61 ; king's cross station

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Something vast, green, and glittering erupted from the patch of darkness surrounding them; it flew up over the treetops and into the sky.

"What the - ?" gasped Ron as he sprang to his feet, staring up at the thing that had appeared.

None of them had noticed Y/N writhing in pain on the ground until she loudly cried out, hugging herself in a fetal position as her blood boiled unhappily. Through the hazy faze, there was only one explanation for it: the poison. She didn't know why, or how, but the presence of Voldemort activated the snake venom within her blood, making one of the most excruciating pains she's ever known erupt in her.

"Y/N? Y/N, what's happening?" Hermione cried and dropped beside her, holding her arms. "What's happening to you? Why are you - ?"

Y/N looked at Ron, who was gazing at her with wild concern as he stuffed his Krum figure into his pocket. He was there at her coronation, so he'd know what she would be talking about.

"Th - the - the snake venom, Ron," she sobbed, clutching herself closely. "Fr - from the c-coronation. It's reacting. We n-need to get o-out of here."

Harry and Ron helped her up, practically carrying her as they hurried away from the scene. Harry, however, was seriously confused.

"What's the matter?" he asked, trying to keep up. "Why are we running away?"

"It's the Dark Mark, Harry!" Hermione shouted, looking back as the boys helped Y/N. "You-Know-Who's sign!"

"Voldemort's - ? But what's that got to do with Y/N?"

"It's the snake venom that was put in me during my coronation, to see if I was going to be a fit heir or not," Y/N groaned, balling her hands into fists. "I think it's reacting with the 'tainted blood' in me, from being related to Voldemort. I think it only does this when there's a strong presence of him. Maybe not him directly but -"

A series of popping noises announced the arrival of twenty wizards, appearing from thin air, surrounding them.

"DUCK!" Harry yelled, and seized Hermione as he pulled Y/N, who pulled Ron, down to the ground.

"STUPEFY!" roared twenty voices - there was a blinding series of flashes and Y/N hid into Draco's jacket, feeling the top of her hair ruffle, as though a powerful wind had swept over the clearing. Raising her head a fraction of an inch she saw jets of fiery red light flying over them from the wizards' wands, crossing one another, bouncing off tree trunks, rebounding into the darkness -

"Stop!" yelled a voice she knew well. "STOP! That's my son!"

Y/N's hair stopped blowing about. She raised her head a little more, still quivering madly, watching as the wizards in front of her lower their wands. She looked behind her and saw Mr. Weasley striding toward them, looking terrified.

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