Bippity Boppity Back The Fuck Up

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"Aw, Giogio already called shotgun?" (Y/N) hopped into the back, leaning against the seat to peer over his shoulder at the map, hands patting the side of the van for the seatbelt, clicking herself in place. Apparently she was the only one to buckle herself in, but fine. Whatever. "If you guys can't buckle up then I might as well drive."

"Nope." The sixteen year old clicked himself into the seat, after what had happened last time she touched the wheel? No way was she going to even look at anything in this corner of the car. He shifted the steering wheel into the freeway, deciding to talk a bit about Pompeii to fill the silence. "The city of Pompeii was known to the Romans as a peaceful, prosperous health resort. It was then abruptly destroyed by the lapilli and the lava that came from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD. Later, Archaeologists discovered that all the houses, streets, wine bottles, and even carriage tracks left behind were preserved as they were when the volcano erupted 1800 years ago. The dog mosaic we are looking for is located near the entrance of the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii."

"Fugo, switch lanes, you have to turn right here, not left." She reached over Giorno's shoulder, tapping their placement on the map and Abbacchio rolled his eyes. Even if she wasn't in the passenger's seat, nor was she holding the map, she still had to take control of directions. Fugo didn't seem to mind, however. She was good at what she did, much better that the oaf who said NOTHING in the front seat. He breezed through the stop signs, taking a wider turn instead. It was already too late to change lanes, and at this point, why not just break ALL the road safety laws? She gripped the front seat as her body swerved to the side before returning. "Just go straight for now, the next turn isn't in a while."

Once parked in the deserted lot, everyone exited the car, (Y/N) trailing after Abbacchio like a duckling. She didn't have any maps of the area, nor had she visited before, so there wasn't really anything she could do besides follow them, and Abbacchio did mention he had been here before. "Pompeii, huh? I haven't been here since I visited on a field trip as a kid."

Fugo checked his watch, alerting the other three. They should really hurry, there was a time limit after all. They nodded, making their way through the entrance tunnel to head to the dog mosaic. (Y/N) glanced up at the owner of the shadows, crows gliding overhead and her stomach churned. Something just didn't feel right being here, wasn't this place way too empty for a tourist location? She pressed those concerns aside anyway, treading with the others. So far, no other heat signatures. "The place we are looking for is about 100 meters ahead. It should take us about thirty minutes to get what we need and get back to the others."

(Y/N) nodded, glancing up at the mirror with Fugo, they exchanged a look of confusion. "Why.. is there a mirror here?"

Her question seemed to be ignored, Fugo checking through the reflection, spotting someone creeping in the shadows. They were completely alone, but since when was there a man following them? "Abbacchio, (Y/N), Giono. Be on guard. To think we'd been found so soon..."

"How many?" Abbacchio glanced around for any other suspicious figures in the darkness, but so far not a single one made an appearance.

"I only see one." (Y/N) frowned, it was a little too soon to tell, but that man... was that Illuso?

"For now. He's peeking around the pillar right now." Fugo glued his eyes on the man in the mirror, although the other two just couldn't seem to understand what or who he was talking about. There was no one there, but he was right in the mirror...! "Quit messing around! He's coming towards us now! (Y/N)! You see him, don't you?"

"m-Mhmm!" She nodded her head, glancing both directions. She knew what was going on, but it wasn't as if she could explain why. "But... He isn't there!"

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