Take Me Out Of The Oven Because I'm So Done

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(Y/N) yawned, fiddling with the charm on her backpack. Fugo was instructing Narancia on where to get the food, as they needed some for their stay. The night was, thankfully, rather uneventful, but she was still pretty sleepy, leaning against the wall and staring outside at the orchards. It was a beautiful day today, if she could, she would have definitely spent it hiking or window shopping, anything but staying inside all day. Boss be damned, she needs to get out of the house. "Once I'm done shopping, I drive around in circles in the vineyard out there- ow!"

"Wrong! Quit messing around! Again, from the beginning!" Fugo growled, waggling the car key in the air as a warning to not fuck up.

"Uh... Drive around so I don't get dizzy- urgh! What's your problem?! Come on Abbacchio! Tell him to stop jabbing me with the damn keys!"

"Leaving the shopping to him is a terrible idea! He can't remember anything!" Fugo accused, clutching the keys in his hand. Narancia was a cool dude and all, but there were really times. "Even (Y/N) can remember what to do!"

"Go in circles around a few blocks over and over again, do a few U-turns, make sure no one is following, switch to a different car in one of the lots." She repeated, listing them off with her hand and Fugo almost wept with joy.

"Listen, Narancia's Aerosmith is the best for tracking anyone who might be following him and deal with them, that is why he ordered him to be the one to go shopping. And (Y/N) can't drive, even if her stand does have a few tracking abilities." Abbacchio rolled his eyes, goddamn teenagers. (Y/N)'s stand couldn't kill anything anyways. What was she going to do, float them in the air?

"Psh, I can get a ride!" She whined, and Giorno kind of doubted her statement when he saw her having trouble starting up a golf cart.

"And how are you going to do that?" He raised an eyebrow as the (H/C) haired girl walked up to him, hooking an arm over his shoulders and checking her nails.

"Easy, seduce the taxi dri- ow!" (Y/N) yelped, rubbing her rib where she had just been jabbed, mostly ignoring his rant about all the different reasons that was NOT a good idea. "Can't I go anyway? I know what to do and stuff and Narcy and I can work together..."

"You just want to get out of the house!"

"And?? You guys didn't get half the things Trish wanted, you know, the water, the stockings, the blush, the magazine-" Fugo jabbed her again, very uncalled for when she was telling the truth, but he didn't seem to care much. "Okay seriously, drop the keys man that hurts!"

"Yea! We're going shopping!" Narancia took her hand and dragged her away, off to go get the groceries for eight and whatever the heck that stuff Trish wanted was. Hopping into the car, they drove off, much to Fugo's annoyance. "I can get the groceries, you get the girl stuff and I'll meet you at the car?"



"Okay, got it all." (Y/N) checked off all the items on the list, setting the bags in the back seat and maneuvering her way into the passengers side through the middle as Narancia slid into the driver's seat. The both of them high fived at their awesome teamwork skills, driving off to go back to the hideout, but something just felt off. Where were the people? Where were the cars? The streets were just too empty, and Narancia seemed to have noticed it too, slowing to a stop and surveying the area. Something just didn't feel right. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes, SCF checking for all heat signatures in the area. It was just them, the car engine, and... Someone in the backseat. "Narancia!"

Formaggio frowned, well that certainly wasn't the kind welcome he was expecting. When he heard that she was transferred into someone else's team, he didn't believe that it would be Bucciarati, but seeing as she wasn't at the funeral either, they didn't exactly have a choice. "Hey, so, you two... Where are you heading to? You both keep looking behind you. Is someone following you?"

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