70 ; the common room parties

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Y/N, Daphne, Theodore, and Blaise went up to the Owlery that evening to find Ares, so that Y/N could send Mrs. Malfoy a letter telling her that she had managed to get past her dragon unscathed, and come in first place for that task. She thought about writing to Grandmother Gertrude about the Triwizard Tournament but chose not to – Merlin knows that she'd be coming up to Hogwarts to give the Ministry a good slap for forcing her favorite granddaughter into risking her life.

Not that Y/N had been told she was Grandmother Gertrude's favorite.

She couldn't help but put every minuscule detail about the first task in the letter – how she duelled it with only a Freezing Charm, or produced a bubble shield so powerful that it was most-nearly impenetrable, and even how she recklessly decided to free the dragon, putting complete faith in her ability to tame the dragon. She mentioned the fireflies a couple hundred times, saying how she couldn't have been able to complete the task without them – heck, she even signed the letter as 'You could always trust the fireflies - Y/N Grace'!

Ares flew off, and Y/N watched as he became tinier and tinier before Theodore suggested they go back to the Slytherin common room for the party, which would've already started by them. They saw Draco on the way down from the Owlery, and Y/N smirked as she passed, keeping eye contact as he gave her a suspicious look. It wasn't until the bottom step did Draco yell,


"And that's our cue to run," Y/N said, and they bolted for the castle before Draco could catch up.

They had just entered the Slytherin common room when it exploded with cheers and yells, every single Slytherin crowded in the room. There were mountains of cakes and flagons of pumpkin juice and butterbeer on every surface; someone had let off some Filibuster's Fireworks, so that the air was thick with stars and sparks; and Adelaide Murton, who was very good at creative magic, had charmed up a miniature version of exactly what happened, which floated above everyone's heads in the high-ceilinged rooms. She had done so well that you could even feel the clash of fire and ice on your skin, and Y/N stared in wonder as Daphne, Theodore, and Blaise led her over to the table of food.

Helping herself, Y/N sat on the couch, feeling rather happy; Ron was back on their side, she'd gotten through the first task, and she wouldn't have to face the second one for three months.

"Blimey, this is heavy," said Adrian Pucey, picking up the golden egg, which Y/N had left on a table, and weighing it in his hands. Draco came in, giving Y/N a dirty look as he sat in an armchair across from her. "Open it, Y/N, go on! Let's see what's inside it!"

Several chorused his words, and with one swift look around the room, Y/N grabbed the egg from him and laid it in her lap. She dug her fingernails into the groove that ran all the way around it and pried it open.

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