4:20? Looks Like It's Time To Praise To Jesus

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Stand users healed relatively fast, it was common knowledge to anyone who watched Jojo, and he was released in a day, finally returning home to his worried child and his angsty teenaged one. Fugo smiled warmly at his superior, glancing up from the TV, "There you are."

He nodded toward the group, setting down on the loveseat to the side, listening into the news report on screen.

"Just two days ago, four people had gone missing from a hospital, one being a doctor assigned to fetch another missing victim, a 16 year old female by the name of (Y/N) (L/N), and two nurses. Last seen at a hospital, new evidence suggests that something sinister might have taken place, a friend of the missing girl, 17 year old Amelia Esposito states that '[(Y/N)] kept saying like she felt something bad was going to happen. I just told her she was overthinking it but her gut feelings have always been pretty accurate, I don't know who would want to harm her though...'" A picture of the four missing people flash on screen and Bruno's eyes widen at the sight of a familiar (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed girl. Sweet and soft, her two eyes directed at the camera with a beaming smile.

The others didn't really acknowledge the report, missing people cases happen more often than you think, Fugo commenting on possible theories as Abbacchio sipped his wine, not really caring, even if he did glare at the photos. He knew that photo was of the same girl in the woods, the 'angelic spirit' someone saw, the one with an eye missing and her entire abdomen looking like Sally from 'The Nightmare before Christmas '.


"Uh, if you're back for revenge or something, can you wait like a few more weeks? I'm still healing up and I need to regrow an entire eyeball." (Y/N) sassed, tracing out the scars under the scratchy blue fabric.

"No, I'm not back for revenge...? You were scared, so I understand the confusion." He politely shook his head, hair swaying with. If you don't know how to politely shake your head then same, but he makes everything seem dignified. That's just how he is. "I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't think it's possible to regrow an eye."

"Says you."



"And countless scientific papers- you know what, nevermind. Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Depends, who's asking?" She smiled. It wasn't as if anyone bad was going after her, she just liked to cause a little mayhem. Who doesn't? As one of the most notorious and beloved characters at their school, she had a reputation to upkeep.

He stared down at her, it wasn't really like he could do anything. Besides the stand that he's only seen once but most definitely exists and her origins, she was a regular citizen, he wouldn't dare harm civilians unless absolutely necessary.

"Fine, yea. That's me. Why do you ask? Are my friends here?" She pivoted her head to look at the door. It had sunk in quite a while ago that this was no average hospital, but she still had hope for her relatively normal life. Parents absent and all the freedom she wants, a few close friends and not many enemies, she was happy with how her life was, but after realizing she couldn't have simply just glanced over thanks to her missing eye, everything started to sink in. She didn't want to return to her normal life like this. She didn't want others to see her in such a state.

"No, you're considered missing, or even dead." He chimed.



"WAIT, BUT I'M RIGHT HERE?" She frantically gestured at herself, although it seemed a little over the top, the nurses shooting pointed glares to which everyone ignored. "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!?!"

"Well, you're stuck here. How did you get those scars, little angel?"

"First off I'm not little. Second off I turned into a frog and some eighth grade wackjob and his dog vibe checked me." Now, that was mostly true, and would probably confuse the man (she still didn't really know his name) in front of her. Except he reached forward and fucking  l i c k e d  her like the fuck man??? "...Like I know I'm a snack but eww???"

"This taste.... You aren't telling the truth but you aren't lying."


"I can tell if someone is lying by the taste of their sweat."

"Cool???" She rubbed her cheek, kinda disturbed. "Please don't ever do that again."

"I will if I have to."


"Did you piss someone off? Is there any reason you might have been targeted?" He continued, as if he didn't just lick her like a total creep.

"I mean, to the point of sending a guy and his human dog after me? No, not really. I was a little bit of a prankster I guess, but those were all in good fun. Really, no one got hurt or anything." (Y/N) wasn't one to hurt people, that just wasn't how she functioned, believe it or not. It wasn't a lie either. She hadn't done anything to deserve this, even if she knew why it might have happened. "I went to the hospital for a little surgery, and some guy claimed to be my doctor and took me, then I woke up on an operation table and he played with my guts for a bit, took an eye, and then I passed out and woke up in the woods. And then I hit my head and woke up here." He leaned forward and she quickly tried to scoot away. "Nonono seriously I'm not lying don't lick me-"

Her words were in vain as he still dragged the wet muscle across her flesh. She screamed, but the nurses had grown numb, their only reaction being the bird they flashed her. "Well, you aren't lying about that... Do you know what they looked like?"


"...Care to elaborate...?"

"Actually... They had a pin kinda like yours." She pointed at the passione pin, vaguely remembering the same one as she was being dragged down the halls.

"I see..." He looked away in thought.

"Is my interrogation done?" She closed her eye, rubbing above the brow of her missing one.

"Oh no, you would have known if it was an interrogation, Angel." He chuckled, standing and taking his leave.

"Right, come back again, everyone refuses to talk to me." She waved her hand, in which he responded with a soft smile. She was definitely an interesting character, a little troublesome here and there, but otherwise a pure soul.


"Have you ever done drugs, Little (Y/N)?"  Bruno smiled at her, even if his usually kind grin didn't reach his eyes. He wouldn't be surprised if she had. She was a wild card like no other. "That isn't medical, of course."

"Are we counting the mint and that time I drank half a thing of soysauce?" She glanced at him, and this time he wasn't exactly sure if she was joking or not. "Or the multiple accounts of arson. Cause really it could be any of those occasions."

"What... what happened with the mint?"

"Things that aren't illegal because no one would be crazy enough to do it with it." Nice to know that was what he focused on out of all the incorrect things she said that would make any therapist shudder. "But! I wasn't on drugs!"

"...Are you sure?" He whispered, albeit worried.


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