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The next few weeks of summer flew by quickly, filled with a lot of Y/N trying to cram several years' worth of Pureblood education into less than two months, albeit in very few days of those two months. She couldn't do anything about it - often, she was forced to fly to other countries to meet famous witches and wizards, or to close deals regarding her inherited company. It annoyed Mrs. Nott and Mrs. Malfoy completely, to the point where they kindly suggested that they join her on her flights to the several countries.

"Alright, but you'll be bored when I'm in a meeting," Y/N had said, now very thoroughly familiar with the routine of going out of the country.

At first she had been a bit awkward, but now that she actually knew what to do when meeting a foreign ally, it came quite naturally to her. However, Mrs. Nott and Mrs. Malfoy tagging along had disrupted her schedule slightly, it wasn't too much to the point where she wasn't enjoying herself on her several vacations.

Actually, while visiting other places around the world, Y/N had bought many souvenirs for her friends at Hogwarts, and had sent them out via owl. She also bought herself a postcard from every country she visited, to keep as a memory from that place.

Y/N had barely seen anyone at all over the break, only because of, well, you know. The only consistent people she actually saw in person was Anthony, Mrs. Nott, Mrs. Malfoy, and her Grandmother Gertrude, but she did write to her best friends, including but not limited to, Theodore, Blaise, Hermione, Daphne, Ron, and Harry.

When they weren't teaching her how to fight without magic, Pureblood mannerisms, and ballroom dances, Mrs. Nott and Mrs. Malfoy were teaching Y/N about gambling - either that, or baking with her, using recipes from the recipe book that Y/N's mother had left her.

"What they don't tell you is that gambling is an essential part of the Pureblood world," said Mrs. Malfoy as she shuffled a black set of cards. "That's how some of us could have the same job, but a higher amount of money in our bank account. Anyways, Lucius is an excellent gambler - he has the perfect poker face - so he bluffs a lot, which gets him a lot of money from those who are too cowardly to stand up to him. Then there's Lisa Walker, Blaise's mom. She's too busy trying to seduce her opponent to realize that she has a rubbish hand, so she bets too much and ends up with little to no money left. That's why she marries only rich men - so she could gamble more. That's her addiction."

Y/N wasn't particularly good at first, but she got better as they practiced more - but only in their free time. Mrs. Nott even said that her poker face could rival Mr. Malfoy's!

Soon enough, it was already August twenty-third. Two months of non-stop duties had already passed, and even though she had gone on many 'vacations', Y/N was worn out. She wished there was something other than working that she could do, but there really wasn't and that frustrated her.

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