Cant See The Haters Through My Tears (Nice Try Though)

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"Hey... uh... (Y/N)? Are you up?" Pesci gently prodded the sleeping girl, careful to not disturb the thin sheets that cloaked her figure. Risotto has asked that she be woken up for training, since it was supposed to start at eight, but it was already nine and he was getting tired of waiting around the kitchen for her to appear.

"No. I'm not. Go away." She stated, she might have had a small habit of sleep talking...

"Uh... I don't want to make our capo mad... he said to come and get you for training?" He pulled back, fingers interlaced together almost as if he was praying to god, but (Y/N) is god. And god heard his prayer, throwing herself out of bed to go and meet up. She totally forgot that he was supposed to teach her about stands and all that, and she didn't even realize she was still in her pink panda pj pants and old tank top until she stumbled to the bottom of the stairs.

"So you've finally arrived- what the hell are you wearing." He stood in the center of the training room, tight grey t shirt stretched over his sculpted washboard abs and a very confused expression as he looked up at the frazzled teenager with a shirt that had watermelon print and fuzzy pants with little pandas rolling around and doing dumb shit on her pants.

"It's my ass kicking outfit, bitch-" (Y/N) hollered, brain still foggy with dreamless black before dropping onto the ground. "Fuck got up too fast-"

"...Drink some water." He handed her a chilled water bottle and she forced the cool liquid down her throat, waiting for the sizzle of tv static to fade away. "Feel better? Pull out your stand."

"Uh yea, Soda City Funk, come on out." The pink lady manifested next to her, golden chains ringing in their ears as her bubblegum colored arms draped over her master.

"'Sup, bitch." The response shocked the both of them, her stand was usually so kind and had good manners so what the hell was this?? Risotto was more surprised in the fact it spoke English rather than the cuss word he didn't understand, but based on the smaller female's reaction she too was taken aback by their words.

"Uhm rude fucker, watch your mouth." (Y/N) mumbled, still appalled by the audacity of this bitch. Which, that bitch was kind of her. Her stand apologized after a little bit of hassle, so all was good until he started to quiz the girl. 'When did she appear? What are her abilities? How much experience have you had with her?' He circled the two, examining the smooth, glassy skin and the lava lamp that replaced her torso.

"She appeared about... a week ago? She makes an area kind of like a knock off lava lamp, and I think she can burn shit, but not really sure, and not a lot, like I just use her to prank people." She thought back to the boy for a moment before snapping to focus when she felt something poke her skin. "Ow...:"

"Your stand is delicate. Definitely isn't made for close ranged fights." He flicked a knife out, trailing it over the smooth surface. She shivered, knife dancing over the glassy skin with a sound of singing wine glasses. It wasn't until watching him try and mark it did she realize that the cracks on her stand were gone. Had they healed over somehow? Wicked. She flinched when he grabbed her palm, examining it for anything odd or useful in an attack. "You said she could burn things?"

"Yea, I was fighting this weird hat person thing and it grabbed her so she kicked it and burned it's hand with her palm and then sprayed something. Or maybe I was high. Maybe the arrow was like, laced with something. It came from his mouth, maybe I got an infection..."

It didn't take a lot to know that was Polpo's stand, but she must have awakened it even earlier than that, somehow. "Show me what she did."

"Uh... Pinkie, burn... this hair tie." it wasn't as if (Y/N) wanted to ruin the training room, and a single hair tie wasn't going to be the end of the world anyway. She lost them all the time in her room or just from lending them to people, so as SCF let her flop it into her hand, she watched in awe as a pink substance bubbled up from her palm and swallowed the hair tie up, but did nothing "Dang. Yea that's the same stuff that comes from her palm too, but I thought it would burn-." She was cut off as her stand gripped the elastic band, hearing a sizzle and watching a single wisp of smoke rise.

Risotto nodded. That could actually be rather useful for burning evidence, making sure there was no trace of her left in an area, but she was here to learn to fight. Not that he couldn't teach her other useful tips and tricks along the way. "Alright then. We have a busy day ahead of us.

Let's get started."


(So i did a little google search because I wanted to know how much they were actually being paid for assassination and 20,000 Italian Lira really be about 12 US dollars lmao)

She silently opened the door, peeking through the crack before slinking into the house, her jacket balled up around a small bundle against her chest. Said ball squirmed a tad, and she froze, rubbing its fuzzy belly until they fell asleep. She padded over the squeaking floor as silent as a mouse, avoiding areas that creaked as she tiptoed up the stairs. "What are you doing."

She flinched, turning around to face Prosciutto. "...Prossy! You know you're my favorite bro, right???" She shot him a perfectly natural smile, cheeks raised, lips tugged to her ears with no teeth. Unfortunately, he wasn't buying it, glancing at the bundle behind her back. " And... uh... that you are super good at keeping secrets! So very very good at telling absolutely no one..." She was already screwed.

"What's in the bag, (Y/N)." His eyebrows narrowed, eyes flicking behind her back. He knew it was probably either harmless, or a nuclear bomb she snuck out of America somehow.

"... Promise you won't tell on me?" She coughed, pulling it back into her arms, waiting for him to finally give in and accept her terms. "It's a cat."

"A CAT?!" Formaggio peeked over the railing of the stairs. "I HEARD CAT I HEARD IT"

"Oh my god shut up please-" She whispered, scared out of her mind as more doors started to open, Ghia rambling about the noise (how ironic), Illusco curious on what was going on, Pesci just looking for this brother, and finally, the man himself, Risotto. "Ah... crap."

"(Y/N). Why do you have a cat." Said cat lept from her arms, coiling around her legs as she purred.

"Because she was just in the alley and seemed so cold and scared and lonely so I gave her some head pats and now she loves me." The cat purred, strutting off and finding home at the foot of the big lad himself. "Well nevermind she's just a little gold digger."

"(Y/N), you can't keep a cat here. We don't have the money for it."

"Yea you do." She pulled out another envelope. "I was visiting Polpo. He said to give this to you. It's more money since I said you guys have been training me really well."

"...Since when have you been visiting him??"

"Since the beginning, I guess. I promised Neopoli that I would bring her mini muffins." She didn't really see the problem, handing him the envelope.

"... Fine. But the cat is your problem."

"cAT" Formaggio wheezed, itching to PET KITTY

Sup. How y'all doing. Good? GOOD.

Love ya babes ;)

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