31 ; giant furballs and humongous bigheads ✔︎

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The moment Hermione and Y/N entered the Leaky Cauldron was the moment of instantaneous chaos. Seven red-haired Weasleys were bustling around the place, wreaking havoc in every word they spoke, every step they took, and every thing they saw. It took approximately seven minutes for one of them to spot Hermione and Y/N with all their Hogwarts things, and about three more minutes to check them in and put all their stuff in their rooms. By the time Hermione and Y/N were ready to buy their stuff at Diagon Alley, Ron was too, so they headed off with Goldfish, unnoticed, to the hidden alley.

"Get this," said Ron, who had grown a few more inches and sported even more freckles. He too, had reached the peak of puberty, and that was a good thing – judging by the faint blush on Hermione's cheeks. "Harry blew up his aunt. Dad told us a few days ago, since he works at the Ministry and all – anyway, sometimes I wish I could blow up my aunt and get off freely –"

"Ron!" said Hermione sharply as they went to the Apothecary for more potions ingredients.

As they shopped, they looked everywhere for Harry – they figured he would be here of all places, since he was staying at the Leaky Cauldron – but couldn't find him. Halfway into their shopping Theodore, Blaise, and Daphne joined them, and they were looking different, too. Theodore had grown into an awkward height, Blaise was looking moodier than ever, and Daphne had grown a figure, just like Hermione and Y/N. They all needed new robes, so they visited Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions first.

Next was Ollivanders. Ron had snapped his wand last year so he was due for a new one, and since the Weasleys had won all that gold, he was able to get his own. After that, they had to buy their schoolbooks, and the assistant almost passed out when they asked for six Monster Book of Monsters. In fact, he did pass out when he saw the books tearing each other apart, and the manager and four other assistants had to come out to get them their books. They gave them each a belt to secure them, and then helped them buy their other books.

The six third-years looked around some more for Harry before giving up and visiting Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. They each bought an ice cream and sat outside, pushing two tables together. Y/N was about to tell them she was Quidditch Captain, when she spotted Harry.

"Harry!" she called. "HARRY!"

Harry spotted her and, with a smile, came by and sat.

"Finally!" said Ron, grinning. "We were looking for you everywhere – Flourish and Blotts, Madam Malkin's, the Apothecary –"

"I got all my school stuff last week," Harry explained. "And how come you knew I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron?"

"Dad," said Ron simply.

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