17 ; defense against the dark arts ✔︎

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The end of the summer vacation came and following that was the morning of September first. Mrs. Granger had prepared a big breakfast for Hermione and Y/N – when they actually came down the stairs. It was unusual: they were always downstairs by seven on-the-dot and it was already seven-fifteen.

Finally, they were at the table, trunks by the door, plates of breakfast in front of them. The reason for their unusual lateness was not oversleeping, in fact, it was because Hermione was helping Y/N over-obsess over her looks. Eyebrow plucking, leg waxing, teeth-whitening, nail-painting, all the normal twelve-year-old puberty stuff. Now, eating her breakfast, Y/N looked like a princess wearing minimal makeup, a green floral sundress, and a baggy white cardigan, and her precious not-so-little puppy by her side.

At last, they were loading up into the car and on their way to King's Cross Station. They loaded trunks onto trolleys and politely weaved through the bustling crowd of people heading for work, and made it to platforms nine and ten at a quarter to eight. They hustled through the barrier, said their quick but lasting good-byes, and Y/N and Hermione and Goldfish were on the train, whereas Mr. and Mrs. Granger were headed for District Dental, their workplace.

Y/N took a deep breath. The distinct smell brought fond memories to her, ones of their adventures from last year – Quidditch, Fluffy, Norbert, all fond memories. Then Y/N remembered: that kid Annabella mentioned, Anthony, he should be on the train! Y/N wanted to find him – she wanted to help him out, to get him on his feet. She felt a need, a duty too. She couldn't explain it, but for some odd reason, maybe because Mrs. Grace helped her, she felt as though she needed to help out Anthony Grace. Not to mention, Annabella asked her to look after him a few days before September.

She observed the first-year compartments, each of them, with Goldfish trotting by her side. She told herself that he probably wasn't on the train yet when – there he was. It was obvious. He looked a carbon-copy of Mr. Grace and anyone with a brain could recognize it. Obviously not Draco Malfoy, but that was a given. He probably had about a single brain cell.

Y/N knocked and Anthony looked up from the beautiful barn owl in his lap. He gestured her in and she slid open the compartment door, smiling kindly as she looked down upon him. He hesitantly smiled back.

"Hi. I'm Y/N," said Y/N. "Second-year student. You're Anthony Grace, right?"

He nodded.

"Your mother helped me when I was a first-year like you," she said brightly, coming in a sitting down. "I'm a Muggle-born, in case you were confused. Well. . I'm in Slytherin, my best friends are in Gryffindor, and I helped save Hogwarts last year from mass destruction."

Anthony's eyebrows shot to his hairline. Y/N giggled.

"Just kidding," she said. He  forced a smile. "Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself and explain a few things about Hogwarts for your protection and my own reassurance - and your Aunt Annabella asked me to. Shall we start from the beginning?"

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