Everyone Has A Creative Outlet, I Stuck A Metal Fork Into Mine

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"Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm the first one out?!" Illuso screeched, the others laughing at his misfortune as he trudged away, the bright pink splotch on his clothing a mark of victory for the Don's team. It didn't really matter if La Squadra had the flag, however. "This is bullshit!"

"Get me a sandwich pleaseee! You know how I like them!" She sung, waving him off as an arm wrapped around her waist, hoisting the weightless girl up and quickly swerving through the trees to avoid the barrage of paintballs that flew their way. A familiar cackle echoed off the trees and (Y/N) looked up to find Mista and Fugo, very cocky about owning the first kill of the game. "Oh hey guys, what's up?"

"Nothing much, how have you been?" Even if his clothes did nothing to help camouflage him in the trees, he was a gunslinger, and with his stand helping get him those crazy accurate shots, this is an easy peasy win! "We went to go get you, but all we saw was you hauled ass all the way to their camp."

"No shit." She raised an eyebrow, feeling something sting her calf. Damn, did they accidentally shoot her? A sharp tug told her differently, and she clung to Fugo's frame out of surprise. "Woah-"

"Hey, hold still-" He hissed, rebalancing himself until another tug shot them both backwards, tumbling over eachother in the clearing between the two areas. Okay, so it probably wasn't her. "Whoops."

"YOU'VE POPPED MY ORGANS AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 'WHOOPS'?" (Y/N) heaved, shoving him off of her torso to breathe before being dragged back into the bushes with a loud yelp. Mista readied his paintball gun, aiming towards an odd... pointier green plant. It lifted, carrying (Y/N). Oh, it was Pesci!

"We won't let you win so easily!" He huffed, proud of himself as he aimed his own paintball gun towards the two thieves. Prosciutto probably sent him after them, he would be around somewhere then, but she didn't bother to look. "Prepare to die!"

"Not so fast!" Narancia has leaped into the fray! With exaggerated movements, his entrance was flashy and completely unnecessary. Any trained professional would have already shot him, but Pesci didn't want to ruin this obviously choreographed scene. His mistake, because Mista shot him and secured the second kill of the game. "Aha! It was a distraction dance!"

"Pesci, why didn't you shoot him!" Prosciutto called from the trees, swooping down to grab the loaded paintball gun and leaping back into the trees, ducking for cover as another barrage of beads rained down on their position.  He would have to keep moving to avoid Mista's ability, but he doubts they know his exact position when he was hidden behind shrubs this entire time. "Damnit, you're useless!"

"S-sorry brother..." Pesci stuttered, and (Y/N) gave him a pat on the back for effort.

"Luci went to get some sandwiches, go join him." She shooed the dead man towards the exit, glancing at her three friends, loaded and ready to pull the trigger at whatever come out of the forested area. Unfortunately, that was kind of her, and Narancia shot her right in the gut. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Oh shit! Sorry (Y/N)! I didn't know that was you! Does that count though?" He waved it off, the others lowering their guns to check on her, or in Mista's case, laugh at her misfortune. "Is there any rules against shooting the flag?"

"Probably not." Fugo shrugged it off. "I mean, she's not exactly on anyone's team."

"You'll be fine, you had good aim! That;s all that matters!" Mista grinned, patting Narcy on the back with a proud smile. It would be a cute scene if it didn't come from her inflicted pain. "Are we forgetting something?"

"Yes, you are." Prosciutto hung down from a branch above her, scaring not only the trio, but (Y/N) as well. When the FUCK did he even GET up there?! It was too late for Mista, however. Prossy would get his revenge. With a single, calculated shot, Mista was out...?

"Wait it bounced off me." The small purple sphere rolled off into the grass, to their utmost surprise. "Does... Does that still count? Did my luck save me?"

"No you're still out." (Y/N) picked up the small purple pellet, crushing it in between her fingers. "Huh. I'm not even sure if that was lucky, wouldn't it just hurt more?"

"Sure, but like not more than an actual bullet." Mista grumbled, reaching out to run a hand under (Y/N)'s chin, feigning a pained expression as he gazed into her gentle eyes. Goodness, they looked so beautiful up close, perhaps if he leaned just an inch closer, he might... "You got shot too, shouldn't you come with me?"

"Hands OFF." More purple pellets rained down onto Mista's back, coating him with everything in Prosciutto's and Pesci's magazine. Erupting with a loud cry, he shielded his hair from the constant barrage of paint. Of course, it stung even worse with how close ranged he was, and he quickly departed, chased off the colorful downpour. "Fuck, ran out of ammo..."

"...(Y/N)! Come here! We're going before they reload and shoot you next!" Naracia grinned, looping an arm around her waist to pull her flush to her body and run away with his prize. Of course, there was not much of a reason to run like this, especially since it was actually more of a hassle and they almost tripped a dozen of times, but they were back across the other side of the field, setting her behind one of the wooden platforms scattered around, right between the Bruno and Abbacchio, their most capable duo. "Okay! We're definitely gonna win now! Bye!"

On her right, Abbacchio leaned back against the wood, slouching down out of boredom. It was plenty obvious that he was too tired to deal with these children, despite half of the men being older than him. Really, why did he come to this petty game again? "This is stupid."

"Have you guys just been sitting here for the past ten minutes." She glanced towards him, already feeling a little bored. Possibly because she was the type who couldn't sit still for very long, and being squished between two people gave her a very limited space to move around. "Can you guys scoot? A little?"

"Not really..." Bruno gestured to the edges of their little wooden wall. This space was really only for two people to sit comfortably and be able to look back, but they both had pretty broad shoulders and another body to account for. "You can sit on my lap if that's better for you?"

He pat his thighs, recounting the time in the car where she easily accepted Narancia's offer, and then again on the plane. But she seemed to have a differing opinion. She wasn't tired nor fearing for her life at the moment, so she was pretty chill.

"It's okay,  I really don't think that'll save us a lot of room." She shrugged a tad, and Abbacchio set an elbow on her shoulder to use as a rest.

"Would I be disqualified if I shoot you?" Abbacchio aimed the barrel of the gun at her side. (Please never do this with any gun cause trust me from experience accidently getting shot point blank even with those tiny bb pellets stings like fuck)

"Nope, already got shot by Narancia." With a wave of her hand, he pulled the gun away, knowing far too well that Narcy was still in the game and that he would just waste a bullet.

"Wait, quiet." Bruno placed a hand over both of their mouths. Behind them, a twig snapped. Was it an enemy? Why hasn't Giorno alerted them?? Quickly, his Sticky Fingers sent (Y/N) into the branches of the tree in front of them as a precaution, and the two readied their guns to fire at the disturbance...

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