30 ; summer in france ✔︎

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France was an incredibly gorgeous place to be for the summer. The food, the art . . . Y/N loved it all, and she even got to brush up and progress her French while visiting Dijon with her parents and Hermione. There was even some interesting magical French history there, too, and Y/N and Hermione re-wrote their History of Magic essays to include some.

After a night on the town, Hermione and Y/N returned to their rooms to find Hedwig at their window sill. Y/N had rushed over to let her in, and with an affectionate nip, Hedwig flew in and perched herself at the edge of the desk in the room, chirping in sets of fours. Y/N, realizing, checked her watch to see 31/07 in the tiny date box. It was Harry's birthday!

Y/N gathered up the pre-written letter, her gift for him (an owl of Dijon ring that smelled like mustard), and a card, and wrapped it in a parcel with Hermione's gift (a Broomstick Servicing Kit). She attached it to Hedwig's talon and fed her some complimentary berries and nuts, and then she took off to England.

"I suppose Hedwig wanted to make sure Harry got birthday presents," said Hermione, smiling. "She must care for him more than anything. . . ."

Hermione and Y/N seemed to reach the peaks of their puberty. Hermione's hair had lost some of its bushiness (but not all) and had grown a few inches over the last years. She also seemed to lose a lot of her baby fat, revealing her facial structure, and had grown some curves, although her buck teeth still remained.

Y/N had also changed drastically. Though she remained her height (which she would retain for the rest of her life), her hair seemed to fall into more defined curls than Hermione's and she, too, lost a lot of her baby fat, which also showed her true facial structure. She had grown curves that complimented her figure, some that would force her to purchase a new skirt and white shirt.

Y/N wondered what everyone else looked like. Were they the same as last year, or had they reached the peak of puberty, too? She had no way of knowing – except with the Weasleys, as she had received the Daily Prophet a while back, which reminded Y/N of their faces. There had been a moving photograph of the nine Weasleys, waving furiously, standing in front of a large pyramid in Egypt. Plump little Mrs. Weasley; tall, balding Mr. Weasley; six sons; and one daughter, all (though the black-and-white picture didn't show it) with flaming-red hair. Right in the middle of the picture was Ron, tall and gangling, with his pet rat, Scabbers, on his shoulder and his arm around his little sister, Ginny. That very same Ron hadn't hesitated to send Hermione and Y/N a newspaper clipping, along with the article that went with it (although they already had two copies, since Hermione decided to subscribe to the Daily Prophet, too).

They had won the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw and Y/N couldn't think of anyone who deserved to win a large pile of gold more than the Weasleys.

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