Giorno Ending

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Their weapons made little sound, nothing like a boom or a pop, but Giorno swears he heard something snap inside him when the two figures in the distance toppled. He doesn't know where he got the energy to run towards her, the window he once stood in front of bursting with blue butterflies, a creature he made when they first met. He didn't know her name back then, but now it felt so natural to scream it, call for her in hopes that she would turn to him and laugh, but she didn't get up.

The stranger that he had no connections to, yet he despised with all his life, disintegrated into nothingness, but he didn't care. All he cared about was her, quickly working to fix her wounds, her broken ribs and internal bleeding, everything that might've been damaged. Was she breathing alright? Was that speedy pulsing her heart or his? He couldn't tell, his brain was going haywire, all he wanted was for her to be okay. "Please please please... (Y/N)!"

The girl under him moaned in annoyance, her face scrunched up from the sunlight that bathed them both, and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The smile she gave when she saw him was painful if anything, and she pushed away from him quickly, but that was okay, as long as- "I'm sorry, do I... Know you?"

There it was again, as if his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. He could only look at her with an exasperated expression, unsure if this was possibly some cruel joke, but each second, as excruciatingly slow as they were, only cemented his fear. "Y-Yes, (Y/N), it's me..."

(Y/N)... Yea, that was her name, she knew that at least. What else did she know? "Sorry, I don't remember you, have we met somewhere before? Like at school? Or... Um..." Quietly, (Y/N) whispered to herself, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. "Wait... what school did I attend?"

"You don't remember?" How much was erased? How much until she wasn't herself anymore? Did she remember when they stole a golf cart? Or when she fixed his hair? Or hell, when they even first met? No, it didn't matter. He would help her remember, she did it before, didn't she? "Then.... My name is... Haruno, Haruno Shiobanna."

"Haruno?" (Y/N) smiled, relaxing somewhat with him. "That sounds like Giorno, It's fitting."

"Does it?" He wonders if she thought that same thing when she first gave him that nickname, and he mirrors her smile. "I'm glad you like it. Come on, I can take you to your room."

"My room? You mean... I live in that big ol' house over there?!" She pointed at the mansion they all shared, gaping at its size. Now, she didn't remember a lot, but hell, she's pretty sure she wasn't filthy rich.

The door opened and out poured people she didn't recognize, going to crowd her, but a few whispered from GIorno, and they backed away, giving her room to breathe, thank god. She looked back on the sea of people, but they disappeared behind the walls as they took a turn. She was dragged to the second room on the second floor, one that she didn't really remember, but it did have a really homey and comforting feel. "This room is yours. You never decorated it a lot, to be honest, and what you do put up is really random, but... you said you liked it."

"Yea, I think I like it." She smiled, staring at the posters of different fandoms on her walls and the shelf packed with nail polishes, and then Giorno- Haruno, who tried to jog her memory with the various items in the room. She found it hard to believe she forgot so much, but he was right, she did like all of this stuff.

"(Y/N). Can I just... Try something?" Giorno brought his stand out, GER giving her head a quick smack just to see if it was possible to reverse the effects, but nothing was changing. Everything was still there, just scrambled and unusable.

"What was that for?" (Y/N) frowned, rubbing the back of her head where he just hit. It didn't really hurt, but that was still kinda rude, wasn't it?

"Sorry sorry." His laugh was breathless. He didn't know how to fix this. He couldn't fix it. (Y/N), could he really not make her remember him? Shit... Tears beaded up. He was unable to do anything for her. Was that really the end?

"Hey, it's okay... It's not your fault, don't cry..." (Y/N) quickly started to wipe his tears away before pulling him into a soft hug, which he hastily returned, squeezing her as if she would disappear if he ever let go. She could feel the teardrops soak into her shirt, and for some reason, she too started to cry. Why? She didn't understand. What was it that she forgot? Why couldn't she remember? She wanted to understand. Who was this person that hugged her as if she was his world? How could she forget?

"I love you, I really, really love you, (Y/N). I wanted to tell you how much you've given me, a-and I wanted to show you how special you are to me... You did so much for me, dammit... and I can't do anything..." Giorno clutched her tighter, knowing that she's the one who gave him so much, she's the one who helped him find himself, so why couldn't he do the same? Why could he change so much, yet he couldn't protect her?

"Giogio..." Ah, of course. It was so simple, of course that would unscramble everything. A heavy emotion, something just as important if not more important than memory, the feeling evoked from a set of words defined everything, it was obvious to her now. "Oh my god, Giorno..."

He didn't seem to hear her, or he didn't know that she managed to unscramble her memories due to his sudden confession. But that was good, because he couldn't see her face as pink as her stand. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

"Christ Giogio..." She pried out of his arms, grinning at him with an expression he rarely saw from her, embarrassment? Flattery? He wasn't sure. "If you really wanted to tell me, why didn't you say so sooner?"

"(Y/N)?" No way, that liveliness, the confidence, that was no doubt her, that was no doubt the (Y/N) that he fell for. "Shit, god that's embarrassing, I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

"Hey, no take backs! Come on, show me how special I am to you, Haruno~" She pulled him close, her pounding heart enough to show that she meant her words more than just a tease. "You're precious to me too, you know."

"Am I?" Giorno could hide his smile or his relief, bending to rest his head on her shoulder. "Then... is it okay if I kiss you?"

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