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The next morning, breakfast was considerably better, seeing as Y/N finally received a letter back from Mrs. Malfoy, and because Y/N was on good terms with Harry once more. The only thing, however, was that Ron was ignoring their whole group of friends, seemingly having strayed. Y/N was panicking on the inside, but she hoped that with the first task he realized that neither her nor Harry put their names in the goblet.

Earlier, Ares (Draco's eagle owl) had soared in, contrasting greatly against the other owls fluttering toward Y/N's table. He flapped his great wings towards her and landed on her shoulder, holding out his leg, which held a small envelope and a large parcel.

Stroking the owl's feathers lovingly, Y/N opened the envelope and read the letter.

Y/N dearest,

I know better than anyone that you can look after yourself, and you probably know that too, but I ask that you please keep your friends close you'll need them, because this is something you cannot go through alone. I've done a bit of research on the Tournament, thanks to your Grandmother letting me peek through your library for a bit (sorry about that), and of course, the challenges change every Tournament. And while I know cheating is very much frowned upon, as I've tried teaching Draco on several occasions, I suggest you find out as much as you can about the first task as possible. Don't worry about the second or third right now, because they don't matter if you get killed on your very first task though, I have everlasting faith that you'll succeed, if you're the Y/N that I've gotten to know over the summer.

You're only allowed your wand, from what I've read, so I've sent you a few books on advanced hexes, jinx, charms, whatever I thought you'd need. A book on potions too, to take your mind off the task (as fretting too much can cause a panic attack, my dear, and that would be absolutely horrible). Lucius suggested I send you one of our peacocks for moral support, but I told him that you have enough to worry about as it is, and that you couldn't take care of another animal. He was not pleased, and tried to send one behind my back. My apologies (though, he did manage to stuff a peacock feather into the parcel, the big git).

It's okay for you to be scared, Y/N. I know everyone else is, because the Triwizard Tournament is not something to be entered so lightly hence, why I know for a fact that you did not put your name in the goblet. You're a very cautious girl, believe it or not, and you know your limits. Now Harry Potter on the other hand . . . well, he's sort of irrational, but I also believe that he didn't put his name in either. Lucius wanted to bet me that he did, but we wouldn't want him losing all his money, now would we?

I will try my hardest to help you however I can, dearest Y/N. Even if I have to come up all the way to the school and do the tasks for you, I will. Lucius would too, to tell you the absolute truth. I know he's made those rude comments about Muggle-borns and whatnot, but really, he's just a softie deep down. I think you'll be able to change his mind, though, about his prejudice.

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