67 ; potter stinks

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Despite the situation at hand, Y/N felt like her life at the moment could've been worse — well, it could've been like Harry's, which was horrible. Ron was ignoring him, all the Houses except his own hated him, and people looked at him as if he were a particularly large Blast-Ended Skrewt. All in all, Y/N had gotten the finer end of the stick.

She had successfully repaired whatever relationship she had with Draco, thank Merlin. Sure, she felt like she was just the tiniest bit pathetic, not being able to go even two days without him, but in her defense, she knew she was in the wrong when she yelled at him. It didn't sit right with her to just completely ignore the situation, to just hurt him and leave it at that. So she had finally, reluctantly, apologized (in the process, losing some dignity but also gaining some confidence), and they were back to a weird normal that seemed like a huge inside joke. Engaged but not in a relationship, but acts like they were together? Even Y/N could barely comprehend it.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were still giving Y/N support (but not as much as Cedric, of course), while Gryffindor resented her. Well, not everyone from Gryffindor, but most of the House. She didn't know why — before she was chosen for the tournament, she was on good terms with most of the House — but perhaps they were mad that Harry wasn't the only one sharing the spotlight. That there wasn't only a Gryffindor champion, but a Hufflepuff and, most 'unfortunately', their rival House, Slytherin, champion. Even though Cedric was the original champion.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang stayed indifferent to Y/N. Her friends from Durmstrang still talked to her (Viktor, Bjorn, and Valeena), and Fleur and John waved to her in the corridors when they saw her. Both schools had reluctantly accepted the fact that Hogwarts would bear three champions, while they would only have one, each.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Malfoy still hadn't sent her response back, and Y/N was doing alright in her classes. Although still somehow being top of the class, she didn't feel as though she was focused enough — she could tell she wasn't doing her absolute best, and that frustrated her.

Although they were champions together, Y/N could tell Harry held a slight grudge against her, seeing as he received the short end of the stick. She knew that he hated the fact that she was being pitied and supported instead of being disliked and forced into loneliness like he was, and Y/N could understand where he was coming from, but she didn't understand why he had been ignoring her, stalking off with Hermione and leaving his Slytherin friends in the dust. Perhaps it was because they were Slytherins that he didn't talk to him, but it was their next Double Potions lesson that made Y/N really understand why he felt ill about them.

Y/N, Daphne, Theodore, Blaise, and Pansy were a little way's behind Harry and Hermione on the way to Snape's dungeon after lunch, and when they had arrived, Y/N wanted to run away. Almost all of the Slytherins waiting outside the classroom were wearing large badges on the front of his or her robes, all bearing the same message, in luminous red letters that burnt brightly in the dimly lit underground passage:

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