio. The metal roof dented from the multiple punches he had inflicted, although it was most likely to release some steam rather than aimed at them. "Mista! They got on the roof! Hurry and shoot them!"

"This car is being frozen at an insane speed. It's so cold that my finger got stuck to the window and broke off before I could even feel the cold. If I don't peel my face off the window, my brain is going to freeze, But I'm not sure I want to sacrifice my face either... " He reasoned, eye shut before the ice could worm its way over the surface.

"The turtle.. Where is the turtle? Not inside...? You aren't with Trish and Bucciarati? If you're bothering to split up... I got it!" The man on the roof let out a pleased chuckle. "That means you must be on a mission to retrieve something extremely important. The location in the picture... There must be something at the station in venice!"

Mista grit his teeth, the frozen skin of his face tugged at lightly as he glanced down at his hand, the blood finally beginning to circulate. He was quick to fire, the bullets pulling up pieces of the car and the sex pistols embedding into... a barracade of ice? Not a single bullet came close to hitting the man on the roof! "I-Ice! The guy encased himself in ice and froze himself to the top of the car! The bullets can't get through to him! C-Crap! We're starting to freeze too!"

Number two and number three were swallowed by the ice, leaving only four behind, how unlucky. The gust of wind quickly soured, the air around them getting colder by the second. Even blinking was enough to get your eyelashes stuck together. (Y/N) zipped up her jacket, doing her best to ignore her head freezing over. "Watch the road! Watch the road! We're slipping!"

"Stop the damn car already! Why are you still flooring it?!" Mista struggled to insert the bullets into the chamber, hands shivering from the cold and eyesight practically nonexistent.

"Yes, I've been trying to stop it, but the pedals are frozen and won't go down!" He stomped his heel, the pedals wouldn't budge, just as he said. There was no way this car would slow down for anything. "The steering wheel won't move either! The engine is running and I don't think it's gonna stop! The surface of this car has reached -100 degrees celsius for sure! And at incredible speed! So this... Is the enemy's ability!"

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