I Cry A Lot For Someone Who Doesn't Even Hydrate

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"Planes... Are bad. Don't like, no likey..." (Y/N) mumbled, her leg once again resuming its ticked bounce. It only meant one thing, and she'd rather be on the ground with a fighting chance than elevated so high her stand won't even activate properly. In the front, Giorno seemed to mirror her sentiments, although it was more because of the leech on his arm. "Holy SHIT."

Mista was quick to react, firing five consecutive shots and severing his arm, effectively separating the weird red mass from his friend, but at a cost. As the arm went flying, (Y/N) leaped up, shoving Trish behind her. "You should probably make a new right arm fast, Giorno."

He gripped the base of his arm as the blood dribbled from the wound. That was not his imagination, the blob was definitely trying to transfer onto his stand. They had never dealt with such a stand before, one that lingered on even after death, it was unthinkable! "This stand, it only activates when it's user has died! That man on the runway came there to die, and his stand automatically traced us! That's how it could keep up with such speeds..."

"But it's super slow, Giorno!" Narancia grinned, pointing at the slimy, pulsing globule. "It's not even moving at all, did it die?"

"It's not moving...? No, Narancia." Mista heaved, those bullets came at a price. Blood oozed out of his new wounds, staining the floor the color of the stand that was currently consuming part of his Sex Pistols. "It's eating, so it doesn't have to move right now. I got too close. This thing is fast. My bullets... It got four of them just now, that's more than half. That thing's seriously dangerous, don't get too close. Everyone, stay back."

"Mista!" Narancia reached forward to take a step, pausing at the sudden reaction the stand had given, as if daring him to set his foot down. "How dare you underestimate me, you piece of shit?! I just need to stay away from it, right? But... Aerosmith can blow this thing to hell without getting close to it at all!"

As a hail of bullets attacked the stand, it simply blocked and absorbed them all, targeting the small aircraft with shocking accuracy. There was no escaping it, and soon, Narancia too had succumbed to the amorphous glop, which didn't have a single scratch on its body(?). "Narcy! Trish, get in the closet! Now!"

Her voice quavered as she squeaked out a simple response, pivoting on her heel to run to the closet, but this small action managed to catch the attention of the slime. Just as she had drawn open the door, it lunged for her, and (Y/N) leaped forward, her stand draped over her body and drawing up her fingergun. "Soda City Funk: Party Trick!"

A blast of purplish pink exploded against the stand, blooming into a brilliant firework. (Y/N) smirked triumphantly for a moment, the acid would eat away at the stand, it WAS a stand, after all, but to her horror, it absorbed the glittery acid without hesitation, latching onto SCF's hand. "Fuck! (Y/N)!"

"Oho? You think you bested me?!" Her bottom lip trembled as the glassy pink stand clenched her fist. She's watched 'The Thing' before, she knows that fire is the only way to (probably) beat this thing, and if it wasn't alive, then her palms would have to do! "Burn, baby! Burn!"

"(Y/N)! Let go of it!" Giorno chided, gesturing to the window. "I-I'll draw it over and cut the stand off! It's eating you!"

He wasn't wrong, the stand was in fact devouring the rest of her hand, sizzling away from the center and only feasting on everything around it. Her hand was already reflecting the damage, flesh and tendon torn away bit by bit as she refused to let go. It hurt, it really fucking hurt... "Giogio, You only have one arm left! I can't do that! N-not when he already fucked with Narcy and Mista!"

He didn't allow her to continue, swinging his good hand at nothing to draw the enemy to him instead, freeing (Y/N)'s arm from the same fate. "I know what it is after now! This Stand reacts to movement and prioritizes attacking whatever moves! It matches the speed of the fastest target and prioritizes it!" with a swift jab, he exposed the stand to the harsh winds outside, and (Y/N) immediately yelped, not out of fear of flying out, but out of fear for her friend. She knew what he was planning and she hated it.

"Giorno motherfucking Giovanna, don't you fucking dare!" She shouted as he dug his arm into the sharp edges of the glass. He planned on cutting his arm off along with the stand, but she could have done that, why did he always believe it had to be him sacrificing things? "Give it to me! I'll do it! Stop!"

"We won't make it in time! It's climbing up higher!" against his trembling arm, he had torn through the last layers, the amputated limb swept away with the winds behind them. Stumbling back, Bruno and (Y/N) rushed to the boy who had passed out from the pain. Bruno covered the hole with a metal tray, catching the young man in his arms, since he was the only one unharmed. He created as many zippers as he could to at least stop the bleeding, but how could this be? Already, three of them were out of commision and one of them was injured. If only it wasn't such an enclosed space, they wouldn't have suffered such a loss. The idea to board a plane was naive.

"N-No one could have predicted this." Trish shook her head, watching the man scoop up as many injured as he could to take to the front. "And it's because we're on a plane that we were able to blow the stand away."

"Regardless, we have to tend to their wounds." He muttered, ashamed of his decision that put his crew in such dangers.

"How are we going to do that...? Our healers aren't here, all we can do is set them to rest..." (Y/N) mumbled, reaching down to pick up Narancia, only to have her hand swatted away. "Huh? Bruno, what's wrong?"

"You're injured, don't strain yourself." He muttered, leaning down to throw the next two boys over his shoulders. Impressive strength, but it wasn't necessary.

"Bruno, I have the least injuries of them all, I'm fine." It wasn't like she was missing two arms or had serious internal damage, why was he babying her? And Giorno, sure, maybe he was just testing a theory, but to risk so much over it? Why couldn't he have her do it? She could take it, couldn't she? Yea, she was capable of so fucking much, so why did they always insist on pushing her away? Even with the boss's plans; they had asked her to join, then told her nothing, what was this? "Just give one to me, seriously."

"I can carry them, I don't need help." He shook his head, pausing at the door to the cockpit.

"I'm fine, I don't need help." She mocked, opening the door for him and holding it open for him to enter. "Just get in there and explain what happened, I'll stay with Trish."

"No, you go in first, you are injured too." He refused to enter, and Abbacchio glanced up, confused. He heard some noise, but with his headphones on, he couldn't really bother to see what the fuck was going on back there.

"Barely! Don't baby me." she rolled her eyes, only succeeding in getting herded inside with the wall of human meat flesh he currently wielded. Trish said nothing, watching her disappear behind the door to be tended to with the others.


School started for me, how about you guys?

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