You're Funny Because Your Life Is A Joke

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Magnetism, it was as vague and mercilessly versatile as (Y/N)'s own stand, and it didn't bode well to those that didn't understand it's true potential. How far could that man push it? How would he use his power to turn things for the worse? Giorno could tell.

He understood the resemblance of Stand to Master. (Y/N)'s stand was eye-catching and glassy, yet could only speak a language no one could understand, he translated it to be her personality, one that draws you in but struggles with communication. But even so, she's gone so far, she's told them the truth, she's really opened up to face her fears, but her power was still the same. Gravity manipulation, as much as it had the potential to be overpowered, it wasn't anything to be feared. It granted neither an upperhand or a loss to either side, and while it feigned control, she couldn't control it. She couldn't dictate a person's actions or temperature, she couldn't dictate where they could go, she could only completely control herself. Perhaps that was just how she was, (Y/N) never wanted to control people, they just couldn't help being gravitated towards her.

Whether it be a boy who ran over a person in a golf cart with her, or a person who kept her company when she was alone, or someone who tried to keep her warm, a person who worried over her recklessness, or someone who just needed a push, and a person who wanted a wingman, or even a distraught soul who just wanted a shoulder to lean on, they all found themselves orbiting someone so bright it was blinding.

But that man dictated magnetism, and a strong understanding of it too. A force with complete control, one with such strength it could catch a lead bullet with the slightest magnetism and then launch it with the accuracy of a gun. He believed he held utmost prepotence, he believed he was untouchable, a truly bewitching aura that drew people in and crushed them under an invisible weight. That is how he truly felt; A danger they couldn't, they just couldn't allow to hurt (Y/N), because glass could only take so much before it shatters.


She couldn't hear them all the way over there, of course she couldn't. She shouldn't be paying attention to them in the first place, but they wanted her to look back, to show that she would be okay. Perhaps they've taken too much for granted, all those small wishes and close calls, they never imagined a point where she really could disappear. Bruno couldn't push her away anymore, he couldn't bring himself to after what she did to save him. Everyone trusted her, they really did. They trusted her as much as they loved her, but that couldn't hide the fact that they feared losing her.

She stood indifferent before her father, stand digging out the foreign object and cauterizing the wound once again. Fine. She would take the bait. She couldn't just shoot acid at him and hope for the best, this was the beginning of the fight afterall, he would be able to dodge from this distance, even if he was aging. Launching herself forward, (Y/N) prepared herself for any attack that he could throw at her.

Fists clenched tight, both stands drew their first punches, a mix of deflecting and attacking, no true upperhand in sight in those first few moments. Annoyed, SCF raised her hand to kick the enemy, and although her heg was caught by his right hand, she managed to get a direct hit against her enemy, acid seeping into the face of the stand just as suddenly as she was thrown back into the floor. Mind Electric's palms pulsed a hypnotic blue, and she felt an odd tugging sensation on her limb. Quickly, she activated her stand, but whatever the pulling force was, it wasn't just gravity. Her body was yanked towards his, and he delivered a punch right towards the area he had grabbed. No, did he manage to turn her magnetic or some shit? His palms can do that?! Wait, Calm down, Calm down! She did hit him, he should at least be- no, the burn she's given him has already healed?! "Wh-, you...!"

"I told you, child. The arrow healed me." A grin with no remorse, how fitting to a man as unwavering as steel. He didn't bother letting her stand again, almost levitating her upwards only to beat her down again, but (Y/N) didn't care. She had assassin training to thank for her resistance to brute force, it gave her a moment to think. As her body landed with a harsh thud on the ground, she leg swept him, sighing with relief to see the effects of her stand finally kicking in around them. He couldn't continue that cycle so easily now, not anymore. Mind Electric struggled to position himself upright, levitating limbs floundering about in an effort to maintain balance.

Right. She had to remember, she was the one in control here. She would always win in the end, always, against him. Scrambling, Mind Electric drew her in again to use her as a pushboard back onto the ground, and (Y/N) was prepared. Sudden transitions were her fucking thing, and she would be very disapointed in herself if she couldn't be confident in her ability to adjust.

Realigning herself, (Y/N) pointed a finger gun towards him, ready to dispose of that man in one swift shot. This would be the first time she would kill on purpose, the first time she would understand her actions and take the consequences. It's something everyone in her gang would have done willingly, without an ounce of hesitation, and it's something she wanted to do, something she almost did a few days ago. Taking a life, It was as simple as pulling a trigger, a single twitch of her finger and this would all be over, but perhaps she hesitated for a moment too long, overthinking the very action of ending it all. Because he seemed to read the fear plastered all over her soul, still the same, powerless child who hid in the closet, the catalyst for her mother's death, the reason she ran into a public space, all to cure that weak child's cold. "You have no upperhand here, my magnetism affects all."

With a pale blue pulse from Mind Electric's right hand, they were launched away from each other with the force of an explosion. The shockwave crack the glass of Soda City Funk, pearls of pinkish-purple acid draining out and dotting the sky with their toxic orbs. They hung there languidly, turning the sky into a minefield that only she could see. "Right. Fine then. Come at me."

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