Kiss? No Thanks I'm Saving My Lips For The Sweet Kiss Of Death

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Left on his own, Abbacchio bypassed the short little gate, entering the home of the dog Mosaic. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary in the room, but a glint of metal caught his eye. In the crack, a single golden key. That was what the Boss wanted, the key. With that, he'll be able to return to the others and they can just continue on their journey. A part of them wished to stay behind and look for his teammates, right now, all that mattered was they get this key back safely. It was a pain to know that his two favorite brats were taken, but he couldn't just stay and listen to his least favorite brat. No, that was out of the question. Reaching over to grab the key, his reflection caught his eye. A mirror had been placed directly across from it, and in it's reflection was... a man he's never seen before, the enemy. Quickly, he stood, ready to throw down, but there was no one at the entrance. Suddenly, he understood what Soda City Funk was trying to say, kicking the mirror shard away and lurching backward. "I'm starting to understand this ability. So they're inside the Mirror... Fugo and (Y/N) must have been dragged into the mirror and disappeared, separating them from their stands. Regardless, right now, I need to grab that key!"

"Ha! Shattering the mirror actually worked in my favor, Abbacchio." An unfamiliar voice chimed, the arm he reached out to grab the key slowly beginning to dissolve with a blueish hue. "Anything reflected becomes an entrance to this world. Now that it's in shards, I have even more entrances to grab you from! And I'll give you, and only you, permission to come into the mirror!'

With a yank, more and more of the man's body was sucked in from the shard, and soon, he would be stranded in there with the rest of them. This was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel! Illuso's grin didn't last long, a hand gripping his throat and clamping so hard only a strained voice could leave. He didn't understand. Only a stand could grab another stand's throat! How could this be...! "Shattering the mirror didn't actually work in your favor! It just means the space you can look outside from became smaller! You couldn't exactly see who you just dragged in here, could you? You gave permission for me to enter?!"

"T-that's!" he could only watch in horror as the shape began to shift, purple and blue iridescent skin coating the whole of the stand.

"Grazie! I'll happily get dragged in! Moody Blues!" His stand was pretty fucking strong, purple fists colliding with Man in the Mirror and sending the enemy flying. He had made a mistake, and this mistake might cost him. He tilted the mirror. The land inside, huh? Of course they couldn't figure it out. There wasn't any way to comprehend it until they were attacked, or... tipped off by someone. Were Fugo and (Y/N) still over at the side? "So. How do we get out of here? If I have to kill you to get out of here, that's fine. That's why I sent Moody Blues in there!"

"The ability to transform into others, huh? Well shit, you got me." He stood, body quivering in pain. This was nothing. He only suffered a few punches, and that meant revenge. With a cry, he whipped out his stand to launch an unsuccessful counterattack, only resulting in even more of a beatdown. He growled. "Listen up... Like I said at the start, you're already done for. I must say, I was a little surprised when it was your stand that came in, but that doesn't change anything."

Abbacchio readied himself to throw another kick, but paused at the loss of his arm, watching as it slowly appeared before the man, creeping farther and farther up Abbacchio's body as let out a manly scream. "To ensure you can't move about, I'll only allow half of your body to come in, and half of your stand to get out! Now neither you nor your stand is able to move! Now, the key is mine!"

The two bodies collided, falling back rather ungracefully onto the floor. "Damnit, if this continues, he'll get the key. That doesn't just mean that we will fail the mission, it also means that Giono will end up being correct! Damnit... My pride's not going to stand for that! I'm not letting him have that key! I swear on my pride and my dignity that I, Leone Abbacchio, will protect this key!"

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