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The blizzard that came to visit the castle didn't make anything better for anyone. In fact, it made everything worse, judging from the Quidditch match in play, Slytherin vs Ravenclaw.

Sure, the Firebolt was positively amazing, but the conditions they were playing in were the complete opposite. It's been an hour, and the score was eighty to seventy, Slytherin. If they wanted to win, they needed Malfoy to catch the Snitch rather than Cho Chang.

Y/N remembered the girl; she was the one who duelled her in the girl's lavatory in Y/N's first year, for calling her sister a Gryffinwhore. It sparked a brief but brutal rivalry between the two Houses, not as strong as the quarrel between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but not weak enough to be forgotten.

"Ninety to seventy, Slytherin!" shouted Lee Jordan. "Despite those few cheap shots made by Ravenclaw, that Firebolt sure is doing its job right!"

The Slytherins erupted into (yet again) cheers as Y/N flew a lap around the field, blocking her eyes from the snow. She hoped Malfoy could see the Snitch, but with the blizzard, it was almost impossible. Lucky for her, the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain called a time-out, probably hoping to throw them off.

The Slytherin team entered the locker rooms one by one and Y/N, freezing her arse off, rubbed her arms furiously.

"I love the work you're doing, guys, but Ravenclaw's right on our arses," she shivered, addressing them. "Malfoy, we need that Snitch, and quick. I don't know how much longer we can last out there . . ."

Malfoy, who was shaking snow out of his hair, looked up and said, "Really?"

Y/N shrugged and snickered at his hair, which stuck out humorously in several places. She ruffled it as she passed by, smiling as she heard a low hiss.

The blizzard hadn't died down one bit since their time-out. It had actually gotten worse, and more players were colliding with each other than ever.

"And another goal for Ravenclaw!" shouted Lee. "Co-Captain Malfoy better catch that Snitch if he wants to live!"

Sure enough, Malfoy did actually catch the Snitch, and Y/N swore she could kiss him, as it brought them to first place. However, she most definitely did not, and instead settled for a short congratulations on their trek back to the castle.

"That's all?" said Malfoy with a smirk once they reached the castle doors. "No kiss, not even a 'thank you'?"

"Merlin's balls, no," Y/N scoffed, taking in the warm castle air before they headed for the dungeons. "As your Captain, a simple 'good job' should suffice for you. After all, I don't hand those out often."

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