I'm One More Minor Inconvience Away From Losing My Shit

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What happened? Why was she on the floor like this? Why was someone yelling at her? Did she do something wrong? No, she knows what happened. It was almost instantaneous, but she saw that man closing in, she saw that checkered arm sever her torso like it was butter. And now she lay there, soaking in the growing puddle of hot blood, her pulse rapid and her breathing shallow. Ah, she remembers the blurring at the corner of her eyes, she remembers the ringing in her ears, how cold death was, she remembers it all, but she didn't miss it. Why now? When she wanted to live the most? She still had things to do, she still had people to protect. No, she couldn't die here, she refused.

Bruno was speechless, even if he had wanted something to come out, a word, a plea, they wouldn't, caught in his throat as he watched her hands twitch, reaching towards Trish. No, she had no energy. She would die of blood loss before he could do anything. His hands tightly grasped her lukewarm ones as he pleaded that she doesn't die because of his recklessness. This was something not even his zipper could fix, but could you blame him for trying? You can't. Not when she had done nothing wrong. (Y/N), and her nonexistent self preservation, with her can-do attitude and smile that everyone adored, she couldn't die here.

As Bruno was distracted with the corpse of a girl he once knew, Diavolo took the time to analyze Trish. "Now that I've actually met you, I can tell that we are indeed related. I can sense that you are, without a doubt, my daughter. Which means... When you are awake, you will feel the exact same way toward me!"

"Trish..." (Y/N) reached for the girl. No, she couldn't fail here. She didn't want to die. For the first time in her life, she had to live, she had something to live for. It might have been sheer spite that kept her heart beating, but she desperately needed to survive, if only for a minute longer.

"I must fill any pitfall that threatens my path! I will now sever this bond of blood that binds us!" His hand raised, he would kill her in the exact same manner that he did the girl. Then it would all be over. No one would find him, no one would threaten his throne. Bucciarati did a splendid job of bringing his daughter to him, and he would reward him with a much painless death. But something had prevented him, pulling him away from his intended targets and into... a turtle? "W-what?!"

Giorno, it was Giorno's ability. He must have planted the turtle's cells into the brooch and gave it life, and a turtle with stand abilities was born. Since their call was interrupted, he must've sensed something was wrong, and activated his ability. That boy always gave him courage, didn't he? (Y/N) couldn't move, but her heartbeat, no matter how faint, it was still there, she was still clinging to life and he wouldn't let it go to waste. Not yet. She couldn't die here. Her stand had deactivated long before, so he would have to lug both females up the stairs, but he had no choice. This had to be done. His mission was far from over. He would protect Trish on his own order, from the very man who started the mission. If he could read all of their attacks, and they wouldn't even realize that he's dodged, then his ability surpasses all others in its invincibility. But this ability didn't allow him to read one's movements for long! It's only a short amount of time, five to ten seconds at max. Distance, he needed to get everyone as far away as possible! Unzipping the floor, he dumped the turtle into a pipe and scooped up both the girls, doing his best to drag them up the stairs before it was too late. His wound continued to spill blood, but he tried not to think of it too much, inching up the stairs little by little. He needed Giorno to heal (Y/N), quickly.

"It seems there was another traitor in my midst. If my information is correct, I believe his name is Girono Giovanna. He must've joined this organization with the intent to betray me from the start. Did you think you could escape just by distancing yourself from me? It's nothing for me to escape the turtle an instant sooner. It appears that your efforts were futile, Bucciarati." The boss glanced down at his crestfallen expression, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes as he noticed the dying girl's ragged breathing. " It's a miracle you two are still alive, how is that so? Sheer willpower? If you just rest, you won't be able to get to the first floor, but you'll be able to die peacefully."

Bruno grimaced in pain, trying to control his breathing as the Boss, coated in his own stand, descended the steps to him.

"First, I'm going to eliminate Trish. Don't you dare move, Buciarati!" He growled, ready to strike at any moment.

"The chance that Giorno gave me wasn't in vain! If this is going to be about reading each other's moves, I've already read yours!" the hand behind his back unraveled, whipped up with the swing of his arm, poised to strike the first blow. "I knew before you fell into the sewer that you'd probably use your ability to escape! Now, sticky fingers!"

His hand had gone through a hole in the floor created by his stand, traveling in a loop to successfully land a hit against the boss. While his ability had activated and he had dodged, this arm continued down its path to reach the intended target, unzipping the pole beside him. King Crimson may have believed he had the upper hand, but that was untrue, as he snatched the zipper and forced it to close, the three of them were propelled into the air. The boss's ability is invincible, that much was for sure, but he really only could read movements for a short amount of time. He wasn't reading ahead of it. The boss could try to read his future movements, but it wouldn't matter now, he had won this time. "Just try and read my future movements, Boss. Try to figure out what I'm going to do in a few seconds. Try to see beyond time. You should be able to see me after I've reached the first floor."

Of course, this was the farthest from what Diovolo had planned, but that would be alright. He just had to kill Buccirati, and then (Y/N) would die from blood loss, and he can finish off Trish afterward. This could be solved, yes, this wouldn't be his downfall. Upstairs, Giorno had spotted the three bodies from the corner of his eyes, splayed on the concrete of the church. A dizzying amount of blood had already spilled onto the floors, reflecting the lights above them.

"Bucciarati! (Y/N)! Trish!" Sliding to the spot next to them, his heart stopped at the sight of the ragged zipper that spanned the entirety of (Y/N)'s torso. Bruno groaned in pain as Giorno fixed his wounds, prodding for an answer. "These wounds, what happened in the basement?! Where's the boss?!"

He gasped from the lingering pain, raising a hand up to touch the newly filled hole in his chest. It was a miracle that he survived, but his wounds were not the worst. "(Y/N)... Giorno, call for the others and get out of here..."

He did his best to repair (Y/N)'s torso, connecting the broken nerves, blood vessels, and organs together as quick as he could. It was a miracle her heart had continued to beat, that she had managed to survive. If Bruno hadn't zipped her, she most certainly would be dead from blood loss already, but Even with the ragged zipper, she was far from conscious. "B-bucciarati! How did all of this happen?!"

"I told you to call Abbacchio and the others. Take (Y/N), Get out of here! Out of this church! Hurry!" He sat up with a little difficulty, he needed them to escape before the boss found them. He wouldn't let any of them die, not by the hands of a demon. "Hurry! Hurry up and call the others! We can't figure out who the boss actually is right now. We need to get out of here, Giorno! While we're still far enough from him! I'll explain later! Hurry up, Giorno!"

Giorno grit his teeth, snatching the laptop and tossing it as hard as possible into one of the columns in the front room to alert the four others. Bruno had managed to call over enough allies to prevent King Crimson from using his ability, so for now, they were safe.

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