1 ; the granger sisters ✔︎

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The Grangers, of number eight, Heathgate, were what you would call a pleasant family. They cherished the local area and were kind to all - even to those who would belittle them, such as Mr. Dursley, who lived just a few neighborhoods over, and worked at a drill place called Grunnings. Grunnings stood right across from District Dental, a five-star learning dentistry where the lovely Grangers worked.

Mr. Granger worked in the adult's ward of District Dental. His tall and lanky build often folded over mouths split wide open, leaving a prominent bump on the neck that both he and his wife developed. Inherited brown hair had thinned over the years of hard work, and rounded features looked even rounder with the fulfilling dinners of his wife's making.

Mrs. Granger, on the other hand, stood short from the gallons of coffee she drank. No matter that, her thick, curly hair and high cheekbones were said to make her prettier than the average woman, the total and complete opposite of Mrs. Dursley, the snobby, tall woman with wispy blonde hair. Mrs. Granger worked in the children's ward of District Dental, and, more often than not, had been requested by picky parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger had twin daughters they called Y/N and Hermione, who were very bright and undeniably smart, even for two one-year-olds. They picked up skills quickly, and more times than the couple can count did strangers stop to coo at them.

The Grangers worked for their satisfying lives, to say the least. They had no enemies (unless you count the Dursleys, who hated them in particular), Mrs. Granger hosted book club every Wednesday evening, and date night without the little ones came around every second and fourth Saturday of each month. They had their daughters' whole lives to look forward to, meaning more memories and vacations, and Mr. and Mrs. Granger thrived in their dream jobs. They lived, what they considered, perfect lives.

On seven o'clock Tuesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Granger woke to their two daughters wailing false cries, as they always did. The morning sky was cloudy, but the dull grey didn't dampen the couples' mood. Mr. Granger, though tired, held an affectionate Y/N in one arm as he picked out his favorite blue scrubs, fresh from yesterday's laundry. He set Y/N next to Hermione on the bed and disappeared into the lavatory to get dressed while Mrs. Granger, already dressed in bright yellow, took both girls in her arms and descended to the ground floor. Her in-laws waited with breakfast from the café, a warm smile on their faces.

The town clock struck eight and Mr. and Mrs. Granger kissed their daughters and bid goodbye to the grandparents. They clambered into their single car and drove off to work, neither noticing the peculiar clothes strangers outside wore with gleeful faces, nor the owls soaring overhead.

Husband and wife chatted as they sat in the typical morning traffic, discussing the futures of their daughters and whatnot. They questioned what profession the twins' would want to be in - an officer? Doctor? Zoologist? Maybe a plastic surgeon, or rather a chemist. What about a historian, or a gardener? The possibilities were endless. The traffic moved on and a half hour later, Mr. and Mrs. Granger arrived in the District Dental parking lot, and saw Mr. Dursley, who they waved to. He sneered at them.

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