How Can I Be At Rock Bottom If I'm A Top

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 "Giogio, do you think it's time?" (Y/N) leaned back in her chair, glancing at the younger boy, the soon to be crowned boss. It was a little more than a week after this whole adventure started, From carefree days at the restaurant and missions, they would be the head honchos now, as odd as it wsa. Trish was planning on following her mother's footsteps and to become a star, but she refused any help. She wanted to make it on her own accord, and her friends would support her no matter what. "To announce that you're boss, that is."

"...I suppose so, everything is prepared." He stood, brushing away one of the locks of his undone braid and moving to a separate chair. This would be a live message for all the capos. They already sent a message announcing that the boss's identity would be released, so they would surely watch.

"Do you have a script ready or anything?" She adjusted the camera, although he was hidden in the shadows, wisps of golden locks and a beautiful bejeweled mask glinted in the few rays of sunlight. Their location of the film made sure not to include anything that could be traced, the outdoors or pictures or even any other furniture besides the plush, red and gold chair he sat on. From the angle he looked almost royal, like a man who held the viewer's beating heart in his hands. Behind his shadowed figure, there was a single painting. The scale was massive, a copy of a famous Renaissance painting depicting Lucifer's fall from grace, painted by Edouard Marie Guillaume Dubufe. It hung upside-down, the figure reaching down towards Giorno, their new boss. Although no one else knew it, this painting was specifically chosen for the video; with its muted and soft colors, it sat as a background piece, an easter egg for the eyes.

"No. There is no need. Roll the camera and send out the message." With a wave of his hand, the camera's were rolling and the room was silent. As Abbacchio maned the feed, (Y/N) gave him a thumbs up when everyone was finally accounted for. And as he began his speech, Giorno's demeanor changed. Someone cold and calculating with strong words and a stronger message, this was someone they didn't want to disappoint. He had the air and charm of a natural borne leader, and Passione would no doubt change for the better. Of course, it was obvious many would not agree. Not that he cared. Giorno Giovanna, a person unheard of before, a mere child at the age of fifteen, with nothing remarkable to his name or a clue to his bloodline, was confirmed as the true boss of Passione.

He knew this would cause an uproar among the mafia, and that those who truly kneel before him would be few and far between. That's where La Squadra stepped in, to ensure that in the meantime, nothing went too fucky. (Y/N) however, had a different job. She wouldn't appear with the others. She would be a figure in the darkness, nameless and nonexistent, a little informant with all the strings and secrets. Her years of mafia work have already sowed the seeds into the ground, and now all she needed was a little work to let them blossom.

As the cameras cut and powered down, she looked at the town three minutes away. "So... are we just gonna invite them here? Because I think that'll probably not end well. For some reason."

"I'll trust your judgement. We don't want the others to know where we are, of course. Bruno is acting as a Capo in one area, so we can host there." Giorno stood up, glancing at the large painting and back down towards his own clothing. Maybe... Maybe he was due for a wardrobe change. "(Y/N)."


"Do you want to be shopping?"

"... you bet your ass I do lets fucking go-" (Y/N) stood up, taking his hand to drag him shopping.


Clad in a new suit, they returned from their journey with ridiculous amounts of money wasted and many new outfits, half of which weren't even for Giorno. "Okay, hear me out, hear me out, What if we just sold muffins?"

"(Y/N)..." He glanced around and leaned towards her. "We're in a mafia. We can't just sell muffins to make more profit. Besides, a lot of our other methods could be improved to be more efficient."

"I don't think you know how good I am at making muffins, speaking of muffins, shit... I need to get some to my friends at the prison... I haven't visited them in forever." She hid a few stolen goods she swiped a few moments ago, most of which were completely random and stupid. From little accessories to nailpolish bottles, she snagged a little of everything. "I'm gonna go get some flour, I'll catch up with you, okay?"

"I can come with you, it isn't a problem." Giorno paused, watching her search the vicinity for a Whole Foods or something. With her target in sight, he let her shoo him off. That was fine, measuring took a lot of time anyway. "Then... I'll meet with you in the store."

"Yep." With one last wave, she was off to go buy some flour and raid their sweets section. As she marched onwards, something caught her eye, a young, svelte girl with peculiar clothing dipping into one of the alleyways, followed by a few larger men. Not a good sign. Her (nosiness)Curiosity got the better of her, and she hurried to go check out the situation. Unfortunately, she was correct in worrying. They surrounded the young girl! Well, she couldn't just stand there! "UUUNNNGH I NEED TO TAKE A BIG SHIT."

She waddled into the alleyway, grabbing the young, teenage girl and fireman-carrying her out of the situation as the other men could only stare in confusion and fear as she moaned and groaned in serious abdominal pain. Once behind the corner, she continued down the alleyways with the fourteen year old girl on her shoulders. Neither of them have spoken a single word since (Y/N)'s... not so heroic rescue. "Put me down."

Doing as the child told, she bent down to let go, standing up and getting a good look at the kiddo. Her long black locks were pulled into multiple braids and eight pointed scars bloomed from her left eye. She didn't seem all too thankful, but not that (Y/N) cared. You just never leave a girl in that situation. "You good?"

"I would have been fine even if you didn't save me." Crossing her slim arms, the girl narrowed her eyes. She was a little cocky, wasn't she? Whatever. "Shouldn't you find a restroom?"

"I don't actually need to use the crapper." (Y/N) explained quickly. "It was just to catch them off guard, and shouldn't you be a little more worried about yourself? Watch out for creeps on the streets, they're always up to no good."

"Everyone already knows that, you talk like I'm just some regular girl." Sheila E crossed her arms, following the woman regardless. (Y/N) didn't know it, but this girl was also a part of Passione. After crushing the Miranze gang when she was ten, she was personally appointed as one of the Boss's guards. She wasn't proud of the fact, but the high standing proves her worth one hundred times over, and her instincts knew that this woman was much more than an average person.

"Says who? I'm just making sure no one gets in trouble." (Y/N) raised her hands in surrender, eyes shifting onto a sign for one of the bars hidden back in the maze of alleyways. Glancing through the window, Sheila E didn't fail to notice the way her eyes widened at the sight of a lone male on the stage playing a melancholic piece on the piano. With hay colored locks, strawberry earrings, and dead eyes, she would have mistaken him as a realistic doll with how robotic his movements were.

When she looked back, the woman was already turning the corner. She realized why she hadn't noticed how far she had walked and what seemed off about her; she made no noise at all. Sheila E furrowed her eyebrows, a hand reaching towards that kind stranger's back, but it was too late.

On the ground, she picked up something trivial that wasn't there before, just a tube of lipgloss. Gingerly, she brushed her fingers across the surface, the little mouth forming from folds invisible, lips curled into a kind and lighthearted smile and whispering out little secrets and thoughts. Holding the tiny object to her ear, she listened intently. A single thought echoed from the pair of lips. "I want them to be happy."

The woman reminded her of her sister, almost. Maybe they would meet again, maybe they wouldn't. She almost hopes they do.


hnng small burst of energy and then just dies

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