10 ; the book ✔︎

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Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow, and when Y/N had entered the common rooms, a chilly frost had covered the stone walls and snow was in the air. Through the window, the lake was seen to be frozen and very little light streamed through the windows. Her breath billowed out in front of her in large clouds as she rubbed her layered arms, quickly making her way out of the common rooms with Theodore and Blaise and heading for Professor McGonagall's office, where she was to serve detention for bulldozing into the teacher's box during her recent Quidditch match.

"Hey, boys," Y/N said to the Weasley Twins, who were sitting in the two red armchairs. She sat across Fred's lap, legs hanging over the chair's arm, and played with his hair, saying, "What'd you two do this time?"

"I'm hurt – always with the assumptions that we did something bad," said George, placing a hand over his heart. Y/N stared at him for a moment and he caved in. "Okay, fine. We bewitched several snowballs to follow Quirrell around and bounce off the back of his turban. Poor bloke was terrified. Reckon he's even more scared of the world, but I got a laugh out of Johnson so that's a win for me."

Y/N rolled her eyes. George was rather obsessed with Angelina Johnson, pursuing after her and flirting with her like there was no tomorrow.

Professor McGonagall entered the office, interrupting their conversation. She glared at the three of them and said, "I take it the three of you know why you are here today?"

Fred, George, and Y/N nodded.

"Good. I want the Transfiguration Department sparkling clean by lunch. You have the whole day. Magic may be used, but if the department is not up to my standards, I must issue you another detention and write to your parents – and do spit out that gum, Miss Granger."

She left and the three looked to one another. So this was how their Saturday would be spent? Mind as well make it fun, right?

With Y/N's shoes transfigured into a record and a record player, the Weasley Twins took turns spinning her around the Transfiguration Department as they shot the Scouring Spell in different parts of the wing and charmed mops and broomsticks to clean for them.

By the time Professor McGonagall came back, the three troublemakers were playing hide-and-seek, Y/N hiding from the twins as they looked everywhere for her.

"What are you doing?" she yelled at them, and Y/N snorted in laughter.

"Aha!" the boys sang and jumped out in front of her. "Thought you could hide from us?"

Y/N squeaked and escaped, running past Professor McGonagall as the Weasley Twins sprinted after her. The woman let out an exasperated sigh and tried to suppress a smile, but ultimately failed as she watched the three race down the corridor.

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