15 ; the house cup ✔︎

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The troll roared.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Y/N screamed. The potion had already worn off and the door to the chess room had locked shut for some reason. Y/N was forced to face the towering troll.

With a rolling rumble, the troll swung its massive fist at Y/N, who jumped out just in time. Her breath caught in her throat as she fumbled for her wand. Except, the troll advanced, and advanced quickly. She wouldn't be able to get her wand in time, but she could throw a potion. . .

Y/N snatched a potion from her robe pocket and chucked it at the troll. Nothing happened, except for the glass sticking in the troll, which only angered it – but did allow Y/N to grab her wand and send fire at it. Its skin sizzled and burnt skin filled the room, but it did not deter the troll from attacking. Instead, it only fueled its anger and motivation to attack.

The troll swiped its hand once more and finally caught Y/N. She went flying into the wall, and a painful crunch made her clutch her ribs and nose. They were sure to be broken.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Y/N didn't get to see if it worked or not, because at that moment, her eyes fell shut.

Soft, brown curls hung above her. Something small and wet hit her cheek, but a textured surface ran over that spot – it. . felt like a tongue?

She blinked. Hermione hovered over her and Goldfish sat next to Y/N, whimpering.

She blinked again. Hermione cried out and Goldfish barked.

"You're awake!" cried Hermione.

Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion. Then she remembered: "Did Harry get the stone?"

"Dumbledore said the stone was destroyed," said Hermione as Y/N sat up. Goldfish licked her cheek excitedly and sat between her legs. "The whole school knows, of course, it's all over the school newspaper, and everyone's worried, you know – you broke three ribs, your left leg, your nose, and you had a major concussion. Lucky for you, Madam Pomfrey had recently made a whole new stock when Dumbledore brought you up –"

"Professor Dumbledore brought me here?" said Y/N.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Obviously. He also brought up Harry – he's still knocked out cold – and told us what happened. The Stone's destroyed – and it was Quirrell, not Snape who was after it. The school's safe. We did it."

Y/N smiled, but she had a feeling that wasn't the last of Voldemort they would see.

Around two days later, Y/N, Ron, Hermione, Theodore, Blaise, and Daphne were allowed to visit a finally-awake Harry. He had been knocked out for three days, whileas Y/N was only knocked out for one. They passed Professor Dumbledore on their way to the hospital wing, who smiled at them and winked.

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