38 ; co-captain ✔︎

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Y/N glanced to Harry every so often during dinner, thinking to herself. Her eyes flicked over to the High Table ever so often, watching Professor Lupin. She had some questions for him.

Standing abruptly, Y/N ignored her friends' calls and marched out of the hall, hurrying up to the third-floor. Approaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom she pulled a bobby pin out of her hair and began to pick the lock. Seconds later she was in the classroom, and, thinking to herself, took her regular seat.

Professor Lupin didn't enter the classroom until half an hour later. When he did, though, he didn't notice Y/N until he sat at his desk, after pulling off his robes and unbuttoning his sleeves, rolling them up to his elbows.

"Miss Granger!" he said, surprised, but he smiled. His head cocked to the side. "How did you get in? I'm sure I locked the door with an anti-alohomora spell!"

"I picked the lock," Y/N shrugged. Professor Lupin seemed to be pleasantly amused.

"Really? I would have kicked down the door or tried to find the key," he said with a light smile. "What do you need?"

Y/N took a deep breath. "You're a werewolf, aren't you?"

All the colour drained from Professor Lupin's face. His adam's apple bobbed, and he stuttered, saying, "M-miss Granger? What – What makes you say that?"

"Your reaction, for a start," said Y/N, and she proceeded to list off all her evidence and clues. His disappearances around the full moon; Snape's vendetta against werewolves – and, conveniently, Professor Lupin; the potion she believed to be Wolfsbane that Snape gave him around a full moon (Halloween); Lupin saving her 'essay' about werewolves . . . everything fit too perfectly to not be true.

Professor Lupin sighed.

"Very observant, Miss Granger. But yes, I am a werewolf," he said, running his hands through his light brown hair. "I've been one for twenty-eight years – since I was five. I was bitten by a man named Fenrir Greyback as a result of his revenge against my father. The potion Professor Snape gave me? You're correct, of course, it's Wolfsbane. Helps the lycanthropy, see?"

Y/N nodded, but she also had other questions she hoped he could answer. She chewed her inner cheek and he stared carefully, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

"I see . . . I'll keep your secret, obviously. Erm – I have another question," she said, swallowing deeply.

Professor Lupin seemed to relax and said, "Yes?"

"Well, I went to the library after Hogsmeade and looked through the school yearbooks," she said. He stiffened. "What can you tell me about Sirius Black? One of your best friends?"

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