7 ; wizard's duel ✔︎

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Sunday morning was quite productive for Y/N. She walked Goldfish around the grounds, washed her dirty clothes (and put them away when they dried), tidied her room area, cleaned her shared bathroom, changed her sheets, organized her books and textbooks (which were stored under her bed), refilled her school inks, found all her quills, put all her parchment in a pile, finally put up her posters, cleared her vanity, ironed her uniform, and polished her shoes. She was done before nine o'clock, and was in the middle of an essay for Professor McGonagall on the formulas and properties of Transfiguration, when Draco Malfoy came down the steps of the boys dormitory with Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini by his side, not behind him like Crabbe and Goyle would be. Y/N found it peculiar, by hardly spared them a glance before flipping through the pages of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.

The three boys sat in front of her and watched as she ignored her. Malfoy's long, pale fingers snapped in front of her face and Y/N sighed, looking up with a raised brow.

"Yes?" she said.

"How?" said Malfoy, with a frown etched on his lips.

"Pardon?" she said, and set down her quill.

"How is it that you and your sister are top of the year already, and it's only the first week of school?" he spat.

"I don't know, ask Theodore and Blaise," said Y/N, "after all, they have been by my side almost every single moment of the day. Care to explain?"

"No," he said timidly, and stalked off to breakfast. Theodore and Blaise spared Y/N one last glance and headed off for breakfast too. Y/N rolled her eyes at Malfoy's obvious jealousy.

A new notice appeared next to the fireplace and Y/N left her study table to check it out, greeting the older kids around the fire briefly. She examined it – flying lessons for first years would start on Thursday with the Gryffindors, and two subjects – Ghoul Studies and Magical Theory – were offered to everyone (they were optional) and would start in October. Y/N quickly signed up for the two classes at once and returned to her residence across the common rooms. She had a couple more homework assignments to complete but no worry; she had the entire day to complete them, with hopefully no interruptions.

Thursday morning came along, and Y/N sat with the Slytherins at breakfast. She was excited for the flying lessons, very unlike Daphne, who was reading aloud flying tips. Zoe Accrington was hanging on to her every word, desperate for anything that might help her hang on to her broomstick later, but everybody else was very pleased when Daphne's lecture was interrupted by the arrival of the mail.

"You two're are going to be fine," Y/N said reassuringly and opened her issue of the Daily Prophet. "If anyone should be worried, it should be me. I'm a Muggle-born. I was raised in the Muggle world and know absolutely nothing compared to you two."

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