91 ; keeper

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Friday was uneventful compared to the night Y/N had before, and soon enough it was Saturday morning, just after Slytherin's early morning training. Most players had gone back to their dorms to continue sleeping but Y/N, used to getting up early, was seated in the Great Hall alone after showering and was working out a deal to buy more house-elves. She also had to commission someone to design and print flyers advertising jobs to put around wizard-popular areas all over England and Ireland, as well as asking the council of the property in which they lived in to build another town for new people.

With the subtle lies of the Daily Prophet designed to put her and Harry and Dumbledore in a bad light, a lot of the people who worked on her property had quit from either political affiliation or fear of her. Now, she had significantly less people working the fields and animal farms, which left those who stayed working overtime. Though they were getting paid their double — or even triple — amount, they still had families to get back to and Y/N realized that.

Anthony came by and sat next to her, helping her work out some of the technicalities and offer new ideas. He suggested the werewolf community, but most werewolves you couldn't find on a daily basis, and a lot were hostile to being approached, out of fear from being lured into death. It was better to let them come to you.

Magic wouldn't work since there was a special art to working the fields and breeding the animals. It wasn't simply just picking and feeding; it was so much more than that. Any produce that Y/N had that'd been picked magically was tasteless and inconsistent, two traits that were very much off-brand for the Grace family.

At long last, they'd composed several letters and papers to be sent out as soon as possible. Head pounding, Y/N had been about to stand to head for the owlery when Anthony stopped her, offering to take them up.

"I've got a letter for Gabriella to send out too, so I'll just send these out while I'm up there," he explained, pulling out a slightly crumpled envelope. Y/N smiled softly.

"Still in love with her?" she smirked, and he shoved her lightly, muttering under his breath at her and walking away.

Ron and Hermione entered the Hall together, barely acknowledging each other, yet seemingly having an air of comfort around them. Hermione looked around; spotting Y/N, she waved her over to their table, where only a few Gryffindors were seated.

Deciding that none of her Slytherin friends would get up early enough to join her (as some had gone back to sleep after Quidditch), she stood from her table, adjusting her (or rather, Draco's) jumper around her body and heading their way with her hands stuffed into her pockets. She sat beside Ron on one side of the table, nudging him playfully.

"Heard you made the team, Weasley," Y/N teased, cracking a smile as color bloomed over his cheeks and ears. They looked the color of his hair. "Congrats. Think you can block my shots, huh?"

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